Romanogers One-Shots 2

By TheCaptainsSwan

154K 5.3K 5.5K

I reached the max amount of one shots on my last book so they are continued here. I accept request😁 More

A Push in the Right Direction
Rejection Hurts
I Can't Stop Losing You
Struggling to Pop the Question
Taken and Tortured
I Trust You
Not Even a Little Bit?
Sickly and Skinny
Topic of Discussion
Motel Milestones are Hard to Forget
Beach Day
Split Second
It Reminds Me of You
Civil War at Home
Seeing Double
Please Shut The Hell Up
Scare Tactics
Pushing You Away
Paint War
Teases and Truths
The Ultimate Sacrifice
He Looks Hot Chopping Down a Christmas Tree
Babysitting on Christmas
Christmas Traditions and Shit
A Little More Time
A Perfect Life
It's Natasha.
Valentine's Day
Under the Stars
Code Thirteen
Theme Park
Out Of His Element and Into Hers

Making Him Jealous

7.3K 197 341
By TheCaptainsSwan

Requested by b1tchsksk, Natasha makes Steve jealous and they date.

Natasha didn't understand Steve Rogers...not when it came to his love life at least. 

At Shield, almost every agent- both male and female- would flirt shamelessly with him, and yet he had been single for as long as she had known him. Excluding his one date with Sharon. 

Even Natasha had eventually started flirting with him, at first simply because it was fun to watch him get flustered but eventually she realized that she really did like Steve, and the flirting became real. 

Still, he never seemed to pick up on it and he certainly didn't do anything about it. 

Natasha had tried to ignore her growing attraction to him but eventually, as they spent more time together, attraction turned to something so much more then that. 

She was falling in love with Steve and yet she still couldn't manage to get him to ask her on a date. 

"Why don't you just ask him out yourself?" Wanda asked, taking a seat next to Natasha. 

Natasha frowned, "What?" 

Wanda frowned, "You've been watching him for ten minutes now...I don't have to be able to read your mind to know why." 

Natasha sighed, there was really no use in lying to Wanda, "I'm not going to ask him out." 


Natasha shook her head, "Because it's Steve." 

Wanda rolled her eyes, "That's a terrible excuse Natasha." 

"No it's not. Steve won't say no to me if I ask him out because he's too nice. I need him to ask me because then I'll know it's because he wants to. Not because he feels bad." 

Wanda sighed, "I could just look into his head and see how he feels about you," She joked. 

Natasha shook her head, "No. You know that's not right." 

"I'm only joking. But what are you going to do? Steve isn't good at flirting and he's never going to have the balls to ask you out if you don't really step up your game." 

Natasha smirked, "I'm going to see if Steve Rogers gets jealous." 

"Natasha I don't know-" Wanda started to say before shutting up when Steve began walking towards them.

"Hey Nat, you up for a movie tonight?" He asked, nodding at Wanda as well. 

Natasha shrugged, "Depends on the movie?" 

Steve shrugged, "I was gonna let you pick."

" about we change things up a bit and go see a new movie? There's a theater a few miles away," Natasha suggested, forming a plan in her head. 

Steve nodded, "Okay. Wanda do you want to join us?" 

Wanda shook her head, "That's okay. I'm actually going to go ahead to my room. It's been a long day." 

Steve nodded and Natasha said goodbye before looking back at Steve, "You wanna grab takeout first?" 

"Sure. I'm ready when you are," Steve said with a smile.

Natasha stood up and grabbed a  baseball cap from the closet, placing it on Steve's head with a smile as she grabbed her own hoodie, "Then let's go." 

They walked out to Natasha's car and she grinned as she got into the drivers seat, "You know's kind of sad that you're spending you're Friday night with me. You ought to be going on with some girl." 

"I'll have more fun with you then I'd have with anyone else...and why is it sad for me to not have a date tonight but not you?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow with a small smile.

Natasha rolled her eyes, "Because I don't want to be on a date tonight." 

"And I do?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow. 

Natasha shrugged, "I don't know. Do you?" 

Steve shook his head, "Like I said, I'm happy here with you." 

Natasha tried to hide her smile and drove over to a small local bar. 

"What are we doing here?" Steve asked. 

"They've got good food and the movie doesn't start for an hour," Natasha explained, getting out of the car. 

Steve shook his head with a grin and followed her into the bar, taking a seat next to Natasha at the bar.

Natasha smiled as a young man with dark hair came to take their drinks...this was why she came here. 

"Hey Natalie, you haven't been around in a while. How's it going?" He asked. 

Natasha shrugged, ignoring the look of confusion on Steve's face, "I'm fine. Been busy." 

Adam nodded, finally noticing Steve, "I see you've brought a friend...I'm Adam, nice to meet you." 

Steve shook his hand but before he could say anything, Natasha spoke up for him, "This is Chris. He's an old friend of mine in town for the week...I figured I'd show him where to get the best drinks around." 

Steve tried not to let his disappointment show, Natasha giving strangers fake names wasn't unusual, but typically, she'd say that Steve was her boyfriend...not an old friend visiting town. Maybe Natasha wasn't on a date tonight because she had a thing for this Adam guy.

Adam smiled, "Well what can I get for you two?"

They ordered and Steve couldn't help but feel jealous of Adam, Natasha had never mentioned him but they seemed to at least be friends. 

They ordered some food and Steve really didn't understand why  he was so  jealous...his feelings for Natasha aside, he had no reason to be possessive of her. As far as relationship status went, they were just friends. 

"We should get out of here, the movie is starting soon," Natasha said, standing up. 

"Leaving already?" Adam asked, collecting their empty plates. 

Natasha nodded, "We've got a movie to catch." 

"Sounds like fun. Your check is on me tonight," Adam said, smiling at Natasha. 

Natasha smiled back, making Steve's face redden slightly. 

"Thanks Adam. Hopefully I'll see you soon," Natasha said, glancing over at Steve and smirking slightly when she saw his jaw clench. 

"Nice to meet you Chris," Adam said, waving at Steve. 

Steve nodded, "You too." 

Natasha winked at Adam as they left and mouthed thank you before following Steve out the door. 

"He seems nice," Steve said, his tone sounding more bitter then he had intended. 

Natasha nodded, "He is." 

Steve looked out the window, his cheerful mood significantly dampened, "Have you known him long?" 

Natasha shrugged, "A few months. I go to that bar after missions sometimes...he owns the place." 

Steve nodded, trying not to show his jealousy. 

"You alright?" Natasha asked, wondering if maybe this was a bad idea.

Steve nodded again, "Yeah, just a little tired." 

"We can skip the movie and head back to the compound if you want," Natasha suggested. 

Steve shook his head, "No, I'm good. It's been a while since I actually saw a movie in theaters." 

Natasha smiled, "How long?" 

Steve paused, trying to figure that out himself, "Before I was injected with the serum. I went to see some cartoon but didn't actually get to see the movie because I got into a fight during the previews." 

Natasha raised her eyebrows, "Over what?" 

"Some asshole was shouting about starting the movie while the army commercial was playing. There were families of people fighting in the war and he was obviously upsetting them so I told him to shut up." 

Natasha couldn't help but smile at the thought. Even before becoming Captain America Steve had always done what was right, "Well try not to get into any fights tonight."

Steve grinned, "Yes ma'am." 

They got to the movie theater and went inside to get tickets, where Natasha flirted with both the ticket seller and the man working at the concession stand. 

Steve was growing more and more jealous and he couldn't help but wish that he could just kiss Natasha in front of everyone. 

As they walked to their theater, Steve could see dozens of men stare openly at Natasha's ass. It pissed him off more then it should have and he pretended to stop and tie his shoe just so he could glare at one man who was particularly obvious about it despite being with his own family. 

"You coming Rogers?" Natasha asked, looking back with a grin. 

Steve nodded and caught up to her, opening the door for her before following her into the theater. 

Natasha chose two seats in the very back of the theater and propped her feet up on the seat in front of her, casting a small grin towards Steve, "You alright? You look pissed." 

Steve bit his tongue. He didn't have any right to say anything, "I'm fine." 

Natasha frowned, "You sure as hell don't look fine. What's wrong?" 

"Why don't you go ask Adam or one of the other guys from tonight?" Steve asked before he could stop himself. 

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "Are you jealous?" 

Steve sighed, "Maybe? I don't know." 

Natasha smiled, "You know...Adam isn't really my type. And I'm definitely not his type so I don't think you have to worry much. And I don't date guys who work at movie theaters." 

Steve frowned, how could Natasha not be someone's type? 

"How could you not be his type Nat?" 

Natasha laughed, "I think he was probably more interested in you to be honest." 

Steve blushed, suddenly realizing his mistake, "Oh, I guess I just assumed..." 

Natasha smirked, "Am I your type?" 

Steve's blush darkened and he stuttered, "Yes." 

"So why don't you ask me out?" She challenged. 

Steve's eyes widened, "I figured you'd say no." 

Natasha rolled her eyes, "So you can tell when I flirt with other guys but not when I've been flirting with you for months? Wow Rogers...didn't expect you to be the jealous type." 

Steve shook his head, "You've been flirting with me?" 

"I thought that much was obvious." 

Steve chuckled nervously, "So if I asked you out, what would you say?" 

Natasha shrugged, "Personally, I think actions speak louder then words, but you'll have to ask to find out." 

"Will you go out with me?" 

Natasha grinned and leaned over, kissing Steve softly as she discreetly moved the armrest between them up, pulling herself completely into Steve's lap as the movie started playing in the background. 

Steve kissed her back and sighed, he really should have done this months ago. 

"Was that a yes?" He whispered, his forehead still pressed against hers. 

Natasha nodded with an airy laugh, "Yes." 

When they got back to the compound that night, neither Natasha nor Steve could answer Wanda when she asked if the movie was any good. They hadn't really been watching. 

Hey guys. Sorry this took me so long, my new job is exhausting and I only get 2 days off a week so I've been super tired lately. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to write more consistently with work but until then, I hope you guys understand why updates aren't as common. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did please comment and vote!

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