Chapter 6

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                                                                              ~Y/n Pov~

I woke up to the sound of my stupid alarm clock. Groaning, I slammed my hand down onto my alarm clock, realizing that it was the first day of school today. Oh my god...! I'm so scared, I don't want to go... I got out of bed and started to get ready. What am I going to wear? What will I do with my hair? I'm so terrified.

                                                (This is what you're wearing to school)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

                                                (This is what you're wearing to school)

I was all ready for school now so I went downstairs to get some breakfast. Upon making it down there, I saw Eric walk out of the kitchen, assuming he had made breakfast.

"Morning, Eric!" I said happily.

"Morning Y/n! You excited for school today?" Eric asked.

"I'm really nervous... I'm scared I'm going to get made fun of," I told him.

"Why would you think that?" Eric asked worriedly.

"I don't know, I used to get made fun of at my old school, so... I'm scared to go to a new school..." I responded, looking down at the ground.

"If anyone makes fun of you, tell me or Katelyn, we will take care of it," Eric said getting protective, his arms crossed over his chest lightly.

"Thanks," I said, sending him a gentle smile as I sat down to start eating.

He nodded and ruffled my hair with a small chuckle. "No problem, Y/n. You can always rely on us, I just want you to know that," he spoke, his voice soft.

Kate came down the stairs. "Hey, Kate morning!" I said.

"Mornin' Sugar Pea," Eric said.

"Good Morning, Y/n and dad," she sat down next to me and started eating.

When we finished eating, we started walking to school and Aphmau eventually met up with us.

"Morning Aphmau!" Kate and I said simultaneously.

"Morning guys. You ready for school?" She asked us.

"I guess," I said, rubbing the back of my neck a bit sheepishly.

"Yeah, I'm excited for this year," Kate said, shrugging her shoulders lightly.

Eventually, we had made it to school. This place is huge... now I'm even more scared. We started walking up to Aphmau and Kate's group. I saw Garroth I ran up to him, engulfing him in a bear hug. He was shocked at first but then he started hugging back.

"Y/N??" Garroth exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, it's me. It's nice to see you outside of dance class," I said, giggling.

"Oh my gosh, how are you here??" He asked, dumbfounded.

"Katelynn's dad adopted me!" I responded, my tone sounding overwhelmingly happy.

"Oh, this is great!" He said hugging me again. By this time everyone was looking at us.

"So, I'm going to go get my schedule," I said awkwardly. I went to get my schedule and then the bell rang signaling I have to get to class. I began looking for the correct room number. I searched for quite a while and I couldn't find it. Then, I saw Garroth and I ran up to him.

"Garroth, I can't find my classroom, can you help me?"I asked him.

"Yes, of course," He replied, a gentle smile across his lips. He then started leading me toward the classroom.

"Here is your classroom. I wish we had the same class but, this is the only class we don't have together so, I'll see you later!" Garroth said as he walked to his class. Of course, I was late to class so it was going to be awkward to walk in the classroom. So, with a deep breath and much hesitance, I walked in slowly.

"Ah, Miss L/n, there you are." The teacher greeted me.

"Hi, sorry, I couldn't find the classroom..." I said quietly.

"That's fine, how about you introduce  yourself?" She asked.

"Uh... sure..." I mumbled, now turning to the students who sat in front of me, "Hi, my name is Y/n L/n," I said shyly.

"Thank you miss L/n. Your seat is up there," She said, pointing to a desk next to a guy with dark blue hair and eyes. I walked to my seat and sat down, seeing him turn to face me out of the corner of my eye.

"Somebody call the cops, because it's got to be illegal to look that good," The guy with blue hair said. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

"W-what?" I shrieked. I heard him laugh, which made my face even redder. I had to admit, his laugh was pretty cute...

"You're a cutie. Hi, I'm Dante" He said, quite confidently, might I add.

"H-hi D-Dante, I'm Y/n, b-but y-you probably already k-knew t-that," I muttered, barely getting that sentence out.

"So-" He got interrupted by the teacher.

"Alright class, so since today is only the first day of school, turn to your partner and get to know them," She said kindly, a war smile playing across her lips.

"So, Y/n, you're new this year. May I ask why you started to come here?" He asked.

"W-well, actually... I was adopted b-by Katelynn's dad, Eric. She's a sophomore too. Do you know her?" I asked him.

"Yeah, actually, we are pretty good friends!" He stated.

"Oh! That's cool!" I said, without stuttering for the first time while speaking to him.

"So, what do you like to do?" He asked.

"I love to dance and sing. I also like drawing, and I love to cheer," I told him.

"Ooh, you should show me a dance sometime," He said.

"Y-yeah, sure. S-so anyway what do you like to do?" I asked him.

"Well, I like playing soccer (In this he does sports), and hanging out with my friends," He said.

"Oh, that's cool, hey, if I make the cheer team, I'll be cheering for you!" I exclaimed, a soft giggle escaping past my lips. (In this you cheer for soccer)

"Yeah, that would be awesome! I'm sure you'll make the team," he said. Then someone walked up to Dante he had white hair and green eyes. Hmm that  strange.

"Hey Travis, this is my friend Y/n she's new!" Dante introduced me. I shyly waved.

"Hey Cutie~" He winked I blushed. I blush any time a guy compliments me.

"H-hi T-travis!" I said nervous but happy at the sane time. He whispered something to Dante and he nodded his head. I was going to ask what they were talking about but then the bell rang. I stood up and headed to lunch. I met up with Kate.

"Hey, Kate!" I said.

"Hey Y/n! You ready?" She asked me.

"Yup!" I replied. We got our food and started heading to Kate's lunch table. Great, I have to meet more people...  We were at her table now and I saw someone really familiar.  I dropped my tray and tears started flooding out of my eyes and down my cheeks. Running up to him, I hugged him and buried my head into his chest, just allowing the tears to flow on continuously. After all these years I finally got to see him... I got to see Laurance...

A/n sorry its been a while since I posted and this chapter isn't that good, But I thought I should finally post something. Byee!!!
1229 Words

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