Victorious too many thoughts

By KristoferSnelson

5.4K 81 4

During dating his girlfriend Tori he starts to have doubts about his relationship so he brakes up with her to... More

Victorious too many thoughts Ch 1
Confession time Ch 2
hasty Choices Ch 3
Long days wait Ch 4
Time goes by too fast Ch 5
Unbelieveable Ch 6
Time Of Despair Ch 7
Desolate feelings Ch 8
Uncertain desires Ch 9
Complicated decisions Ch 10
Desperate Attention Ch 11
Keepers Hearts Ch 12
Battling Broken Souls Ch 13
Distinct Feelings Ch 14
The Forbidden Pathway Ch 15
A Sad Depression Ch 16
Plan to the End Ch 17
Wise Choice ? Ch 18
Care for Time Together Love !Ch 19
Love is in the Air ! Ch 20
A Happy Living Babe ! Ch 22
Happy News Ch 23
A Beautiful Wedding Ch 24

Time moves too fast Ch 21

110 2 0
By KristoferSnelson

A/N I don't own Victorious . sorry for any grammar errors in the story.there will be a little bit  more chapters to this story, sorry for the confusion about the story. please read,review,comment,vote on this story thanks and enjoy the story :)

Eight months later

Cat Shapiro was nine months pregnant with a boy. They named him Henry Charles Shapiro after Cat and Robbie's dads . Robbie's dad Henry Robert Shapiro died a year ago to leukemia. Cat's dad Charles Jackson Valentine is not looking like he will live much longer as he has tuberculosis and colon cancer.

Cat was in the hospital hyperventilating when Robbie intertwined their fingers together Cat slowly started breathing again feeling relieved from his love and affection.

As everyone was in the waiting room ,Cat was holding Robbie's hand tightly she was nervous but excited at the same time to start her own family with Robbie.

A few hours later

" Hey everyone there is someone I want you to meet " Robbie walked in and laid down beside his wife.

Everybody in the room awed the new baby. the doctors told that there were two tumors  and he was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis.

Cat and Robbie became worried about their baby as the doctors were explaining that the baby will need to be checked up on every year to make sure that the Tumors don't get worse .

The others stood there with a puzzled look on their face as the doctors explained more into detail.

Cat was nurturing her baby as Trina and Sinjin ran into the room. Trina and Sinjin had just finished kissing out in the waiting room. "Sorry we are late " as they run in holding hands and Sinjin being dragged by Trina.

Trina saw the baby in Cat's arms and looked at Sinjin and said I want a baby as cute as that one. Sinjin looked at her in shock and horror.

Trina just smiled at him and turned her attention back to the Shapiro family. Cat kissed Robbie lovingly as her dream of having a family with the love of her life came true.

Beck and Jade were hanging out at the hospital as friends when Beck decided to pull Jade out of the room to talk alone.

"Andre come on we don't want to be late did you call a tow truck yet ?" As they were walking around the 1994 Mustang that broke down two miles from the hospital.

"Yeah but the tow truck should not arrive for at least another hour before they arrive " As Andre saw something from the car that feel off.

"Looks like the drive shaft fell off the car so it looks to me that we are going to be here for awhile" Andre looked at the car again to see if they had spare parts to get it working again.

Cat was on the verge of tears as she snuggled closer to Robbie cuddling the baby boy between the two of them and she knew that this was the second best day of her life right after marrying her best friend and soulmate Robbie.

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