Issues // H.S. // A.U.

By Hitterj

1.4M 35.9K 88.7K

18+ / Very Mature "So you've been stalking me?" "Completely." I laugh at his candor and I watch as his eyes l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Seventeen

35.7K 873 1.4K
By Hitterj


"You know, I'm really regretting introducing you two." I say playfully to Harry and Darla.

They were whispering to each other as Harry helped Darla whip the mashed potatoes. I had been outside with two of my old foster siblings, Courtney and Abel, both now living out of state, so I never really got to see them. I only came back inside to see where Harry had gone off to. He said he was only going to the restroom, but here I found him conspiring with Darla.

Harry grinned at me, "Sorry, babe, Darla pulled me in to help. Said she needed some muscle for the potatoes."

I chuckle, "Well, I guess it was a good thing you were walking by then. Now what were you two whispering about?"

"Harry was just keeping me updated on your life since I barely get to talk to you anymore." Darla says pointedly.

I cringe, "I'm sorry. Just been busy with school and work-"

"And Harry. I'm hoping you two are being careful?" She asks pointedly.

I feel my face warm, and see that Harry had turned away himself, "Darla, seriously?"

"What?" She says knowingly, "I'm old enough to know what you two are doing behind closed doors - well, I hope it's closed doors. I mean, look at him." She steps forward and cups Harry's cheeks. "I would be all over this if I was your age."

The look on Harry's face was priceless, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. He gave me a look when Darla joined in, patting his now red cheek, and checking the oven. I walk over to my boyfriend, wrapping my arms around his waist, and hugging him. He hugs me back, whispering in my ears, "That was embarrassing."

I breathe out another laugh, "I'm sorry, baby. But she's right. You are very handsome. No wonder I'm all over you all the time."

"Dani," He says warningly, "We are around your family. Don't get me too excited."

"If you two are going to start making out, please do it out of the kitchen, and away from the teens. I'm having enough problems with PDA and boyfriends around here, right now." Darla huffs.

I smile at her, letting Harry get back to his duties, and haul myself up to sit on the counter, "Sorry, Dar. What's going on with the kids? Know the holidays are always a bit rough on some."

She sighs and for the first time I see how exhausted she looks, "Well, one of my kids had to be moved to another home, because I found him making out with one of the girls."

I cringe, but Harry frowns, "Isn't that a little severe?"

I shake my head, "Relationships aren't allowed in a foster home." He nods his head, mouth forming an "O".

"And then I've got another girl who's dating this boy." She continues, "I don't like him. Reminds me a bit like Mac's old boyfriend. Do you remember him, Dani?"

"Unfortunately." I answer, "He was such a creep. Always looking at the younger girls."

"Yeah, well, so is this guy. I banned him from the house, but now the girl, Maddie, is pissed at me." She sighs again, "And then there's Liz. She just came to me about a month ago..."

"Yeah?" I urge her on a little further.

Darla glances at Harry who was now stirring the gravy on the stove. She looks back at me and says, "I think she had a similar upbringing to you."

There was a small silence before I said, "Oh."

"She's not handling the transition very well. She stormed out of here hours ago, and I'm not sure  when she's coming back."

I raise my eyebrows, "Does she do that a lot?"

Darla nods her head, "Every weekend."

We continue to talk about this for the next ten minutes. The girl does remind me of myself. I was constantly running away from Darla when I first got placed with her. I didn't trust a single person for years. Probably ever really. It's not like I had the greatest relationship with my parents, and no one had given me any reason to trust them until Darla, and that had taken months.

I look over at Harry who had been silently listening to us. He didn't interrupt one time, instead just taking in our conversation. I could see the questions circling around in his eyes, the curiosity and concern when Darla says something about my past. I know he wants to know, but I'm still a little scared that he might not like what he hears.

Enough to realize that I wasn't good enough for him.

Harry lived in such a different world. Even now it must be so striking to see this misplaced group of people. None of us looked like we belonged. I had foster siblings I hadn't seen in close to five years, and some I had never actually met. Darla had been a foster mother for decades before I even came around.

I'm sure when I get to Harry's later I'll feel the same. I wonder if I'll be surrounded by crystal chandeliers and golden utensils. From what Harry tells me, his mother is one of the most famous heart surgeons in the country, and his stepdad owns a chain of jewelry stores. Not to mention his father owns one of the most lucrative financing businesses in the state.

The longer the day goes on the more nervous I get about meeting his family. What if they don't like me? Or they don't think I'm good enough for Harry. He speaks so highly of them, and I wasn't sure we would survive his family not liking me.

It was kind of making me panic a bit. What would Harry do if his parents didn't approve? Surely that would be hard for him, and he was naturally an emotional guy no matter how much he tried to play off that he wasn't.

Darla's phone rings, and she takes it out of the kitchen.

"Hey," Harry says, wrapping his arms around my waist, "what are you thinking?"

I smile at him, pecking his lips, "Nothing important."

He nods, "I like your family."

My smile widens, and I feel myself blush, "Really?"

"Yeah," he chuckles, "I really like Abel, and you know I love Darla."

I bring him in for a kiss. This time deep and meaningful. It's like he knows exactly what to say and when to say it. I press up against him, not being able to hold myself back. I hadn't been able to kiss him since we left his place this morning, and I didn't like that. I missed the feeling of his lips on mine, even though it had only been about four hours.

"Baby girl," he murmurs teasingly, "I told you not to get me too excited."

I pout, "But what if I want to."

He groans, "Don't."

I smirk, "Hey, Harry..."

He looks down at me with an amused smile on his face, "Yes, Dani?"

"Been reading more of your writing..."


I nod, "A few nights ago I read Watermelon Sugar." He smirks back at me. "Now tell me... is that about going down on a woman?"

"Hmm," He hums out, pretending to think, "maybe..."

"Let me be more specific." I say quietly, "Is it about going down on me?"

There's a heated minute of silence between us before he pulls me even closer and whisper into my ear, "You're a cruel woman, Daniella. Trying to get me all hard in front of your family."

I giggle, "Sorry, baby, but it's just too easy."

He gives me a look, but kisses me anyways.

"Oh, well what is this?"

We break apart and turn to see Jamal. I roll my eyes at his surprised yet amused look.

"Shut up, Jamal."

He holds his hands up, "You can't blame me for being surprised. Had no clue you had a... friend?"

"Boyfriend." I laugh, "Harry, this is Jamal, my older brother."

Harry steps up to shake his hand, "Nice to meet you."

"You treating her right?" He asks point blank.

My face warms, and I'm about to retort, but Harry just laughs, "I hope so. What do you think, Dani?"

I smile at him and roll my eyes, "He's doing alright." I then turn to Jamal, "Didn't know you were going to be in town."

"Yeah, I'm surprising Darla. Where is she, by the way?" He asks.

"She's taking a call." I tell him.

"What are you guys doing later? Want to catch up?"

"We're actually going to Harry's after this. His family does a late night Thanksgiving."

He raises his eyebrows, "Oh, well, look at you two."

Just then Darla walked in, her face turning to shock when she sees Jamal. She spends the next fifteen minutes fussing over him, little tears prickling in her eyes. I take that moment to pull Harry into the backyard. We've got it to ourselves, because it had become so chilly outside.

"Is this all a little overwhelming?"

He shakes his head, "No, not at all, but it's much different than mine."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He sighs at this, connecting his hands at the small of my back, my own finding his chest, "Mine can be a little more... tense."

"Tenser than a whole bunch of orphans?"

He gives me a look, "My dad's going to be there."

I felt my eyebrows skyrocket on my forehead, "Oh," Harry had told me his dad wasn't going to be able to make dinner, which I was glad for. I had a sinking feeling that his dad wouldn't much approve of us.

"My mom called me this morning while you were getting ready." He says with a sigh.

"That's okay, right? Or is it weird with your stepdad?" I ask.

"Surprisingly no. They get along for the most part. My dad, well, you know, he doesn't have really great social skills."

I snort, "Social skills?"

"Okay, he's a complete dick." I laugh and he smiles at me, continuing, "I just don't want him to start something. Things are still a little weird between the two of us, and..."

I tilt my head, "What is it?"

"I don't want him to take out his frustration with me on you."

"Harry," I start, slipping my hands around his back, mirroring his stance, "I have dealt with your father before, and you know I can handle myself."

He smiles at me, "Of course I do, baby girl."

"And I'm also sure that it won't be my worst Thanksgiving ever."

At this his eyes sadden, giving me that familiar look he gets when something from my past is brought up. "Don't like that." He mutters.

We're silent for a moment before I hesitantly say, "The last holiday I spent with my parents was Thanksgiving when I was... eleven, I think. My mom made mac and cheese, because that was the only thing we had in the house. My dad, uh, he spent most of our money on alcohol and..." I swallow down the nerves that are now in my throat, his hand coming up to brush my hair out of my face, "uh, drugs. He was a drug addict."

He just nods, waiting for me to continue, "He invited some of his friends over to watch the game, and my mom had me lock myself in my room while they were there." I tried to continue, but nothing seemed to come out after that.

Harry brings me into his chest, hugging me tightly to him, whispering in my ear, "It's okay. You don't have to say anything else."

I took a deep breath, soaking his scent in, instantly calming. I rest my chin on his chest and look up. He's staring down at me with a small smile, "Thank you for trusting me, though."

"Dani, Harry, dinner's ready, dears." Darla pokes her head out to let us know. "Geez, it's freezing out here. What are you even doing out in the cold in the first place?!"

She ushers us in quickly, sitting us towards the end of the table by Jamal, Abel, and Courtney. We spend the entire dinner speaking to them, catching up and reminiscing. Sometimes it gets a little too serious when we bring up someone we grew up with in the system. There were quite a few that were in jail, and Courtney had informed us that Martin had OD'd a few months ago.

Harry squeezed my thigh when she told us, leaning in to kiss my temple, but I just sent him a sad smile. We were used to that sort of thing. Not everyone got out. In fact, most didn't. The three of us and everyone at this table were lucky to be place with Darla.

We tried to keep things light after that. My foster siblings took to Harry quickly, because of course.

As I watched Harry talk, I realized how comfortable this all felt. I wasn't worried about Harry thinking badly about me, or thinking I was less than him. I actually wanted to bring him to more family dinners, meet more of my foster family. Harry was so good at the festival on Halloween that I couldn't imagine how great he would be at the rec-center with all the kids.

He just made me so fucking happy.

And I liked to think I made him happy.

When he looked over at me, eyes filled with care and fondness, I was sure of it.

It weirdly made me even more nervous to meet his family. I wanted to impress them. I needed to impress them. I had never been one to care all that much about what people thought of me. At least since I started college, but they meant so much to Harry and he valued their opinions more than anyone.

I had also never exactly had a family. My parents weren't like Harry's. I didn't have blood siblings that I had known since birth. I wasn't sure how to act around a healthy - for the most part - family.

I had even went out to buy a dress for tonight. One that had sleeves, and didn't show any cleavage. I put on lighter makeup to make myself seem more... innocent, I guess. Polished is probably the better word. I wanted to not look like white trash.

Harry would probably give me some long lecture if he heard me talking like this. He had been very clear that he thought his family would love me. In fact, he had told them all about me, and they've been begging to meet me.

Which made me even more nervous. How was I supposed to live up to what Harry said? I knew he talked me up, probably made me sound too perfect, and I was just going to disappoint them.

Fuck, I didn't even realize until just now how badly I needed them to like me. I wanted Harry's mom to be impressed, and for his dad to think I was smart. I've been picturing his sisters, wondering if they're super judgy, or protective over Harry.

I was completely overthinking this. I knew by freaking out the way I was I would most definitely screw this up. Probably accidentally tell them how we met after fucking other people at the same party. I internally groan at my stupid brain, knowing that I was practically talking myself out of this.

But I couldn't do that to Harry. He was so excited, and he had been such a good sport about coming here with me. I actually cannot believe how easy this was for him. He didn't seem nervous at all, instead blending in with everyone seamlessly. But Harry was that type of person. It was why he knew so many people at school, or really how so many people knew him.

I was a naturally outgoing person - well, now that I was in college - and I hadn't had issues meeting people in a long time, so this stress I was feeling was something I wasn't used to. I tried to swallow down my hidden fears, smiling at Harry when he brought something up that we had just done. His gaze lingered on me for a second longer than it normally would have, and I knew he had noticed my inner battle.

It felt like we were sitting at the table for hours when in reality it had only been forty minutes. I could feel Harry getting antsy next to me, his hand never straying from my body whether it was on my thigh, playing with my hair, or holding my hand. I knew he wanted to pull me away to ask what was wrong, but was waiting until we were done at the table.

It was another hour of walking around and talking to people, packing up leftovers, before Harry and I said goodbye to everyone. When we were on our way out, Jamal came up to us, "Hey, Dani, mind if we talk for a second?"

"Yeah, of course."

I look back at Harry who nods, "I'll warm up the car for us."

When he leaves, Jamal leans against the wall, "So, Harry..."

My brows furrow, "What about Harry?"

"Are you happy with him?" He asks.

I smile, loving how protective Jamal has always been with me, "Yes, I am."

"And he treats you right?" He presses.

I chuckle, "Harry treats me better than anyone ever has. He's... fuck, Jamal, he's so funny and sweet. He's smart, too. Really smart. Hides it under all that curly hair, but he is."

"You really like him, don't you?" Jamal smiles down at me.

I groan, "Too much. I like him way too much. Can't spend more than a night away from him."

"Well, if it's any consolation he seems equally obsessed. Couldn't keep his hands off you all day, and Darla was raving about him." He laughs.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, she hit on him earlier today. Think she might try to steal him away."

"Like she stands a chance. That boy stares at you like you're not even real." He teases.

I blush at this, "He's really sweet."

"I'm happy for you, Dani. Always wanted you to find someone to trust enough to show you how you deserved to be loved."

"I mean, love's a bit strong, but I do trust him." I say quickly, face heating up, "Told him a little about my parents today."

Jamal's eyebrows lifted, "Really?" I nod apprehensively, still a little nervous about it. He smirks, "And you say love isn't in the mix."

"Shut up." I tell him, "I should get going. Harry's waiting for me."

"Have fun tonight."

"Bye, Jamal!" I call to him as I close the door behind me.

Harry's waiting patiently for me in his car, playing on his phone. When I climb in, he looks up with a smile. The moment I'm situated he leans in with a kiss.

"What was that for?" I ask when he parts from me.

He shrugs, "What, I can't just kiss my girlfriend when I want?"

I laugh, "You were really great today, by the way. Everyone loved you."

"What about Jamal? He seemed... a little apprehensive about me." He asks, pulling out onto the street. "We're heading back to yours, right? Then heading to my parents?"

"Yeah, I've got to change before we go to yours." He gives me a look, but I ignore him, "Jamal liked you. He's just very protective of me. He was in the house when I was first placed, and saw how much of a mess I was. Just wanted to make sure I was happy with you."


I laugh and roll my eyes, "Depends on the day."

He pouts, "Hey!"

My smile is wide when I take his free hand in mine and squeeze it, "I told him how absolutely obsessed I was with you."

"That's more like it." I laugh lightly and he continues, "You okay, by the way? Seemed a little off when we were eating."

I take a deep breath, "Yeah, just a bit nervous to meet your family."

"Dani, you don't need to be. They're going to love you." He tells me.

"I'm worried you talked me up too much, and I won't live up to whatever crazy standard you set for me."

He laughs, "That's impossible. You're literally perfect-" I scoff. "For me. You're perfect for me, and they're all going to see it. See how fucking happy you make me, Dani, and they're going to love you."

I look over at him, me heart warming bit by bit at his words, "You're perfect too."

He glances over and smiles at me, bringing my hand up to his lips to kiss my knuckles. It's such a sweet gesture that makes my heart beat wildly.

He really was perfect for me. Everything from his humor to his mind, and we were definitely sexually compatible. It felt too good to be true. It felt like I was going to wake up from a dream, and be placed in my old life.

Life without Harry now seemed impossible.

When we got back to mine, the house was empty. Everyone was spending the day with their families. Mariana had actually gone back home to California for the weekend. We head upstairs, and enter my room. I start to undress immediately, pulling out my new dress. He sits on my bed as I change into the now very mom-friendly dress. I spend some time looking at myself in the mirror before Harry says, "You're overthinking this."

I look over at him, the journal he gave me in his lap, "I want to look presentable."

"Dani," he gives me a look, "C'mere." I walk over to him, and he pulls me into his lap so I'm straddling him. He sets the book aside, open to what I read last. "They are going to like you. Hell, they already like you. They can see how happy I am being with you, and they know how serious we are. But even if they didn't know any of that, if I had never told them about you, they would like you, because you are you. With or without this dress that covers up way too much."

"No, it doesn't." I give him a look this time, "You're just mad, because it doesn't show my cleavage."

"Can you really blame me? They're my favorite." He says cheekily. I laugh and he smiles watching me. "Are you still nervous?"

I sigh, "A little."

He hums, "Well, I think I know a way to calm you down."

He pulls me a little closer to him, dress riding up, "Oh, really?"

"Mhm," his hand wraps around the nape of my neck and brings my lips close to his, "you were wondering what my last poem was about. Maybe I can show you."

"I think I'd very much like that." I murmur before connecting our lips.

Like always, electricity crackled between us making us deepen our embrace. It didn't take long for him to lay my back on the bed, his body hovering over me. My dress was now pushed up to my hips, and his fingers were toying with the band of my underwear. I was squirming underneath him, my mind solely focused on his lips and the tingling in my core. I could sense by the way Harry's kissing me that he's going to take his time.

We're now able to read each other so well that we can sense exactly how the other person wants to take things. When we want to fuck vs make love. It's nice having someone know me so well. Inside and out, so when his mouth finally meets my now aching core, I'm wet. I'm so wet I feel as if I'm dripping.

And Harry loves it. He's soaking up my arousal, his tongue working magic as it glides over my opening and up to my clit. Gently he sucks it into his mouth, pulling back to let it fall from his lips only to flick it with his tongue and repeat the action over and over.

"Harry..." I moan, hips circling as he moves back down to my opening and dips his flexed tongue in. "Feels so good, baby."

"Just want my baby girl to feel good." He mumbles against me, now rubbing my clit in circles with his tongue.

My back arches and I let out a pitiful whine. I'm so close, but he's taunting me with these slow movements. I gasp when he slips two fingers into me, immediately curling and rubbing at the spongy nerves on my inner wall. It all feels so so good, my mind blank as he takes his time pleasuring me.

And it's pleasuring him too, by the sound of it. His eyes are closed, and he moans and groans against me, hands squeezing my hips while mine grip his hair. It's mesmerizing to watch him eat me out. I've never met someone who enjoys it as much as him.

Suddenly, his eyes open and stare directly into mine, the fervor of his tongue increasing, and my orgasm washes over me quickly. I pull at his hair, my head falling back, mouth wide open as I moan out in ecstasy. He works me through it until I'm pulling him away, too sensitive to handle it anymore. His lips find a spot to suck a love bite into my skin before he crawls back up to me to kiss me.

I can still taste myself on his tongue, and I love it. Our kiss slows down, Harry pulling away, so I can see his chin glistening with my arousal.

"Tastes like strawberries..." He says with a cheeky smile.

I smile and laugh, flipping him over, quickly undoing his pants, so I can return the favor. He lets me tease him too, taking my time enjoying the heavy, full feeling of him in my mouth, but it doesn't take long for him to shoot his cum into my mouth.

Afterwards we lay on my bed relaxing before having to leave. I'm calmer now, the tension leaving me the moment his mouth found my core. His head is laying on my chest, hair tickling my chin as I smile and realize just how much he's helped me.

How open he's made me and so easily. He didn't even need to try.

He was just Harry.

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