Treasure Planet Twist

By taintlesstowa16

10.6K 183 44

12 years ago Jim Hawkins had a friend un-like any others. They never left each others side, until Christina D... More

Old Friends
A Map!
The R.L.S Legacy
Long John Silver
Tight Ships a Happy Ship
I'm Still Here!
Not According To Plan

Not Your Fault

201 11 3
By taintlesstowa16

"It wasn't your fault you know?" Said a low voice coming from the deck. Jim sat in the shrouds looking out into the endless night. Letting his mind take control of his feelings. "Why, half the crew would be spinning in that black abyss if--" continued the voice before he got cut off. 

"Look, don't you get it?" Yelled Jim as he jumped down onto the deck facing Silvers surprised face. He stared at him holding a pipe and packing in the tobacco. "I screwed up!" He continued enraged. "For two seconds I thought that maybe I could do something right, that maybe I could--but--arrgh" he groaned in frustration throwing the knot he was tying and untying over and over in his hands overboard. "I just--" continued frustrated. "I just--just" He calmed his breathing and hung his head. "forget it. Forget it." he said as he turned away and pushed Silver aside.

"Now you listen to me, James Hawkins.'' Silver said with a determined look on his face as he grabbed young Jim by the shirt. "You got the makings of greatness in ya! But you gotta take the helm, and chart your own course!" he explains as he points his pipe right into his face. Jim can smell the terrible smell of tobacco and looks Silver right in the eye. "Stick to it, no matter the squalls and when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what you're made of," Silver opened his arms as if he was expecting a hug from and old friend as he continued, "well, I hope I'm here. Catching some of the light coming off ya that day" he looks down at Jim. His eyes filling with tears, trying to hold them back. He gives Jim a soft smile. "That lady you're always talkin' with. Well, she see's greatness in you too, Jimbo..."

Jim couldn't help himself anymore at this point. He broke down. Tears came streaming down his face and he dropped his head into Silvers chest. How could he speak right to his heart? He felt the strong arms of Silver wrapping around him as he gave comforting words. "There, there lad." Silver says, "Lad, it's alright, Jimbo." as he pulls him in closer. "It's alright." they stayed hugging for only a moment before Silver broke free. "Now, Jim" he says in a more serious voice and clearing his throat. "I, be getting about my watch." he watched as Jim wiped away his own tears and looked up to him, like no one has ever looked at him before. "and you best be getting some shut-eye. No more of this mopin around." he says pushing him to the stairs leading him to the barracks. Jim looked back at him with a soft smile as Silver said, "Night, Lad." before he turned to the staircase and headed down for the night. Meanwhile Silver watched him with soft eyes. Morph zoomed up next to Silver pushing his soft jelly body next to his face. "Gettin' in too deep here, Morphy." Silver snuggled up to the pink blob. "Next ting ya know, they'll be sayin' I've gone soft." 

The pink blob snuggles up next to him even closer as Silver exclaims in approval. He smiles at him and turns to the stairs, knowing full well that didn't have a watch to get to. He turned to the stairs ready to head down for the night when he saw a shadow. A girl in the shadows. "Are you alright lad?" he said already knowing who it was. 

I sighed deeply. "I can't stand to see him like this. This is all my fault." I said hugging the mast next to me. Silver looked at me with sympathy.

"And why do you reckon that?" He asked me in such a calming tone. How was I going to get him to understand? The guilt that I felt. The responsibility I should have taken. I sighed heavily and walked away trying to ignore him. After groaning in frustration I looked him in the eye. 

"I don't know." I almost yelled. "Maybe because we had the same job. And mine turned out just fine!" my voice raising till I was yelling. My blood was boiling. I could feel heat raising into my face. My fist wrapped tight around each other. Loosing my fingers, I felt my body get heavy. I dropped to the deck. My eyes feeling heavy.

"Well then, I fail to see how any of that is your fault." Silver says after a moment of silence. "Listen to me. What happened out there was neither of yours twos fault. The same thing could've happened to me, or Mr. Arrow himself." I look up to see a soft eye looking down on me smiling. Tears streaming down my face, I tried to pull myself together. How can he take everything I feel. All the responsibility and make me feel okay? 

"I don't know." I finally croak. "Maybe I shouldn't have come on this trip at all." The tears turn into sobs and I sin

Silver looks hard at me before responding, "Christy, Do you know what I see in you when I look at ya?" he asks me as he crouches down to my level, picking my chin up with his cyborg hand making me look him eye, to eye, "Freedom, Determination, and most of all....Love." he smiled at me. "I can tell by just lookin' at ya, that you do care deeply for young Jimbo." he sighed as he let my chin go. Although I didn't move an inch. My face was memorized on his. "He means a mighty lot to you. And that is why you came." I stared at him completely  at a loss for words. Silver grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Don't ever doubt yourself on anything you choose to do. You hear?" he continued as he wiped the tears away from my eyes with his large fingers. 

"Okay," I smiled as he cupped my face smiling. "Thank you, Silver. So much." I looked into his eye as he smiled at me. This moment felt like I truly understood his feelings. He really does care. I smiled at him again as he clears his throat.

"Well, you best be getting some sleep lad." and pushes me down the stairs as he walks to the side of the boat. Lighting his pipe and taking a few puffs of it as Morph floats around him. Turning into a smoking pipe. After a moment he turns back into the cute pink blob he is and pushes his body up to Silvers almost saying, 'I know. I'm here.' Silver holds him close as he turns back to the barracks, unknowing of the slithering creature eavesdropping on all of the conversations he had tonight. 


I know its been a while. I know. I know. Thank you so much for the support. I lost my sight for a while (Plus my computer). But I'm happy I'm Back!!! I've grown!!! I hope the last half lives up to all of your expectations! I know this is a short chapter, but I needed to start back soft. I have missed writing this story so much. Please continue to let me know what you think! I always appreciate feedback! I love you all!!!  

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