Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxb...

By ManicBookworm2021

78.4K 2.7K 185

Alex Danvers is a 26 year old maths teacher, at the start of his career, who should be having the time of his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Authors note/Update
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note

Chapter 39

815 40 3
By ManicBookworm2021

Rubble. Debris. Wreckage. Absolutely everywhere.  Whatever you'd like to call it. Either way, the plane has crashed to its death somewhere among a flat, rocky landscape. And I've no idea where the hell I could be.

'Maybe we're dead.' I hear Richard sound almost relieved, and I'm inclined to almost agree with him given the aching pain I feel in my neck and back. Good God, I glance at my left thigh; blood pools from a wound, but it isn't gaping, merely a thin sliver of the plane, the size of a ruler is stuck in my flesh.

I grimace, but at least the bleeding seems to have stopped. I feel the cloth that covers my leg, the material of my shorts; the blood is damp, not wet.

I glance around me, squinting. Damn, the sun is sweltering and stings my eyes.

Specks of plane, wings, seats, seatbelts, scattered around me. Burning remains of the plane that I, maybe an hour ago, had strapped myself into, preparing for a flight back to Volterra and the familiar, terracotta coloured castle where I now reside.

My hands, shaking probably from shock, fumble with the metal clasp of my seatbelt; ha, my seat although detached from the row is intact. I undo the belt amd given the angle that the section of plane I sit in is situated at, I fall from the seat and land on the floor.

Maybe a two to three feet fall. The sliver of plane snaps, eliciting a harsh crack as it exits my leg. I wince, though the pain isn't as bad as anticipated.
I walk, the remaining inch or so of metal still digging in, among the wreckage, looking for survivors.

I turn to my seating area I have just detached myself from. It's as though someone took the seating and tipped it on a ninety degree angle. The last thing I recall is the fight between Aro and another vampire, resulting in the plane to crash as they accidentally hit dangerous controls.

I realise I can't see the cockpit dashboard which I strapped myself next to moments before the plane fell and sigh. Where the hell could a control panel of buttons have disappeared to?

I keep moving, parts of the plane seem to be scattered, some still burning in several feet in all directions. I'm quite lucky to say it's about ten minutes of walking in one direction before I come across the bodies.

I gag, before I even spot them.

The smell, is overpowering of decaying flesh. I consider the possibility of being unconscious for several days, although with a bleeding wound that's not likely. I find them soon enough, the several other people who were on the flight, some with their eyes still open, their faces stretched in masks of horror.

Poor bastards. I leave them; nothing can be done for them now and who knows where the rest of the bodies are. There were easily one hundred people on this flight.

I shudder to think of where they could have landed.

My leg aches, fresh blood peaks from the wound after half of the metal strip snapping clean off. I groan as it begins to pain me and resist the urge to yank the damn thing out and fling in away.

I'd be dead by the end of the day.

That said, what the fuck is the time? What day is it? Where is Aro? The other bodies.

Jesus, what country am I in?

Did we manage to bypass the Italian border before the plane went down? I could be in the Sahara desert looking at the barren landscape.

It's like some survival mission out if James Bond atlhough I'm not Daniel Craig or Roger Moore for that matter. I haven't got the physique or mental capacity for this bullshit.

I trudge along, no sign of grassy hills, water or food. Endless rocks though, and dry, cracked floor, a light brown colour. Maybe I am in a desert.

I imagine I've been walking for around twenty minutes or so, until I spot what seems to be another life form that is shaped as a human but with my frame of mind right now, who knows what I'm looking at.

The figure is dressed in dark clothing, stupid really, in this heat and I almost want to shout at the dumb fuck. Doesn't he know he'll probably get sunburn and attract heat wearing black?

Some people are just plain stupid.

The figure, tall and thin approaches and I raise a hand to block my eyes from the sun. My heart leaps as I imagine Aro coming closer, the sight of his face, his hair framing his face, his stupid travelbook on Greece in his hand.

"Aro." I smile as I speed up, despite the pain in my leg, and rush to gain speed, approaching him with a smile.

'Eager to see lover boy are we?' Richard chuckles in my ear. "Yes, as a matter of fucking fact, I am." I keep running, ignoring Richard and his stupid comments. Damn, everything is irritating me today.

I keep going, the figure coming into focus until I can make out his features and smile happily, almost giggling from relief; he survived the fight with that vampire then.

Thank all the Gods.

I go to scream in his face, asking who the fuck that vampire was, and where has he been since the crash? How long have I been unconscious and where are we, may I fucking ask?

I get as far until we're face to face and prepare to verbally punch him when the smile that verges on anger leaches away and I frown, instead. I move closer, and the figure's hair suddenly turns to a bright, blonde.

I sigh and stop in my tracks.

It's not Aro. I reluctantly stop before him, his amused face bothering me and pissing me off given the fact I'm wondering where the hell Aro is.

He stops before me, too and his sarcastic face is in place, despite the plane wreckage. I groan as I realise it his him, and not Aro after all.

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