Hermione Voldemort's Daughter

By moon_rose_petals

129K 2.7K 829

Basically what the title says. Hermione is Voldemort's Daughter, and a Deatheater. I know it's been done befo... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Owls
Chapter 3: Ron's news
Chapter 4: Justin Finch-Fletchly
Chapter 5: The dark mark
Chapter 6: Home for the holidays
Chapter 7: Nightmares, Dotti's and Cluedo
Chapter 8: Finding out
Chapter 9: Diagon Ally
Chapter 10: The ball
Chapter 11: Le grenier
Chapter 12: Christmas
Chapter 13: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 14: Arguments
Chapter 15: Slipping
Chapter 16: Potions
Chapter 17: The closet
Chapter 19: Missunderstandings
Chapter 20: Another chapter called The Dark Mark
Chapter 21: Sophia's First Date
Chapter 22: Library
Chapter 23: The Deal
Chapter 25: The first kiss
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Ti Amo, Ginny Weasley
Chapter 28: My ferrety plans whirr into motion
Chapter 29: Lights, Camera, ACTION!
Chapter 30: The un-namable chapter
Chapter 31: The Aftermath
Chapter 32: Thestrals and Crab cakes
Chapter 33: Draco returns
Chapter 34: Budleigh Salterton
Chapter 35: Muggles and Mermaids
Chapter 36: Re-Play
Chapter 37: The Fair
Chapter 38: It's begun (Battle Part 1)
Chapter 39: The battle (The battle part 2)
Chapter 39: Voldemort's Story
Chapter 40: Battle Over
Epilogue: 10 Rules for Dating My Daughter
Last chapter

Chapter 18: Vera Verto

2.6K 70 15
By moon_rose_petals

Draco's POV

I slid into a seat at the back of the classroom. When Blaise didn't sit next to me I looked around for him. He was nowhere to be seen.

"Attention, please." Professor McGonagall said from the front. "Thank you. Now today we will be recapping on turning animals into goblets."
"Wait!" Potter called from his seat up top. "Mione isn't here yet!" As soon as the words left his lips, the door burst open and Blaise and Granger ran through the door, panting.

"Miss Granger, Mr Zabini, why are you late?" McGonagal asked boredly. They began to explain at the same time, so I only caught half the story.

"Detention with Snape-"

"Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs-"


"Slytherin Trait-"

"Red vines-"


"GET BACK HERE!" The latter of the voices came from a few million Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs who burst through the door. Granger shrieked and and they pursued her all around the classromm like on one of them comedies where the good guys chased the bad guys. When she passed me I stuck my foot out. She jumped over it like it was a hurdle. Instead, her pursuers tripped and fell to the floor with a clatter.

"Thanks Malfoy!" Granger called sitting down next to Longbottom, again. What were they dating or something... not that I care, obviously.

"Forget I asked," McGonagal grumbled. "As I was saying, today we will be recapping on turning animals into goblets. Can anybody tell me the phrase for this spell?" Naturally, Granger's hand shot up. She bobbed up and down like an insufferable know-it-all. Oh, wait, she is an insufferable know-it-all! "Anybody who isn't Miss Granger?" I slowly put my hand up hesitantly. "Ah, Mr Malfoy?" Everyone turned to look at me.

"Vera Verto." I replied, audibly sighing. Granger tutted at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Very good, Mr. Malfoy. 10 points to Slytherin. Vera Verto. Mr Weasley, lets see you try." Weaslbee turned bright red. McGonagal pointed to a small owl and he casted in a very small voice,

"Vera Verto." Nothing happened.

"Louder, Ron." Granger advised from behind him.

"Vera Verto." Nothing happened. He sighed, "Vera Verto, Vera Verto. VERA VERTO!" The bird exploded and the whole class laughed.

"Why were you late" I asked Blaise as McGonagal hurried to fix the poor bird.

"He was in the cupboard with Mione!" The Weaslette piped up from behind.

"You WHAT?" I whispered harshly to him.

"We were hiding from these lot." He shrugged.

"We have names!" the people with the Weaslette chorused.

"So does Voldemort but nobody says that." I retorted. "Why did you hide together?"

"I hid, she hid after me. Told her to get out, conversation ensured." He explained.

"That's not what I heard...." Sang a Hufflepuff that I think was called Megan Jones.

"What did you hear?" I asked her.

"that you two..." she began, but Blaise cut her off.

"EW! NO! EUGH! NO WAY!" He protested in rather a large voice.

"Something wrong, Mr. Zabini?" McGonagal asked. If I didn't know any better, I'd of said she'd apperated next to us.

"No professor." Blaise bleated.

"Then lets see those goblets." She commanded with her arms folded.

"Vera Verto." We chorused. The two newts infront of us turned into two graceful silver goblets with emeralds encrusted to the top. I smirked.

"Show off." Weaslebea grumbled.

"Slytherin Trait." Granger commented.

"Mione stop saying that it's getting on my nerves." Weaslbea told her. She did a funny sort of smirk and said,



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