Father and Son (Dadmight AU)

By BNHACinnamonRoll

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This is an AU where Inko Midoriya marries Toshinori Yagi or better known as All Might. Izuku Yagi is All Migh... More

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By BNHACinnamonRoll

10 Minutes Later

Third-Person POV

    The third match was in full swing, Iida and Ojiro inside of an arena full of dirt. No cover, just flat ground. They watched the ground explode from underneath, getting closer and closer. Their opponent, Power Loader. "We're running out of places to stand!," Ojiro yelled out, "Did Mr. Power Loader do this?! What should we do Class Rep?" Iida took in the area and analyzed it before saying, "The current topography gives our opponent an advantage. In order to keep the damage down to a minimum and defeat him, I think going to find a hero with a quirk advantageous against the opponent is the best choice."

    Ojiro nodded, "In other words, we should go for the gate? But..." Ojiro flicked his tail, hitting a small rock toward the gate and the ground collapsed under it. "There are pitfalls all the way to the gate. And we don't know where Mr. Power Loader will attack us from." Iida disregarded this fact, "Even so. As long as we work together, we can do it." Ojiro smirked, gaining new confidence from Iida, "Alright let's do this!" 

    After a minute, Ojiro had climbed onto Iida's back as they both shouted, "Fusion!" Ojiro awkwardly chuckled, "This is embarrassing..." Iida's engines shot out of his calves, lighting up, "Get ready, Ojiro! ... Reciproburst!" Iida shouted this and burst toward the gate at extreme speed. He shot over the small little pathways and the ground collapsed behind them. Ojiro held on, speaking to himself. 'We're moving faster than the holes are forming. If we keep moving like this.' Ojiro's thoughts were interrupted as Power Loader come bursting up from the ground. Saying the same thing as All Might, "I wonder." 

    From within the monitor room, Izuku and Ochako cried out for their classmates. "Oh, no!" The ground in front of the escape gate had collapsed. Iida looked about like he was thinking. Ojiro yelled out, "We're gonna fall!" Finding his solution, Iida launched them into the air with his engines, yelling out to Ojiro, "Wrap your tail around my leg!" The blonde teen nodded and did so. Iida powered up his right engines for a Recipro kick, lifting his leg. Iida threw them into a mid-air spin while yelling out, "Recipro Extend!" With a swift kick in the direction of the Escape Gate. Ojiro flew away from Iida with Power Loader exclaiming, "Wh-What the...?"

    The pro in his mechanical suit reached out for Ojiro only to be kicked away with the boy's muscular tail. Flying through the Escape Gate with the sound of the gate's voice, "Good job!" Present Mic coming on the intercom, "Team Iida and Ojiro have passed!" Power Loader's smirk could be heard in his voice, "It was kind of forceful, but it didn't take long, and you were quick-witted enough to get your friend out without getting injured yourself... Not bad. You pass."

    Iida nodded, bowing, "Thank you very much!"

    From the monitor room, Izuku and Ochako's worried expressions turned to that of relief and happiness. Ochako cheered, "They're both amazing!" Izuku complimented Iida in his mind, 'Iida's so cool!'  Then, the camera zoomed in and they all had a good laugh as Iida said, "Also, I can't get out."

4th Match, Urban Practice Area

Yaoyorozu's POV

    I picked up my head, snapping out of my thoughts when Todoroki spoke. "Let's go, it's our turn... Yaoyorozu! Are you nervous?" I adjusted my stance, standing tall, "N-No..." He just shrugged, "Considering who we're up against... But I have an idea." I was interested and listened, but Todoroki was interrupted by Present Mic, "Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu! Practical Exam! Ready, go!"

    We began running through the alleyways to stay unseen and Todoroki yelled to me with his eyes still forward, "Yaoyorozu! It doesn't matter what you make, just keep creating small objects! When you can't make them anymore, it means Mr. Aizawa can see us." We soon arrived at the end and Todoroki looked at both ends of the street while continuing to tell me the plan. "Once he finds us, I'll distract him. You go for the Escape Gate. Stay with me until then."

    I just sighed and he looked at me, "What's wrong? Hurry up and make something." I snapped out of my daze and nodded, "Right... Okay." Soon, we were running through the street while I constantly make Matryoshka Dolls. Todoroki looked at me once again and we stopped, "Yaoyorozu, I told you to make something, but what are those?" I replied, "These are Russian Matryoshka Dolls." He nodded and turned away to face the road again, "I see. Well, alert me if anything weird happens with your quirk."

    We resumed and I chatted while we ran, "I expected nothing less of you, Todoroki." He sounded confused, "What do you mean?" "Well, you were able to formulate a plan against Aizawa so quickly, and you were able to determine what would be best at once." He just seemed to shrug me off with, "It's nothing special." This left me just plain confused and I repeated it, "Nothing special...? As students who got into U.A. through recommendations, we started from the same place, but in terms of practical skills a hero needs, I haven't done anything that stands out at all."

     "During the cavalry battle at the Sports Festival, I did just as you said. In my own fight, I lost before I could do anything against Tokoyam-" He interrupted me before I could even finish my own sentence, brushing my worries off again. "Yaoyorozu, your matryoshkas..." There was a moment of silence between us as we became immediately alert, looking for our teacher.

    I looked up at a voice I heard from above, "If you realize that, then you should immediately start acting! You should prioritize evasion since I've stolen a march on you." I turned to see Aizawa drop and Todoroki attempt to use his quirk, but...he didn't? Of course, it was erased! I snapped out of my thoughts as my partner yelled at me and kicked Aizawa, "Yaoyorozu, run!"

    I turned around immediately and began running for the escape gate. The last thing I saw as I ran was Todoroki becoming bound by Aizawa's scarf...

Aizawa's POV

    "Is that what your plan was?," I scoffed as I tied up my half n' half student while Yaoyorozu ran away. "Hehe, then this is perfect. Either way, I'd been planning to catch you first since you're the offense." I pulled the scarf and restrained my student to the telephone pole wires. Tying the end of the scarf to the pole itself I heard him chuckle. "You think you've caught me, Aizawa-Sensei? I could burn or freeze these binds in an instant."

    This annoyed me a little, I hate when the brats think they're too smart for me. I just sighed, "I don't care which you do. Just be wary of where you fall." Right after this, I threw Caltrops right below Todoroki. He wasn't going anywhere.

    I smiled, amused when my student questioned my move. "Caltrops? What're you a ninja? Coming up with such an unpleasant countermeasure..." I interrupted my restrained enemy, "It's different from the time with the hero killer.  I know the Quirks and numbers of heroes." Leaning back to clean out my eye with an eyedrop, I continued, "I'm perfectly prepared to intercept you. Your plan places the burden pretty heavily on yourself. It's nice to try and be considerate to the girl, but here is not the best place to score a girlfriend, Todoroki." I smirked more as I noticed a red tint on my usually emotionless student. Then, I ran off in pursuit of his 'girlfriend'.

Third-Person POV

    Yaoyorozu had been running for a good minute and a half now, making her Russian dolls to tell if Aizawa was following her. She was getting tired, wondering in her mind, 'How much farther until the Escape Gate? Is there a shorter route? Is Todoroki alright? Should I make something to make me go faster? Will I be able to get out like this?'  She kept this up. Her mind plagued with Anxiety. 

    She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard something. She turned her head and saw Aizawa there, swinging from telephone pole to telephone pole. And then, it was too late. Aizawa grabbed her arm with the capture scarf, it was over, right? 

    At that moment, Aizawa made a mistake, he didn't erase her quirk and Yaoyorozu noticed this. She made a large wrist weight that lifted up the tape, and she slipped her arm out. Running back towards Todoroki with one thing screaming in her mind, 'I'm sorry, Todoroki! I can't leave you!'  Aizawa sat on the rooftop, watching, "Damn girl left all decision-making to him. She must have decided he was better than her at the Sports Festival...Watching Todoroki, who for better or worse doesn't hesitate much, she must have become unable to have confidence in her own thinking, huh? Still a child of 15 in her brain...how about I help her regain that confidence? No, that's not my job right now."


    Meanwhile, Todoroki thought to himself while he hung over Aizawa's trap. 'I should've talked about this plan over more... Now that I think about it, she looked like she wanted to say something.'  Suddenly, he was snapped from his thoughts with a familiar shout. "Todoroki!" He looked up from the ground in shock as his partner came into sight.

    "Yaoyorozu?!," He yelled in confusion. She tried to speak up, but he interrupted her, "I'd let you continue, but Mr. Aizawa is coming!" Once Yaoyorozu laid eyes on Aizawa, her mind was clouded as she blocked everything out with her worries. 'Should I save Todoroki? Or should I run? ... What should I do?!'  Todoroki's voice pulled her out of it by yelling her name and asking, "You've got a plan, right? From the start? I'm sorry, I should've asked first. You have an idea?"

    She was still doubtful, looking away, "If your plan failed...then how could mine..." He snarled, "It's fine! Just spit it out! I'm saying you're more suited for this! When we voted for Class Rep, you got two votes, right? One of those votes was mine! Because I thought you'd be good at it!"

    Aizawa jumped from the telephone cable, about to pin Yaoyorozu in when she suddenly grabbed the Matryoshka Dolls from the waist part of her hero costume, yelling, "Todoroki! Close your eyes!" She threw them up as the half n' half teen closed his eyes. As they made their way to Aizawa's height, he kicked at one. "The hell are these?" Once kicked, it revealed, they were flash grenades.

    With the cover of the flash blinding Aizawa, she lowered Todoroki. "I do have a plan, Todoroki! A special operation, just to beat Mr. Aizawa!" The teacher smirked as he landed and regained his bearings. Impressed with that sneak attack of Yaoyorozu's. He retreated to a rooftop to give him some time, the aftereffects of USJ left him less time with his quirk. Too bad he couldn't wear his glasses, he hated the damn contacts. Once ready, Aizawa shot his scarf at Todoroki which the teen dodged. Todoroki attempted to use his fire, but Aizawa already erased his quirk. After a moment of chatter, they both ran off to hide.

    Yaoyorozu told Todoroki her plan as they ran off, they had to get out of Aizawa's sight. There'd definitely be an interval of time where he can't erase their quirks. Aizawa shot his scarf at them, "I've got you!" Then. He blinked.

    In an instant, Todoroki used his right side. Forming his biggest move that he showed at the Sports Festival, his gigantic ice wall. Aizawa retreated as to not be hit and finally lost sight of Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. "Dammit!"

Izuku's POV 

    I watched on as they escaped Aizawa, Ochako and I both cheered since we were watching them.  Though, something bothered me as I turned to Ochako, "Y'know, I never understood why Uncle Zawa swore so much. I'm not allowed to do it...because last time I did, bad things happened..." Ochako looked at me and questioned this, so I began to tell her about the time I first swore.


     I was cutting some vegetables in the kitchen while helping Mom prepare for dinner and she left for a moment, suddenly, I missed with the knife and cut myself a little with the knife, "F-Fuck!," I yelled on accident. Bad move. I heard Dad come around the corner, muscle form, "Izuku! Son, you can't swear, only villains do that!" I was saddened by the scolding, I hadn't meant to swear.

    Then, almost like they could sense it, I watched two blonde individuals come screaming through the open kitchen window?! I recognized them and stammered, "K-Kacchan?! M-Mrs. Bakugo?!" They both approached my dad, even if he was in his muscle form and Kacchan spoke up, "Oi!! Am I a damn villain, huh?"

    We all froze in our tracks as we sensed dark energy...  Behind Dad was Mom! She had...one..two..three...no FOUR wooden spoons floating around her and she screamed, "WHO TAUGHT MY BABY BEAN TO SWEAR?!" I watched Kacchan and Mrs. Bakugo's eyes widened and I hid behind Dad and even he was a little scared while Mom annihilated them...
(Thanks to Ria_YukiShiro  for this idea in the comments of Chapter 13!)

Flashback End

Third-Person POV

    Aizawa was sent back by the ice while and his brows furrowed. 'Dammit, they were waiting for this.' 

    Todoroki was glad, "Alright we can use our quirks now." He activated his fire and ice, "Now tell me the rest of the plan before w-" He turned to see Yaoyorozu had exposed her chest while facing away from him, making something. He turned back around and away from her, "Y-You're making Aizawa's weapon?" Yaoyorzu nodded, "I don't know what it's made of or the details of how it's made, so it's not exactly the same. But I made my own version with a certain material woven into it."

    "Since this a residential area, we must keep damage to a minimum. And he moves so quickly with those restraining bonds, making him hard to catch... this is my plan."

     Back in the Monitor Room, Ochako seemed confused, "Why isn't Mr. Aizawa going after them?" Izuku thought about this before saying, "Well, maybe he overused his eyes? You know they're damaged after USJ."

    Back on the field, Yaoyorozu had made a catapult, setting the fake Aizawa scarf in it. Yaoyorozu seemed proud of it, "I believe this has a higher chance of succeeding than trying to escape Mr. Aizawa. It will be decided in an instant. Is this alright?" Todoroki nodded, looking at his ice wall, "Yeah. No complaints here." On the other side, Aizawa was thinking about his next approach. Sitting cross-legged on a rooftop. 'So it'll be better to watch their approach carefully rather than try to chase them. Jeez. Damn ki-' He was snapped out of his thoughts by two individuals running under the protection of cloaks.

    Aizawa chased the figures, "It's true I need to see you to use my quirk. But there's a lot of disadvantages to your cloak!" He shot out his rope and grabbed the two... or so he thought! The upper bodies were...mannequins?! Yaoyorozu revealed herself and the catapult.  She immediately hit the lever, almost missing it. In an instant, the Eraser-Teacher was surrounded in what looked like his own weapon.

    She yelled out to Todoroki, "Todoroki! Shoot your flames low!" From underneath the second cloak, Todoroki's iconic red fire shot out toward the area under Aizawa. This confused Aizawa, 'He didn't aim for me? What're they do-'  He soon found out as Yaoyorozu's version of his scarf hardened as she yelled to Aizawa, "Ever heard of nitinol alloy?! When heated, it returns to its original shape in an instant! It's a shape memory alloy!" As she said, in an instant, Aizawa had been captured...

With a final smirk, he said.


(A/N: HOLY FU- This took me way too long... I neglected my bois and gorls..and I'm sorry. Just a lot of stuff going on. I'll try not to make the next chapter take 17 days to write. See you guys next time!)

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