Book Of Tabbo

By Crazy-house

118K 948 180

A combination of wild dark fantasies and exotic pleasures mixed into one taboo(tabbo) book of short stories. ... More

Bed time


1.2K 33 6
By Crazy-house

Everyone in their lives are looking for new experiences. Some, of this world of mixed man and beast, are looking for new dangers.

Vern was looking for both. He is known as the shy boy. The one that "looks too big to be shy" as most say.

He had the build of a pro football player and the looks of a t.v star. Yet he was shy about everything, a virgin, and often cowered from anyone. Girls found him weird and guys pitied him. Vern didn't care, he just liked working out and reading. That's all.

But his few friends pressured him to get out. They made sure he wouldn't be able to come back to his home until the am.

Vern sighed softly as he lifted a hand to rub his light blond hair. He was walking down the street yet wasn't sure where to go. He just knew he had to find something new so his friends would let him be to read his books alone.


It was a soft call from the right of Vern. He looked over slightly unsure. He spotted a man at a doorway dressed down in a suit. The door was black, and looked to belong to a kinda underground club since the steps to it went downwards.

It reminded Vern of hells gates.

"Hey?" Vern realized the man at the door was calling out to him. "Want to have a new favorite place?"

Confused at the words Vern rised an eye brow at the man. The suited man pointed at the black door he stood by. Soon he leaned over and opened it. Soft and soothing music started to flow out of the place. Vern looked at the doorway, seeing a dim red light that led the way.

Slowly he eased closer. He was scared of going inside without more detail. Before he could ask, his hand was snatched and he was shoved inside. The door closed behind him as he caught his balance. His heart picked up as he looked down the long hall before him. At the end he could see shadows passing by. He wanted to turn around and leave but curiosity always won with him.

Each steps got quieter as the music hed got louder. Soon his ears was filled with low chatter of people. He made it to the end of the hall and in front of him was a large open area.

It was some sort of club but different. Vern glanced around and took in everything. From the stage in the middle of the area with whips and rope hanging over it, to the half naked bodies walking around.

Heat slowly filled his face as he started to break apart the music and chatter. In between it all were moans and soft cries. Vern moved to turn around and leave yet bumped into a smaller body.

"I-I'm sorry!" He quickly made sure he was clear and took fault.

He looked at who he almost trampled. It was a short guy, he reached Vern's chest area. He was lean and had shaggy brown hair. His blue eyes looked up at Vern and caused the larger male to freeze.

Vern thought he was beautiful.

The male thought Vern was disrespectful. "Excuse you?"

Vern snapped out of his thoughts and quickly stepped back to out space between them. "I'm sorry...."

The shorter male watched Vern before scuffing and glaring up at him. "How dare you look at waste of space where is your owner or master?"

Vern was surprised at the sharp tone that came from the beauties mouth. Realizing what was happening Vern lowered his eyes and suddenly wanted out more then ever.

"I...don't have an owner or master....I am leaving now. I don't belong here." Vern tried to walk around the shorter guy. He didn't make it far as he was tripped by an out stretched leg.

Falling forward and yelping softly he felt his face heat up more. His eyes watered as he slowly moved to his knees and tried to fight of the embarrassment of being so easy a target.

A shadow moved over him and he looked up at the shorter male. The glare that was on him caused Vern to shrink back. "You poor poor one to claim you....or save you from me."

Vern swallowed thickly as the male reached out for him.


Clapping. There was a crowd clapping.

With effort Vern opened his eyes. He was tired and sore all over. Slowly he lifted his head and tried to look around. His head was shoved back down onto the soft cushions. He whimpered as he realised Dell was still punishing him.

Dell. The short devil in disguise.

Verns hands were cuffed together behind his back. He was stripped of his pants and humiliated as Dell teased him. Crying didn't help him. Begging didn't help him. As the hours passed Vern stopped fighting and submitted to the abuse. His virginity was taken. He bled from waved of wounds. He was shown his own expressions and reactions.

He was forced to lay on the cushioned seats. Cuffed and legs spread so Dell could touch what he wanted. They were at a darker booth in the back. Dell was watching the show on stage while waiting for Vern to wake back up.

When he saw he was away he leaned down to Verns ear to speak softly. "I forgive you now. Do you want to go?"

Vern felt a new wave of tears fill his eyes as he nodded quickly. He wanted to go home. He wanted no more of this.

Dell smiled as he rubbed Verns cheek softly. "If you go you have to go with me."

Vern's tears spilled over as he trembled. He wanted so many eyes off him. He couldn't take it anymore. He nodded again quickly.

The hand cuffs were removed and he was given his clothing. Before he could even think of running his hair was grabbed roughly. He whimpered loudly as he looked at Dell bending to his lower height.

"I really like you. Can we play again tomorrow? Come back here ok." Dell smiled at Vern. A real smile.

Vern was shaking as he pushed out a nod. He was released and followed Dell out. Vern was in a daze as he told Dell his address when he asked for it. As he was dropped off home he watched as Dell drove off. His body sagged in relief.

As he moved inside his house he broke down in another wave of tears. It was 3am.

He bathed and went to bed. Nightmares ran through his head and he tossed and turned. When he woke up again he got dressed. Ate a light meal. Than headed out into the busy streets. Not paying anything much mind Vern only had one thought.


Dell would be angry if he didn't show up again. Dell knew where he lived. Dell didn't care how he hurt Vern. Dell smiled at Verns tears. Dell didn't like resistance. Dell was clear on his orders. Dell just wanted him to listen. Dell. Dell. Dell. Dell.

Vern looked up and blinked as he stood in front of a black door. He blinked again before his eyes widened. Turning around he was prepared to run away until his hand was caught in another. Snapping his head to the side Vern's heart pounded as he looked down at Dell.

They held hands and Dell was smiling brightly. "You came back....I knew you were a good boy!"

Vern looked down at the warm hand in his. "Good.....boy?"

If punishments were mind breaking.....were the rewards just the same?

Vern looked at Dell and gave a small shaky smile. "Yeah....I'm a good boy...."

This was new.


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