Adopted (Laurance X Reader) S...

Bởi Fanfics7781

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Y/n is almost 17. She is a Junior at O'khasis until she gets adopted. She's cheerleader, a dancer and she lov... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 - Filler chapter ;)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
New Story Cover!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- Filler chapter

Chapter 19

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Bởi Fanfics7781

~The Day after her birthday (Monday)~

I woke up to my stupid alarm and got ready. (Where what you want and do your hair however you want) I finished getting ready so I headed downstairs to get breakfast and saw dad making food, "Hey dad! Where's Kate?" I asked looking around he pointed upstairs and I nodded.

"You driving your new car to school today?" He asked me and I aggressively nodded.

"Yes! I'm so excited!" I said fangirling he laughed. "Ok, I'm gonna go tell Kate that I had to leave to meet Dante at school." I hugged him and walked outside. I got into my car and headed to school. When I got there I saw Dante talking to his brother. There was also a red-haired girl next to them. The girl and Dante looked angry, and a little scared. 'I wonder what that's about.' I saw Laurence looking at them too. I walked up to him.

" I wonder what that's about..." I said as I motioned towards them.

"Yeah... It looks like their arguing about something..." He said.

I nodded. "I'll ask him later but he's been distant from me lately... anyway how come you're not with Aph?" I asked changing the subject.

"I don't know. She said she had to talk to some guy Eric... Aaron... someone about a project." He said not really caring. 'That's weird usually he'd be jealous about something like this...'

"How do you like your new car?" He asked.

"I love it!!!" I squealed. He laughed quietly. "Hey... are you ok? You seem a little distant?" I asked concerned about him.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine..." He said sounding more depressed.


'I'm not fine... I think I like Y/n....' Y/n kept trying to get me to tell her what's wrong.

"Come on... I know you're not fine... What's wrong? You can tell me." She said and I shook my head.

"There's nothing to tell," I said and she was about to say something but Aph came up to us. 'Thank god'

"Hey aph!" Y/n said. She smiled and waved at me then hugged me. I hugged her back but not really wanting to. 'I like Y/n but she's happy with Dante and I don't think she likes me.' I looked at Y/n and she was giving me the 'I know you're not fine' look. I looked away.


'Somethings wrong with him and I'm going to figure it out' I looked over at Dante again and at this point, his brother was gone and it was just him and that girl. I walked over to them.

"Hey, Dante... What did your brother want?" I asked and he jumped back.

"O-Oh Y/n... Hi. It was nothing. He was just telling me t-that he and his friends are going to the park after school.." He said obviously lying. I nodded slowly.

"Mhm. Hi, I'm Y/n." I said looking over at the redhead.

"O-oh. H-hi, I'm Nicole and you're his g-girlfriend." She stuttered and I nodded.

"Yeahhh... Um... I'm gonna go... Dane, I'll see you after school." I said walking back over to Laurance and Aph. "Guys... Somethings going on with Dante and he's been lying to me.." I said when I got over there. I saw Laurance get a little mad.

"Yeah, he's definitely been acting weird..." Aph responded.

"After school, I'm gonna talk to his brother..." I said.

"No! You can't do that!" Laurance said scaring me. "He's not a good guy.." he said less aggressively.

"Fine. Go with me then." I responded and he nodded.


School is over now and I'm waiting by the fountain for Laurance to talk to Gene. I was on my phone getting really nervous and my leg was shaking then I saw Laurance walking towards me. I got up and started walking towards him.

"You ready...?" I asked nervously. He nodded. We started walking towards him. He was standing against a tree probably waiting for the rest of his 'gang'. I took a deep breath and put on my tough girl act. "Gene! What the hell is going on with you? Dante, and that red hair girl?" I asked.

"So... now you want to know?" He asked suspiciously. He looked back at Laurance. "And I see you got a bodyguard huh?" He said.

"Just tell me what's going on," I said getting mad. He chuckled. I could tell Laurance was getting mad too. Suddenly he pinned Gene up against the tree.

"Tell us what the fuck is going on!" Laurance screamed.

"F-fine... G-Gene's kissed N-Nicole..." He said struggling to breathe. Laurance let him go and looked at me worriedly.

"I don't believe you.." I said to him and he showed me a picture of them kissing. For some reason, I didn't really care that he kissed her I just wanted to know what he was making them do. "Ok.. so what were you making them do?" I asked.

"None of your business..." He said.

I scoffed and began to walk away, "Whatever, I know what I want to anyway." I walked away and looked back at Laurence. "Hey... You want to hang out today?" I asked him and he just nodded still looking a little worried about me. I told him I'd give him a ride because Cadenza had to go somewhere so we got in my car and headed to his house. I was a little upset about everything that happened. We got there and his mom was in the kitchen I just went straight up to Laurance's room and Laurance stayed behind to probably tell his mom what's going on. (Does he even have a mom? Oh well) I laid down on his bed and put the pillow over my head. I heard the door open and felt Laurance sit next to me. He took the pillow off my head. I looked at him.

"Hey, It's ok... He's a jerk anyway.." He said and grabbed my cheek. "If he can do something like that to someone as amazing as you then he just doesn't deserve you." He said. I blushed. I sighed... 'Why did I blush?' I start thinking back memories between me and Laurance these past few weeks. I have been starting to feel different around him lately. 'I think the reason why I don't really care about him kissing someone else is because I think I have feelings for Laurance... I can't tell him though..' I sighed.

"That's not even it... The problem is I'm not even that upset..." I said not telling him what I realized... 'He probably doesn't feel the same...'

"So... You going to break up with him?" He asked.

"Yeah... I'm going to tomorrow but for now, I just wanna hang out here." I said looking up at him. He nodded and laid next to me. We started watching Netflix and I eventually fell asleep.


'I wonder why Y/n feels like that... I honestly feel really bad for her...' I felt her move and I looked down to see her sleeping with her hand on my chest. 'Aww, she's so cute... I-I mean, I've missed this...' I smiled and stroked her head. 'I-I think I might like her... But I can't tell her that... She just got cheated on and I doubt she feels the same way as me... I need to talk to Garroth about this..' I realized I was blushing a little bit. I looked back down at her and started smiling. I wrapped my arms around her and decided to take a little nap too.


I woke up and it was now 6 pm. 'Shit! I should probably wake Y/n up she might need to get home.'

"Y/n... wake up," I whispered in her ear. She blushed a little and jolted up. I chuckled. 'She's so cute...'

"It's 6 do you need to go home?" I asked her.


"y/n... wake up," Laurance whispered in my ear. I blushed and jolted up he chuckled.

"It's 6 do you need to go home?" He asked me. I shook my head slowly.

"Can we just have a sleepover like we used to. When we would sneak into each other's rooms and have a sleepover?" I asked and laughed a little. He nodded.

"Of course... Just call your dad, you can eat here and stay the night. I'll go tell my parents."He said and gave me a hug. I smiled and nodded he left to go tell his parents. I started to call my dad and ask him.

"H-Hey, dad... So I was wondering if I could stay the night at the Zvahl's house tonight? I'm going through something and I really just need Laurance right now..." I said a little sadly.

"O-Oh... um yeah sure... What's going on?... Y-You'll tell me about it when you get home right?" He responded sounding worried about me.

"Y-Yeah, of course, I'll tell you and Kate about it tomorrow... Thank you so much I love you dad talk to you tomorrow after school..." I responded. I hung up the phone and walked downstairs. I should probably apologize to Laurance's mom for not greeting her earlier.

"H-Hey I'm sorry for being rude earlier... I'm sure Laurance explained it to you?" I asked and she nodded.

"Oh hun, it's okay I understand.." She said sincerely. I hugged her and she hugged me back. "Anyway, dinner's done... I figured you'd be staying for dinner at least so I made F/f!!" She said and I smiled.

"Aw, thanks!" I thanked her.

"Hey Y/n, we should eat in the living room and watch F/s!" I smiled and nodded. I grabbed two plates of food handed him his food then I sat down next to him on the couch. We were sitting there watching tv then I felt him scoot in closer to me and wrap his hang around my arm. 'He doesn't like you like that he just sees you as a really good friend...' I still blushed a little though and I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled. 'This is nice...'

We basically just talked, ate food, and watched tv. I didn't really want to be around anyone but him right now so I just hung out in his room and slept in there.


It's morning now so I got up and got ready for school. ''It's time to break up with him now... This is gonna be fun...' Laurance and I took my car to school.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"You'll be there with me right?" I asked him and nodded and grabbed my other hand.

"Yeah, always..." He said and we both smiled.

1758 Words.

A/n Hope you liked this chapter~

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