Agape | Drarry texting

By Mary-Bay

66.8K 2.1K 396

BOOK 1 : Agape love is the highest form of love. Unconditional love, may one say. This was their last, 8th ye... More

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820 26 1
By Mary-Bay

hermioneg created a groupchat
hermioneg named the groupchat QUICK THANKS

hermioneg added bzabini, lovegood, ronaldwsl, dracomalfoy, nevillelb


hermioneg : I and Ron just wanted to say thank you all for caring about Harry
hermioneg : especially you, Malfoy

ronaldwsl : he's my, our best mate, it really means a lot to us
ronaldwsl : even if we don't know what happened
ronaldwsl : you all still cared

bzabini : of course we care

lovegood : Harry's a friend
lovegood : of course we'll be here for him

dracomalfoy : I wanted to say thank you to you all as well. At least Harry didn't have to feel like his friends don't care about him. He's very broken because of what happened and if you all didn't come, it would break him even more.

nevillelb : wow Malfoy
nevillelb : you sure do care about him

dracomalfoy : of course I do, he's the best friend I've ever had

ronaldwsl : I agree with Malfoy, but like
ronaldwsl : in a opposite way
ronaldwsl : you're the best friend he's had
ronaldwsl : in the last few days we may have been there for him but you were protecting him more than all of us.

hermioneg : he has told us of what you've done when he was feeling down because of the fight we had

bzabini : mind explaining?

hermioneg : Draco spoke to some professors, Snape for example and told them to go easy on Harry

lovegood : how thoughtful of you, Draco

nevillelb : yes, thoughtful indeed!
nevillelb : that was very nice of you to do, Malfoy

dracomalfoy : please, all of you, call me Draco

bzabini : I already do

dracomalfoy : Merlin, Blaise I meant everyone else than you

bzabini : whatever

ronaldwsl : can't believe I'm saying this, but
ronaldwsl : since you and Pansy are still not on great terms
ronaldwsl : you may sit with us at the Gryffindor table if you'd like

dracomalfoy : thank you very much, Weasley

hermioneg : anyway, thank you all again
hermioneg : that's all we wanted to say

hermioneg deleted the groupchat

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