Chapter 22

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Laurance and I are now standing on my doorstep, "This date was amazing..." I told him and smiled.

"Yeah it was, I'm glad you had fun." He responded. I got on my tippy toes and kissed him.

"Thank you. You helped me forget all the crap that's going on and I had soo much fun with you." I thanked him before opening the door. "I'll see you tomorrow. Byee" I said going inside. I told Kate and dad about my date and went to sleep.


It was time for school now. '__' I got ready and went downstairs to eat food and ask dad about having a sleepover tomorrow.

"Hey dad, morning. I was wondering if we can have another sleepover tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah... I guess." He said reluctantly.

I smiled, "Thanks!" I hugged him.

"You're welcome." He said hugging me back. Kate walked downstairs.

"Hey, Kate! How's life?" I asked her she smiled.

"Good! Hey, wanna ride together today so we can talk?" She asked I smiled and nodded. We both got in her car and she started driving.

"So... Things are good, I'm really happy since Jeffory and I started dating!" She said happily. "We're going to prom together too!" She said happily

"That's so great! I'm happy for you!" I said and she smiled.

"So you and Laurence huh? How does Aph feel about it?" She asked and my eyes widened.

"Shit! I forgot to talk to her about it! I think she'll be fine though cause she said she likes someone else too." I said worriedly. She laughed.

"Relax Aph is super understanding and if she likes someone else too then she would be a hypocrite to be mad," Kate said and I sighed in relief.

"So, everyone knew it would happen huh?" I asked and she nodded. She pulled into the parking lot and I saw Aph so I told Kate that I had to go talk to her.

"APH!!" I screamed running up to her.

"Hey, Y/n!" She said happily.

"So... I wanted to talk to you. Um... me and Laurance are dating and I just wanted to make sure that's okay with you??" I asked her and she smiled and giggled.

"Yeah of course. Besides I like Aaron anyway!" She said smiling.

"Oh my gosh, Kawaii~Chan will be so happy when she hears." I giggled

"Kawaii~Chan will be happy when she heard what?" Kawaii~Chan asked. I gave her the 'don't do it look'

"When you hear that Laurance and Y/n are dating! Aph said nad Kawaii~Chan fangirled.

"Also that Aph likes Aaron!" I said looking at Aph with my revenge face. She glared at me and I glared at her. Then we laughed and Kawaii~Chan was exploding by then.

"Yeah... I'm gonna go. I see Laurance, by the way, sleepover tomorrow my house be there. Byee." I said running to Laurance. I got close to him and whispered in his ear, "Hey Laur~Bear." I said scaring him a little bit and sending chills down his spine. He smiled and turned around.

"Heyy~," He said as he kissed me. I giggled. We walked into school then parted ways to go to our lockers.

I was at my locker, everyone now clearing the halls going to class when I felt someone place their hand on my waist. I gasped and turned around to see Laurance and I giggled and smiled. "Hey~, "I said and smiled.

"Heyyy." He placed one hand beside me on the locker. I met his gaze and watched as his eyes went from my eyes to my lips. He slowly leaned in until I could feel his breath on my face. My heart started beating faster and my face heated up. He leaned his head to the side and closed the gap between us, his lips soft and warm. He pulled me in closer by grabbing my waist and deepening the kiss. We both pulled away for air me being out of breath now.

"Well... As amazing as that was... We're going to be late if we don't go now." I said and laughed. He chuckled and we went to class.


School is over now, Invited everyone to the sleepover. I'm heading to the store now to get food and other crap for tomorrow.

I got done shopping and came back started setting all the stuff up. I went to knock of Kate's door when I heard her crying.

"Kate?! Are you ok??" I asked her as I walked in her room to see her on her bed holding Jeffery's hoodie. 'Oh no'.

J-eff- h-he broke up w-with me..." she said balling her eyes out. I feel so bad...  sta next to her on her bed and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry... He's an asshole. You deserves better. You were always too good I for him. I love you Kate. Do you want me to cancel the sleepover tonight?" I asked her.

"T-hank you and I love you too. N-no I think having everyone over will h-help get my mind of things." She said hugging back and calming down a bit.

A/n sorry guys I don't have a computer anymore and I really hate writing on my phone. Also sorry for the short chapter. Sleepover will be in the next chapter.

895 words

Adopted (Laurance X Reader) Slow UpdatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora