Just A Wish...

By ladyxmas

2.1K 129 67

A BajanCanadian and AsfJerome love story gone wrong... (Includes Smut- you been warned) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 6

87 5 2
By ladyxmas

*Ryan's POV* (OH BABY)

I could hear the bed moving upstairs. Absolutely disgusting. I called dibs on Mitch's sister and Jerome just completely ignored that. He's such a fucking asshole. Adam walked into the kitchen and asked, "dude why are you glaring at your waffles?" I groaned and took another bite. "Jerome is fucking with Jenna" I said, mouth still full. "What?" Adam asked and I almost yelled. "Jerome. And Jenna. Are fucking!"

Adam looked at me then he looked up, at the roof, and smirked. "Bro! Why the fuck are you happy about that?!?" I asked and he looked at me, glaring. "If you do anything to hurt their relationship I will personally kick your ass" Adam told me and I looked at him appalled. What? Did he have plans to brake them up and get Jenna to like him? Jenna and Adam would look weird together. Jenna and Jerome actually look pretty good together but that's not the point. She would look better with me.

"Just let them be" Adam told me and walked out of the kitchen with his own plate of waffles. Maybe I shouldn't hurt their relationship. But what's the fun in that?

*Jenna's POV*

I woke up two hours later on Jerome's chest again. But this time, we were both naked. Jerome said he loved me. I smiled and slipped out of bed, to not wake him. I slipped into a dress and grabbed my makeup bag along with a hairbrush, taking them to the bathroom. I applied the makeup. It took freaking forever! 'Why do girls even do this?' I asked myself. Wait- I'm a girl now. And I'm doing this. Why? I don't know.

I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail, well, I tried to put it in a pony tail. It didn't work out well so I just let it fall down around my shoulders and I brushed it out once more. I walked into the kitchen where I was met with Ryan. I completely ignored his presence as I grabbed a waffle, a sticky note, and a pen. I walked back up to Jerome's room while eating my waffle.

When I got there my waffle was all gone, I'm glad to see I still have Mitch's stomach. Haha. I laughed to myself as I opened the door and slipped in, shutting in behind me. I placed the sticky note on his desk to write on it.

Hey Jerome I'm going to the phone store. Adam might go with, I don't know yet. Either way sleep well and I'll be back soon. Love ya bacc ;)

I smiled and set the note down on my pillow. This way he won't freak out about where I went. Jerome has the tendency to do that. I walked out of the room again and found Adam in the living room. "Hey Adam, can we go to the phone store? Mine broke and you know a lot about phones." I asked since he was sitting with Ti. "Ya sure lets go" he said and smiled at Ti, getting up from his seat on the couch and following me out to the car.

"So how is uhm... #Merome?" Adam asked, smirking. "It happened Adam!" I yelled enthusiastically and giggled. "I'm so proud of you!" Adam said as drove us down the driveway. "Thank you Adam... Oh! I'm so excited! How are you and Ti?" I asked Adam and he smiled down at the road ahead of us. "We're taking it slow... But Skylox is a thing" He said and my heart warmed up.

For years we have been talking about this and both of our dreams came true. I reached into my purse and pulled out Mitch's phone as I told Adam, "I'm really excited for you. For both of us! This is a dream come true" I looked at a text from Jerome and a text from Ryan.

J: Thanks buddy I really appreciate it
M: No problem Jerome... Also she already told me! I thought you said not right away! Haha couldn't keep your paws off of her, could ya? ;)
J: Nope.

I laughed and learned that Jerome was awake. I read Adam the texts while he drove and he laughed too. I then checked the text from Ryan.

R: Hey Mitch I hate to start drama here but Jerome and Jenna are sleeping in the same bed together...
R: Update: Jerome and Jenna are fucking. I can hear them! Mitch are you going to let Jerome defile your sister like that?!?
M: She's been texting me about you... And I am 100% fine with her and Jerome being a thing. At least I know he will take care of her... Unlike some people. :/
R: Whatever man.

I read Adam those texts too and he replied with, "Ryan might be planning to brake you and Jerome up, just a warning" I laughed. "Ha! Like he has a chance! There's no way he can go through me to brake us up and Ryan's too stupid to go through Jerome! Hahaha" I said back and Adam smiled at me. There's not a chance Ryan can get me to fall in love with him. This still humors me, I guess I can thank him for a laugh.

We pulled the car into the T-Mobile parking lot and walked into the store. "So what do you want?" Adam asked and I shrugged. Maybe an IPhone? I don't know what the hell I want. "Where are the IPhones?" I asked the salesperson and he smiled at me. "Right over here" he said with a wink. I snickered, he just hit on a guy that was magically turned into a girl. Point is: he just hit on a guy. And he doesn't know! Haha.

I walked with Adam to where the guy was standing and looked at the IPhones. He explained everything to Adam who wasn't buying anything. Eh it's all good, at least this way I can shop in piece. I picked up the IPhone 5c and asked him, "right now I have a Galaxy, this is a present for someone. What can I get for a deal?" The guy walked closer to me and I noticed the freckles etched on his pale skin. "For a pretty girl like you, pretty cheap" he said and I smiled politely, "okay well I'm going to get this one" I told him.

The guy smiled and led me over to this desk thing in the middle of the store where we filled out all of the information. "And you see... This is how you put contacts in" he said. I looked at the phone. "Who's contact is this?" I asked and he smirked at me. "Mine" he said and I pointed to Adam. "Sorry I'm interested in someone else" I said and Adam chuckled to himself.

The redheaded guy looked upset but whispered, "okay but if you ever need a little more then he can give you... You have my number" I had to suppress my urge to laugh. "Ya thanks but no thanks dood" I said and walked out of the store with Adam and my new IPhone. I filled in all of the contacts off of my old phone and texted everyone a message.

Jen: Hey this is Jenna, Mitch just gave me all of your numbers and I thought you guys should have mine :)

I got a text back from Jerome right away.

Jer: Oh baby! ;)
Jen: haha ;)
Jer: So I take it you got a new phone?
Jen: Yep. It's a white IPhone 5c, I figured if everyone else likes it then I should too, right? Hopefully?
Jer: haha I'm sure you'll love it
Jen: Ya, thanks bacca. Adam and I are almost home see ya in a few
Jer: Hokeyp bye bye

Adam snickered and I looked at him. "What?" I asked and he snickered again. "Just that guy that hit on you" Adam said and started to laugh as we pulled into Jerome's neighborhood. I laughed along with him and we parked in the driveway. "I still can't believe people are hitting on me now" I told him and he chuckled. "To be fair Mitch made a very hot looking girl" Adam said and winked at me as I turned around to look at him.

Was he hitting on me too? Adam burst out laughing and I laughed along. Okay it was just a joke, thank god. I walked into the house with Adam still laughing behind me. "What are you two laughing about? I wanna know" Preston said and Adam tried to explain between laughs. "A guy... He.. He hit on! HAHAHHAHAH! HE HIT ON JENNA! HAHHAHA.. AND-AND HAHAHAHHA" Adam laughed and Jerome walked down. "What happened?" He asked and I explained for Adam.

"A guy at the phone store hit on me and Adam thinks it is hilarious" I said and giggled slightly at Jerome's response. He looked like he was hiding something, which he probably was. "Okay well I'm going to go record something does anyone want to join?" He asked and I automatically volunteered. Jerome stared at me. Oh fuck! I don't record I'm Jenna, not Mitch! "I mean uh... I'm going to uh. I'm gonna go eat a snack" I said and power walked out of the room.

Jerome followed me though, much to my dismay. "Jenna? What's wrong?" He asked and I turned to face him, smiling. "What? Nothing is wrong, I'm great" I lied. Anyone except Jerome would have believed it. Just like he could detect my lies when I was Mitch, he can detect them when I'm Jenna. "Jenna... You can tell me" he said and I shook my head. "Okay, well if you ever need a friend to talk to, you know where I live" Jerome said and kissed he top of my head before walking away.

He's so sweet. I just wish I could tell him...

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