Chapter 16

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A/n I see in other stories for time skips people just use ~ to represent them so that's what I'm going to start doing.


I went downstairs to eat food ad then I left for school. When I got to school I tried to look for Dante but I couldn't find him. I saw Laurance so I walked up to him. "Heyyy." I said as a walked up to him.

"Hey, have you seen Aph?" He said acting a little weird.

"No, have you see Dante? I asked him.

"No." He said sounding a little mad.

"Okay.. Are you ok?" I asked kind of concerned. 

"I'm fine" he said sounding sad. 'I wonder what's up with him' I was thinking to myself and someone came up behind me and wrapped their around my waist.

He whispered in my ear, "Hey shorty." I jumped a little and then giggled.

"Hi! Where were you? Usually you're here before me?" I asked curiously.

"N-no where! I j-just woke up late.." He said acting very nervously.

"Okay.." I said shaking of my suspicions. I looked at Laurance and he was looking at Dante questionally. 

"Laurance. You should come over today so we can work on our song for the festival since it's tomorrow." I suggested.

"Y-yeah sure." He said as he stuttered a little bit.


Me and Laurance got in his car and started driving to my house. "So... You're finally going to be 17 on sunday!" He said referring to the fact that I'm the youngest out of the friend group.

"Yeah... Hopefully for one my Birthday will actually be happy..." I said as I got kind of sad thinking about my past.

"Oh, yeah sorry." He apologized.  "This year is going to be great you have an amazing family and best friends he said gesturing to himself. I giggle and rolled my eyes.

"And who said you're one of them?" I laughed. 

"Ouch."He put his hand on his chest and gasped pretending to be offended.

"Kidding kidding." I laughed. He pouted and refused to look at me. "You know you love me." I said and winked. He's not the only one who can be a flirt. 

"Yeah, yeah. We're here." He said blushing a little? Weird.

Laurance's Point of View

"You know you love me." She said and winked at me. When she said that I got blushed? 'What's wrong with me??'

"Yeah, yeah. We're here." I said changing the subject hoping she doesn't realize I'm blushing. 'What the heck... Why the hell am I blushing?' She giggled and we got out of the car and went in the house. We went up to her room so we can practice for the festival. 

Y/n's Point of view

We just finished practicing. "That was great! I love your voice!" I said complimenting him.

"Thanks, but you're voice is way better than mine~" He said flirting. 'How is it that he can flirt about everything?' 

"No definitely not. Our voices sound really good together they complement each other."  I said. "Hey, so I don't have dance practice for another like two hours do you want to stay and watch F/s and eat F/s (Favorite snack) and hangout like we used to? It's been awhile since we hung out by ourselves." I asked him.

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