My True Fight - A Pokemon Ins...

By Legendary_Etta_7

3.3K 166 271

Pink wakes up to find out her memories have been wiped, she has been chosen by Mew, and someone is following... More

Wake Up!
Kill The Augur
Lab Attack!
"Time" for School!
Abyssal and Perfection Cults in one day!
Riolu and Rotom.
A new friend. Forest is caught in Vupik Dump.
Memories of why I hate you. Double Delta Ralts.
Scientist Club. Kill the augur round 2. Jearn...
Library, Megas, and Oracle
Purple and Forest... A new moon...
Audrey and The Snorlax...
Scissors vs Snorlax vs... Purple?
A hospital of half aliens...
Dream World and Past World.
Lime learns something new. Skully and Purple save the day.
Machines and Seawater. Forest....
The Dragon War.
Purple and the Power Farm
Pink and the Murk Forest. A new friend. Purple's base?
Purple's base part 2?
Magic Town? Zach is Zenith is Zach... what?
Cream's new pokemon! What are you up to Purple? Hoopa?
Noivila. I'm going to kill Taen... The Dragon Knight?
A vision. Helping An ally.
Go away, Zackary. Mrs. Williams!
Mewtwo. Up the mountain, Forest.
Zenith down! Persephone...
Dream World....
Bye Jearn...
Jearn?! Pink vs Purple's rescue missions
The third augur. The Hell, Taen!?
The third augur 2. Matt learns Purple's secret.
Holon. John vs Purple.
Holon Dexters. Maple?
Matt Meets Shandowa. John and Taen vs. Purple and John. Velvet and Mom talk.
Velvet to the Rescue! Pink's catching techniques? Maple...
'Namehere' Round 2? Purple's Incredible win!
Save Forest! Purple?!
Forest Recovers! Audrey?
Reukra is a what?
Pokemon League 2! Pathetic?! The Midori Promise?
MOM!? Legendary Guardians are Official!
The Next Journey!

You going to be ok, Purple? Pokemon League!

34 4 2
By Legendary_Etta_7


It seemed like an hour since Purple passed out. Even though that didn't seem like much, she really needed to talk to him. She didn't want to shake him due to she didn't know if he was in pain. Purple's eyes fluttered open.

"Hm?" He noticed her next to him. "Pink..." He saw Lime headed over to them. "Lime..." She placed a plate of food next to him.

"Morning Purple. How are you feeling?"

"Not....... that b-bad......."

"You keep freezing up."

"Great English there, Pink."

"Who asked you for your opinion, Lime?"

"The word is stuttering."

"Shush, booknerd."



"Yes, Purple?" Purple grimaced as he sat up.

"Knock it off."


"The only person that can argue with you, Pink, is me."

"Why can't I argue with her?"

"We're twins. It looks natural."

"You've got no idea."

"What could be worse than twins?" Pink and Lime chuckled.

"When you were dying in the Amphitrite Center, me and Lime were going to meet someone and get my legendary. The two of us went and stayed head to head the entire way down." He blinked before shaking his head.

"Weirdos......." He flinched trying to stand up.

"Careful..." He smiled weakly.

"I'm... f-fine..." He quivered as he got up. His legs gave way. Lime grabbed his arm before he hit the ground.

"What happened? Jearn seemed angry at you." Purple chuckled. He slipped out his phone and stumbled. His face went pale. Lime kept a grip on his arm. Smoke grabbed the phone and took it from him. Shandowa appeared and went over, holding the phone. It touched his throat and sighed. It grabbed him and leaned him against a tree, despite Purple's complaints. Shandowa went back over and touched something on the phone. It turned it to the girls, its face cringed.

"Just recently, a trainer was attacked by a group of Sky cultists just near Suntouched City. Here is what he said.

"Yeah... a... g-roup of Sky cultists ambushed me while I was training for the Vupik Gym...... t-they destroyed my pokemon... a-and the leader... he hit me..."

"He was even able to tell us who the leader was."

"T-t-the....... Jearn... the second augur. His Salamence struck me and knocked me out......."

The girls blinked before glancing at Purple. He paused before saying:

"It was totally worth it." Pink sighed before remembering that Adam asked her to do something. She rummaged through her bag. She pulled out the package and handed it to him.

"Dad wanted you to have it." Purple paused before taking it and opening it. He smiled softly.

"I'm almost not surprised." The two girls giggled at that. Lime turned to Pink.

"8 badges, huh?" Pink pulled out her badge case and showed it. "You should go. Take on the league." Pink smiled. She looked at both of them.

"Will you two be ok? Lime nodded.

"Go for it, Pink..." The girls turned to Purple, who was fading out. "We can......" Shandowa groaned. Lime went over to him and looked at Pink.

"Go. We'll be fine. You put yourself as the Champion." Pink smiled.

"Take care of him. He has a list of questions to answer. I'll be writing them down." Lime smiled.

"I'll make sure to tell him." Pink giggled and ran to the Pikataxi.
Pink, with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, was able to get to the pokemon league. She went in, healed her pokemon and rested. She was glad that Purple and Lime didn't ask about the Giratina. She went up to the trainer and showed her badge case. He glanced at it and let her pass. She walked in, excepting the worse.
The first elite 4 room was pink. She wasn't surprised by the elite either.

"Bring it on! I, Kayla, will stop you!"
The second room was a desert. Not kidding. Sand flew around the room. The elite made it look easy.

"Let's do this! I'm ready when you are."
The third room was freezing. Literally, there was snow on the ground. The elite made it worse.

"Come at me!" And don't hesitate!"
The fourth room was very techy. If that was even a word. The elite matched the room. It was a little scary.

"You won't make it past me..."
She arrived at the champion room. The black and gold was throwing her off. The Champion stood with their back to her. The Champion turned slightly to throw a pokeball.

"Welcome Pink..." Her eyes widened.

And she died! Finally!

No... don't do this to me...

I don't want to write the Champion battle...


The Champion turned around, revealing a familiar face.

"Reukra..." Pink gulped. "Why am I even surprised?" He smiled. "What? Was Audrey something as powerful as this? Elite 4? No..." He chuckled as he watched her struggle. She rubbed her temples. "Ok... you got me."

"Pink... your face was priceless." Pink snarled. "To assist your... confusion, Audrey was a fellow partner. We were a dynamic duo. The two of us, Adam, Llumyal, and..." He paused. "Another person... we went around Torren and did a similar thing that you and your friends did. Only... back then there was only one cult. Currently, thanks to your hard work, there are only two. Even though the Infernal Cult was the oldest doesn't mean they were more memorable. About two... three years from now, people won't know who they were. Trust me, the team in Hoenn, Team Magma, is still more memorable. Regardless, the five of us were constantly going at each other. If we were to put the original group in your position... Adam sat in yours, Llumyal was Purple... literally. Me and Audrey would be Forest... and the last person would be Lime. It's interesting that the two groups have so much in common... but that doesn't matter right now. Any questions before I kick you back to Telnor Town?" Pink paused. Many questions remained.

"Yes... one: what was the cult that was there during your journey? Two: who was the last person on the journey? And three:" She gulped nervously as she looked at the pokemon in front of her. She could feel it. She was going to be knocked out. "Why did you help us?" He smiled.

"Such good questions! Let me answer them..." And that's when everything went black...

Yep. Got out of that one.

No...................... fine.....

Pink was slammed into a wall. Scissors, Skully, and Mom popped out and charged. Pink was awake enough to see Scissors start the fight. She didn't get a good look, but she knew that it wasn't a move on his list. Frosty appeared at her side as she blacked out.
"Pink!" Pink immediately jerked up. Mom and Skully were looking at her. They had won. Scissors walked over with Reukra in its claw. Pink stood up.

"Drop him. Now." Scissors scoffed and dropped Reukra.

"Does that usually happen? The unconsciousness part." She huffed.

"Only with cult leaders." She paused. "Hey! I haven't gotten answers!" He snapped his fingers in defeat.

"I was almost there. Ok... what were the questions?" Pink frowned. "I was so busy trying to figure out what your pokemon were doing that I forgot." She sighed.

"We'll deal with the battle in a minute... one: what was the cult in your journey?"

"Cult of Crime." Pink froze. "I'll tell you more about that when we talk about the battle." She gulped.

"Two: who was the last person in the journey?" Reukra paused.

"Audrey... Adam... Llumyal... they knew the person well. I barely ran into them. I can't answer that. Sorry." She sighed.

"Three: why did you help us?" He chuckled.

"Purple, Audrey, and Llumyal. They all trusted you and your friends. I just tagged along." He smiled. "Right now... follow me." He led her into the Hall of Fame. There, she put her pokemon in and the screen lit up. Her four pokemon were shown. Skully, her first pokemon. Scissors, her strongest pokemon. Frosty, the shy strength. Mom, her motherly figure and legendary pokemon. The question appeared in her head.

Who's next to join? 


Reukra and Pink walked out of the league. They had finished talking about the battle and were moving to the cult.

"The Cult of Crime is a small group of criminals who can do more damage than any other cult or team and not get caught. They have been around since the beginning of time. The Infernal Cult is younger than this cult. Team Rocket is younger than this cult. It's amazing that it still stands. Me and Audrey couldn't beat them, Adam was always having a hard time with them, the last person, from what I heard, never could keep up. Llumyal... never found out how her fights went... but knowing Purple, she was probably one of them." Pink nodded. "You seem to freeze up at the name. Did something happen?" She showed him Purple's notes. His eyes widened.

"Those are Purple's. The name caught me off guard." He nodded.

"Bring that up to your dad." He smiled. "If the Cult of Crime has appeared again..." He trailed off instantly. He smiled. "Well... now that you're Champion you're going to be getting a lot of requests." Pink smiled.

"I'll live. Besides, there is no one that wants me dead-"

"Taen still stands."

"Correction... I only have one major problem."

"There is something wrong with you."

"I know Purple."

"Fair enough... see you." He took off as she waved. She sighed and looked at the sky. Her phone buzzed. She picked it up.

"Hello? Yes. Hm... yep. 10.... minutes. Got it. Ok... Yeah? Ok... I'll be there. No... I'm not going easy. Ok. Bye." Pink hung up and grinned.

"Crystal Cave, huh? Yeah right I'll go easy."

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