Agape | Drarry texting

By Mary-Bay

66.8K 2.1K 396

BOOK 1 : Agape love is the highest form of love. Unconditional love, may one say. This was their last, 8th ye... More

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∆ 53 - 4th part ∆

772 22 1
By Mary-Bay

          Harry was now going to look at the memory named 2-S.

          The memory soon began playing.

          Draco, Leonore and Severus were all waiting for Harry in the dungeons. When he wasn't coming they sighed.
,,We have something to discuss." Severus said.
,,Indeed we do." Leonore said.
,,I'm sure whatever it is can wait, I want to check on Harry. See if he's okay."
,,Look, we know who did it." Leonore said.

          ,,I know as well. It was Cedric." Draco said, unamused.

          ,,Not exactly." Severus said and moved his gaze towards the ceiling. ,,It was your father, I'm afraid."
,,Excuse me?"
,,Draco. He doesn't want you to fall for Harry."
,,Kinda late for that."
,,He knows. That's why he tried making Harry hate you. He was the one to use imperio on Diggory and get him to become "you" so that he could have Harry hate you. "
,,Too bad he didn't succeed."
,,He confronted me as well. Attempted to control me. I refused to let him inside of my head." Severus said.
,,I texted him, but his answers were... Something I'd rather not show anyone." Leonore said, sadness in her voice.

          The memory switched.

          ,,So Lucius knows you're Tom Riddle's sister. No longer than a month, the word will spread."
,,Dumbledore knows." Leonore said, caressing Snape's cheek.
,,He may, but the students and other staff members do not."
,,We'll tell them."

          Another switch of memory came.

          ,,Riddle?" Draco questioned, amazed.
,,Indeed. That's why I've changed my name."
,,Why have I never heard of you?" Draco asked.
,,I was supposed to be killed when Dumbledore realized how bad Tom is. He thought I'm the same. My brother never mentioned me because he didn't like that I'm not afraid of Dumbledore like he was. But I died anyway, so it doesn't matter."

          ,,Wait. You were dead?"
,,So how exactly did he bring you back from death? Isn't that illegal? Who even brought you back?"
,,It is illegal, yes, and an extremely dangerous thing to do. But he never brought me back himself and not intentionally."

          The last memory shown to Harry shocked him.

          ,,Draco. I must insist."
,,He's my father!"
,,He hurt your loved one."
,,Please only use it once."
,,I'd never dream of using cruciatus more than once. Even if I do despise Lucius."

          Harry pulled his head out of the water. He had to find Draco.

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