The Shy Girl ✔

By cat_lover_4life

209K 7.6K 1.8K

' "Will you still love me when I'll be broken?" I mumbled as he slowly caressed my face. "Would you stop lov... More

Chapter 6
Chapter 8 - Don't judge a movie by its DVD cover.
Chapter 9- About That Night
Chapter 10 - The Halloween Party
Chapter 11 - Books and Coffee
Chapter 12- Bad boys read too.
Chapter 13- Getting punished for someone else's sins.
Chapter 14 - The Hospital
Chapter 15- Ice skating
Chapter 16- Date
Chapter 17- The Betrayal
Chapter 18 - He likes you
New Covers
Chapter 19- Happy Birthday to me
Chapter 20 - Nightmares and Cupcakes
Chapter 21 - The Anonymous
Chapter 22 - Shopping
Chapter 23 - The Winter Formal
Chapter 24- Here we go again
Chapter 25- Two strangers sharing the same memories
Chapter 26 - Confessions
Chapter 27- Messages From A Stranger
Chapter 28- Happy New Year
Chapter 29- Getting Back Home
Chapter 30 - Old Friends And Secrets Revealed
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 31- First Date As A Couple
Bonus - Valentine's Day
~ Sequel ~
Chapter 33- One Hell Of A Trip
Chapter 34- Airplane mode
Chapter 35- Hola preciosa
Chapter 36- The Photo Of Truth
Chapter 37-Late Night Betrayal
Chapter 38- Unwanted Disneyland Trip
Chapter 39- Goodbye.
Sneak peak
Book 2: Chapter one- Jealousy.
Chapter 2- Forever Yours
Chapter 3- I Love You Most
Chapter 4- Skylar.

Chapter 32- Camping

3.5K 128 44
By cat_lover_4life

"Being with someone is like traveling through the whole universe."

Emma's POV

"Come on Adam! Even the bears aren't sleeping that much!" I yelled while I shook him shoulder to wake him up. He rolled on his stomach and slapped my hand away. I giggled as he put his blanket over his head.

"But I don't want to." He mumbled into his pillow. "Stupid mornings. Why do they have to be so early." He complained as I tried pulling him by his legs to get him out of his bed. I failed and he chuckled happily.

Let's see if you like this... I thought in my mind as Adam just sat there, under his blanket, laughing.

"Jack, Skylar and Austin are going to be here any minute now." I lifted his blanket and he groaned as he felt the cold air from the window hit his body.

"What time is it?" He asked while rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"5 a.m." I said while smiling proudly. He looked at me like I was crazy and snatched his blanket from my hands.

"Yeah, wake me up when it's noon and you're not crazy." He covered himself up with the blanket and I got mad so I did the only reasonable thing.

I snatched the blanket back but he grabbed the other part of the blanket. I started pulling and he started pulling too.

"Give it back." He whined as I pulled harder but then he pulled way to hard and we both fell on his bed. Correction, he fell on the bed, I fell on top of him.

"Well, I don't mind this position." He said while smirking. I kissed him and slowly as he forgot about the blanket I stopped kissing him. I got up, snatched the blanket and ran down the stairs. I've put the blanket in the shower and then turned the shower on.

Adam came running from behind me and he fell on his knees dramatically. He crawled till the shower and hugged the blanket. Why are guys so dramatic.

"Noo! You ruined it." He said upset.

"You're a big boy, you'll get over it. Now,  get in that shower and then pack some things."

He just rolled his eyes and closed the bathroom's door. I looked at him questionably as he took my arms and pinned them against the wall along with my back. I moaned as he started kissing my neck.

"Thought you'll get away so easily after you teased me, huh?" He asked as I closed my eyes while he continued to kiss me.

He put his hand on my tight holding my wrists with his other hand, above my head. Oh no, I'm wearing a dress. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Other people have to use the bathroom too!" Yelled Skylar from the other side. Adam looked at me, a look that said that this isn't over yet. I fixed my hair as Adam just stood there, staring at me.

"Is there something on my face or...?" I asked as Adam smiled.

"No, you're just, so beautiful." I got a roll of toilet paper and hit him. He rubbed his shoulder while fake crying.

I pushed him out of the bathroom and everyone was waiting there, in a queue. I blushed as I hid my face with my hair and walked back to my room.

"So, is there a reason for waking me up so damn early?" He asked as I threw a shirt at him because he was shirtless. He hugged the blanket before leaving the bathroom so now his shirt and half of his body are wet.

"We're going camping." I said while also throwing a towel at him. He groaned but started to clean himself up as I went to look for food, to take for the trip.


"Come on Adam, everyone's waiting for you!" Yelled Skylar to Adam as we put the last bag into Austin's car. Adam rolled his eyes and mumbled something along 'piss off' or something. Adam was looking for the car's keys in his backpack.

"Come on Adam, you're worse than Skylar, and let me tell you, Skylar loses a lot of stuff but she's the worst when it comes to coming out of her house." Said Austin as Skylar hit him. Adam laughed as Skylar threw her bag at him and then, he groaned as it hit his head.

"I am not." She said confident as Austin just patted her head. She moved away from him and she looked at him like she wanted to say 'We're gonna talk later about this' but Austin just kept on talking. Bad move, Austin, bad move.

"Yesterday, I had to wait for like, two hours outside your house because you had your music turned on and you couldn't hear me." Said Austin as Adam started laughing and Skylar just glared at everyone.

"It wasn't that loud." She mumbled and then turned her back to Austin to show that she's upset. Austin just hugged her from behind and put his head on her shoulder.

"I was outside and I heard every song, I didn't knew that you were into Shawn Mendes though. " He said as I went next to Adam and took his hand into mine.

"So, um...this morning was fun." I said while trying to hide a blush.

"Princess, you don't even know what fun is. That was nothing compared to what I want to do to you every day, I just don't want to rush things. This time, I'm not going to screw it up." He whispered into my ear as I played with his hands while looking down.

"Well-" Skylar got away from Austin and came next to me with her arms crossed over her chest and with a frown on her face.

"At least he can sing." She mumbled while looking down as Austin rolled his eyes. I'm assuming she is still talking about Shawn Mendes.

"I can sing too!" Said Austin as he started singing. We all covered our ears as I just tried to keep a smile on my face. Adam didn't hide his annoyance as he went to Austin and put some tissues into Austin's mouth to stop him from talking or...singing.

"Yeah, sure, keep singing like that and, one day you'll be just like Shawn Mendes." Said Skylar while smiling a little.

Skylar started dragging Austin to his car as Adam got in his and started the engine. He found the keys a while ago.

"I didn't took that long!" Yelled Adam as we all started laughing.

"Come on guys, we've got a camping weekend to start so everyone in their cars and let's go." Said Jack from his car. We all started cheering. Well, Adam was just groaning and at same point he put some music on and we just sat there, in silence, just listening to the random songs on the radio. Even if there's only silence I feel calm and safe.

At some point during the ride my stomach started growling.

"Hoodie girl." Said Adam as I just turned the music off and looked at him doubtfully as he stopped at a gas station.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a concerned look.

He pulled me on his lap as I gasped. I put my hands into his hair as he started kissing me. Air started leaving me as the kiss got deeper. Suddenly, Adam stopped and just smirked. He put his head on my shoulder and just hugged me.

"You're hungry." He said as I just blushed.

"N-no." I said but my stomach growled again, revealing my lie.

"Lies aren't good, princess." He whispered darkly into my ear as I looked down and smiled.

" We aren't good either." I said while laughing. He rolled his eyes and opened the door to the car. He told me to wait in the passenger's seat for a few seconds and I did. He opened the door for me and picked me up in his arms turn just walked into the gas station. Everyone was looking at us. And when I mean everyone, I mean even the cat that was waiting outside the gas station.

"Adam...people are staring." I whispered as he just chuckled.

"So let them, let them see my beautiful and gorgeous girlfriend." He said as he captured my lips. I just rolled my eyes but blushed,hiding my face with my hair, trying to hide from all the eyes that were watching us.

"What do you want, love?" He asked as I thought for a few seconds.

"Chocolate and chips." I said as Adam picked out what he wanted to eat. A sandwich and a biscuit. I frowned and Adam just laughed as we started-, he started heading to the cash register.

He paid for the gas and for the food as I just looked at him, taking in all of his features. God he's so hot. I thought as Adam coughed.

"Congratulations." Said the girl from the cash register.

"Excuse me?" I said as Adam was almost crying from how hard he was laughing.

"Congratulations on your marriage." As she said that I just couldn't say anything as Adam finally did a good thing on this whole ride, he left the gas station. I was still trapped in his arms.

He opened up the car and then he put me in the passenger's seat. As he went to the driver's seat I kept remembering what the girl said but Adam interrupted my thoughts by pressing his lips to mine.

"You're hot too, princess." He whispered after breaking the kiss. Oh God, this is embarrassing.

The car was once again filled with the music from the radio as I started outside, at the trees passing by.


"Hey, we're here." I heard someone say as I opened my eyes sleepily.

"Huh?" I asked while looking around.

"Yeah, Austin and Jack are just setting up the tents." Said Adam while getting out of the car.

"What time is it?" I asked while getting out of the car too.

"1 p.m." He said smiling.

I took my backpack and then helped Skylar set up her tent.


I was watching The Vampire Diaries when someone called my name from outside my tent.

"I'm reading! Who is it?" I screamed as I continued watching The Vampire Diaries.

"It's Adam."

"Come on  in then." I said not taking my eyes off the screen.

He entered the tent and looked at my weirdly.

"I thought you were reading?" He said smiling.

"Yeah, and, I thought you were Skylar but good thing you weren't because I'll be dead right now." I said wondering if I should watch another episode.

"Are you watching that vampires show again?" He asked while looking at the screen from my phone.

"Hey, don't judge me, this show will always be awesome no matter how many times I'll watch it." I said while putting my phone down.

"Come on guys, who wants s'mores?" Screamed Skylar from outside.

Me and Adam looked at each other and I sprinted out of the tent as he caught me by waist.

"Come on lovebirds, we're going to tell a story." Said Skylar as she gave everyone their s'more.

"So, this story it's called The Hook." Said Skylar while begging to tell the story.

"A pair of attractive teens are parked at Lover's Lane, an isolated spot on the edge of town.

The boyfriend switches on the radio for some mood music, and the two start canoodling.

But just as things are getting hot and heavy, they're interrupted by a breaking news story: A murderer has escaped from the nearby state asylum.

He's armed and dangerous, and he has a hook in place of his right hand.

The girlfriend is obviously frightened, and wants to go home straight away, but the boyfriend insists that they'll be fine.

He locks all the car doors and tries to kiss her again. She calmly explains that no means no, and that she wants to go the hell home.

Annoyed, the boyfriend slams the gas pedal and drives her back to her house. It's only when they both get out of the car that he notices something dangling from the door handle — a bloody, steel hook." When she finished the story I was holding my knees-up to my chest and shaking.

"Don't worry Em, it's just a story." Said Adam while suddenly we heard something from the bushes.

We were all focused on that sound when someone with a hook instead of a hand came into our view.

I screamed as Adam jumped up and got in front of me. He got closer but Adam jumped on the person and punched him.

"Guys stop, it's Jack." Yelled Jack's girlfriend as Adam stopped and reminded frozen.

"Sorry man." Said Adam while getting up from him.

"It's ok, you didn't hit me that hard." Said Jack while taking his mask off.

"We're going to our tent, see you all in the morning." Said Skylar as she and Austin left.

Soon, Jack and his girlfriend left too.

Me and Adam we're alone in the dark outside and I was just looking at the stars.

"See that star over there." I whispered in his ear.

He nodded and I smiled.

"That's the North Star." I said as he took my hand and we went to our tent.

"It's different from all the other stars , it's more beautiful, just like you." He said and I blushed.

We entered the tent and I've read a book for an hour because I couldn't sleep but then the project came into my mind.

"Want to go outside?" I asked while closing my book.

"Sure." He said while closing his phone.

"So, did Ms. Smith gave you the project back too?" I said while we got out of the tent.

"Yeah, and I added a few more things to it if you want to read it." He said as he took my hand.

"Sure, I added some extra things too." I said as he gave me his part of the project and I gave him my part.

I looked through his parts and found our assignment about each other.

'Emma. Emma Jefferson. A girl who always stays in the back and doesn't talk too much.

If a few months ago you'd have asked me who Emma Jefferson is I would have probably told you that she's just a nerd or no one but now that I really know who Emma Jefferson is I can tell you that she's not just a nerd, she's smart, beautiful and kind.

She likes reading and watching tv series but she would never admit that Stefan is way better than Damon. Her eyes are sparkling with joy when she is happy, when she laughs everyone starts laughing with her because her laugh it's contagious.

Her smile could bright up an entire room. She always wears hoodies and doesn't like dresses but when she does wear them she looks gorgeous but her hoodies are what represents her. She likes stars and comets.

She could stay hours talking about them and she knows every constellation. She also likes nature and loves taking photographs.

Her dream is to become a photographer  an actress or an astronomer. She has a special talent, no, she has a lot of special talents, she can sing, dance and quote every book and every episode from The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural.

She likes eating pizza but she doesn't like pizza with pineapples. Emma is a great person and an amazing girlfriend.

I know that maybe it's too soon to say it but, I love you Emma, you will forever be, my hoodie girl.

I looked in his eyes and started crying.

Adam's POV

She gave me her part of the project and as I was looking through it I found the assignment that we were supposed to write about each one of us.

'Adam Stone. I heard that he was sent away in 9th grade by his stepfather because he got into fighting.

I didn't want to get involved or even talk with him. When I bumped into him the first day of junior year I thought that he was a jerk, a coldhearted bad boy who doesn't have a heart.

Now that I know who he is I can tell you that that was just the scary part of him, his dark part.

We all have dark parts even if we don't want to but Adam chanced a lot in a few months. He showed me that even with his childhood scars he can still be happy and smile, that helped me a lot. I've been through some pretty messed up stuff too and Adam helped me see that past goes away but it's us who chose what we want the future to look like.

It is us who chose if we want to stay in the past or go and explore the future. Every time I laugh he laughs too. Even tho for some people he might look like a bad boy for me he is the boy who saved his mother from his abusive father. For the past few months he helped me more then anyone did for these past 3 years. Sometimes he can be a jerk but at the end of the day he and Skylar are the ones that are there for me when I need anything.

Adam Stone , my frenemy, friend, best friend and boyfriend. I love him, even with his dark sides because even I have one. So Adam, even if sometimes life would be hard, I'll be there for you and help you get through it because you were there when I needed you and that means everything to me.

I will always love you no matter what happens and it's ok if you don't feel the same way.'

We looked into each others eyes and I kissed her like this would be our last kiss.

"I love you Emma." I whispered into her ear and she smiled as her eyes got brighter.

Emma's POV

"I love you Emma." He whispered into my ear as I smiled and kissed him again.

"I love you too Adam." I said as he picked me up and started running to our tent.

When we got into our tent we started kissing.

"Adam." I mumbled.

"Yes." He whispered as I've put my hands on his chest.

"I'm ready." I said and he looked at me curious.

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded. He took my shirt off as I took his.


"Aww, do we look like that after we've done it?" Someone says.

"I don't know but take a picture." I opened my eyes as I heard that and when I looked around I saw that me and Adam were still in the tent but so were Skylar and Austin.

"So, you finally did it, how was it?" Skylar asked me as I groaned into my pillow.

"Leave us alone." Groaned Adam annoyed that he was awakened.

"But look, your photo is so cute, at least now I know what to get you for next Christmas." Me and Adam jumped as we heard that.

"Photo?" Repeated Adam as he put a shirt on.

I have on one of his shirts and I look like I'm wearing a dress.

I laughed as I thought about that.

"Erase that photo now." Said Adam while they ran outside.

"If you can catch us." Screamed Skylar and Austin at the same time.

I sat there in the tent trying to think about all the great things that happened to me in the past few months.

A few months ago I couldn't even speak properly to a boy and now here I am, with the boy who at first I thought I'll never be friends with.  Jack is back from the dead, metaphorically speaking.  Next year I'll have to prepare for college , I want to become an actress, a photographer or maybe an astronomer. Why not, I mean, I love stars  and studying astronomy is  my dream. 

If someone would have ever told me that in just half an year I'll have a boyfriend, my best friend from when I was little will be back  and that I will not be that sad little girl anymore I would have laughed and told them that they're crazy but now that I've lived this I still can't believe it.

I put over the T-shirt a hoodie and got outside.

"Come on hoodie girl , were going swimming." Yelled Adam from the lake.

"Yeah, come on Em." Said Jack as him and  Austin jumped into the water taking Skylar with them.

I ran to the lake and took my hoodie and shirt off.

Adam kissed me as we jumped into the water.

Well, I don't know what the future holds but, I'm happy because without Adam I wouldn't have known how it is  to be happy.  Of course, I'll always be, the shy girl.

Plus, my story doesn't end here, this is only a chapter of my life and I will treasure it, as long as I can.


And...that's it. This is the last chapter guys and I'm just so sad that this journey it's over . I want to thank all you guys for all the support and messages.  This has been an amazing experience and the book it's not edited yet but I will edit it . I just want to say that I'm so grateful for everyone that has been there for me , you rock guys.❤

*Should I write an epilogue or a sequel?*

Thank you again.  Vote , comment and follow me if you liked this chapter 💜

Edit: well, guys, it is not it. I decided to write more chapters in this book :) so if you're reading this rn goodluck because I will add more chapters :)

Xoxo- Cat lover 🥀🖤

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