Back to School (PJO ff)

By AlyceSeafire

184K 4.5K 2.5K

The Big Three are arguing ... AGAIN.Their sisters are finally fed up with all the fighting. Turned them into... More

Meeting and Brothers
Seriously? School?
Demigods! to Goode!
Day with Annabeth
Studies and Assignments
Pizza with the Stolls
Sick Days
Camping Demigod Style
Camping Part II
Capture the Flag
Teachers or Students
Not to Understand the Female Race
The Drama King Returns
The Gang
The Kings of the school
New Best Friend
Deep Trouble
Father and Son Accident
Unusually Different
Little Duo in the Supermarket
Holiday Fun
Christmas Surprises
Demigod Test
Test of Demigodishness
Field Trip
New Story

Teachers, Classmates and Children

10K 204 161
By AlyceSeafire

Chapter 2: Teachers, Classmates and Children

                The Big Three were in the office getting their schedules. They shared some classes together like their first period and last. While some classes they had alone or only one of their brothers.  They found their way to their first class, Algebra. The teacher was a strict middle aged man named, Mr. Gonzales. He was about to start his discussion when a familiar demigod entered. Mr. Gonzales wasn’t so pleased at Percy. He stepped in front of him staring him down.

                “Sorry, I’m late sir.” Percy said

                “Do you have any idea what time it is, young man” he said “you better have a good explanation”

                “I was with Pa…Mr. Blofis. He asked me to get his bag he left at the trunk of his car”

                “I will not accept such lies, young man what is your name?”

                “Percy Jackson and I am not lying. I have a note” he searched through his pockets and gave the teacher a crumpled piece of paper

                The teacher looked at the crumpled piece of paper. He looked frustrated at being talked back and for being wrong “Very well then go take the empty seat over there”

                He started the roll call and the introduction of home room class everyone was obviously bored so everyone made conversations to their seat mate. And of course with Percy being well Percy he started to talk to his seatmate who coincidentally is Michael aka Zeus.

                “Hey I’m Percy”

                Zeus looked at his brothers who shrugged then turned back to Percy “Michael”

                “You’re new here aren’t you” he said “I haven’t seen you here before”

                “Yeah my brothers and I are” Zeus said

                “Cool how many brothers do you have? What year are they in?” Percy asked curiously

                The other two chuckled at the demigod’s curiosity. The ADHD is acting up again they thought

                “Well I have two brothers” Zeus started

                “And we’re over here” Percy turned around. Poseidon waved and Hades nodded from beside him.

                “I’m only guessing here either you guys are stepbrothers or twins except instead of two there are three of you”

                Poseidon thought for a moment “Triplets I think it’s called.” He smiled “I’m Mark, Mark Olympia”

                “Percy, Percy Jackson”

                “Nice to meet you Percy” Poseidon said smiling. He was happy to see his son hopefully able to learn of his life. And finally be able to learn him better. The other two gods weren’t so happy. But Hades kept his mouth shut he knew what it meant for his brother and would most probably do the same if it were Nico. Zeus however wasn’t so nice, especially when Percy had invited them to sit with him and his friends at lunch.


“Why do we need to go? I mean honestly he is your son” Zeus complained

                “If it were your son or daughter would you want the chance to get to know them better?”

                “We are gods, Po…Mark” Zeus stated “we don’t need to get to know them. It’s our job to rule and their job to worship us”

                His pride still is wounded Hades said in his head. Poseidon however was pissed. Other than Hera he is one of the only gods who value their family, both godly and mortal.

                “Is that all they are to you” Poseidon hissed “Peasants and slaves to bow on your feet? You are their father. I don’t see how Hera puts up with you”

                “That’s it” they were again fighting each other. All Hades could do was watch he couldn’t get too involved and he can’t separate them this time it was hard enough the first time. Percy came by after saying goodbye to his other friends. He saw the two at each other’s throats.

                “Wanna help me get them off each other I can’t separate the two” Hades asked

                “Yes before anyone else sees” Percy said “Are they always like this?”

                Hades nodded them proceeded to separate the two. Hades managed to grab Zeus while Percy had Poseidon. And succeeded to stop them without any of the faculty noticing.

                “What is this all about” Percy hissed in annoyance as the two gods were struggling from Percy’s and Hades’ grip.

                “I don’t know, do you Mike?” Hades hissed then to his brother’s ear “if you keep this up the longer we’ll be stuck like this so stop it”

                Zeus reluctantly stopped then practically hissed an apology at Poseidon. He was about to protest when Hades gave him a hard stare

                “Fine” he hissed then they let them both go. Zeus stomped off to his next class while the three were looking at him. Hades shook his head

                “Always the drama queen” then he looked at Percy pretending not to know him “Thanks. I’m Matthew”

                “Percy” he replied “what was that all about?”

                “Well, Mark and Mike usually argue about small things” Hades replied “if there is no one there to stop them it is like a war zone”

                Percy nodded in agreement. Hades raised his eyebrow.

                “You have siblings?”

                “No but I know a few people with the same situation and I get into a few with my cousins not a good sign” Percy replied “anyway I need to go to Biology before Mrs. White has my head , see ya”

                He waved them goodbye. Hades asked Poseidon which is his next class

                “Um Biology”

                “I have English next see you at lunch then” then they went their separate way.


                Zeus was in PE class. They were going to play basketball and were all in red jersey shorts and loose white shirts. Since the three gods were changed into teenagers they weren’t exactly big and muscular nor small and scrawny just the middle, tall, slightly thin and with some muscle being developed. But some of the other students are huge after years and years of training. They look like actual basketball players or from other sports like volleyball or tennis. So in short he was cooked. He had watched the Olympics and knew the rules of the games. But never tried to play first hand.

                They were following each other trying to get possession of the ball. It was boys vs. girls so it was easy to know who was in whose team. Then this really big boy who passed him the ball after managing to snatch it from a girl who was passing it to a team mate. Confused, he did what he thought he was supposed to do. He shot the ball. The coach blew his whistle.

                “Foul!” the coach said then the bell rang signaling the end of class

                “Way to go Michael” teased one of the boys after class “or should we call you Michaela? Since apparently you’re a girl”

                “Yeah what do you do in your spare time, dress shopping with your mom?” one of his gang said

                “Maybe we should show this kid how we run this school” the larger boy said he looked like he was held back one or two years and was just as big as Ares’ children. He had punched him in the stomach and grabbed the lord of the sky by the collar of his shirt and tried to shove him into one of the empty lockers.

                “What is going on here?” The small gang’s face paled a bit but when they turned around they saw a very pissed Hades and Poseidon with arms crossed.

                “None of your business” the big guy barked “Now get out of here”

                “I think it is my business that is my little brother you’re pushing around” Hades said stepping forward the bully was looking him down. But when he looked at Hades straight in the eye he shivered in fear.

                “Do you think I’m scared of you?” he said as his voice cracked “There are five of us and only two of you”

                “Make that three” said a familiar voice they turned and now they were really scared. Percy stepped in “What is going on here, Francis?”

                “Nothing you need to worry about, Jackson” he said coolly “we’re just showing this newbie his place”

                “And that newbie is my friend” Percy said calmly the bully reluctantly put him down

                “Just wait for it newbie, Jackson may be here to save you now but just you wait”

                The Bullies left after dropping him on the floor. Hades and Poseidon helped Zeus to his feet.

                “You okay Mike?” Percy asked concerned

                “Fine” Zeus moaned half in pain “How did you do that?”

                “Let’s just say having a teacher as a stepfather and learning pressure points have their advantages” Percy said smirking “Come on, let’s go I’ll introduce you to some of my friends”


                Percy led them to the cafeteria. They had gotten their lunch and sat on a table with two other guys.

                “Hey guys” Percy greeted then motioned for the three to sit with them “Guys this is Matthew, Mark, and Michael Olympia their new here”

                Zeus and Poseidon said hi while Hades just nodded to them. “And these are Lucas and George”

                “Yeah, I know Matt you were in my English class.” Lucas said

                “And Mark was in our Biology Class, Perce” George said

                “I know but introduction shall be made” Percy said playfully then the three started to push each other playfully.

                “So how was your first day so far?” George asked the three

                “Okay” “Not so good” “Fine” they said simultaneously

                Percy rolled his eyes “Mike had a little… problem earlier just before lunch”



                “Don’t worry about it you could take them” Lucas said “with a little POW wow and swish swoosh with the sword?”

                The big three’s eyes widened they knew that Percy was good with the sword and demigods know that their identity was to be kept a secret. Percy noticed

“We had this class last year” he explained the three relaxed “in PE we were taught how to fight with swords and knives like how they fought in stories of heroes and knights. The teacher thought I was good at it”

“Good at it?” Lucas exclaimed “you were a natural. He managed to disarm the teacher and pin Francis to the ground with the sword at this throat. And Francis had those classes every weekend with that same teacher”

“I told you I was lucky and the ADHD might have helped” Percy said “anyway you should have seen this guy with the bow”

“So you had Sword fighting and Archery here” Hades said recovering from the shock

“Yep” Lucas said eating some of the weird meat thing they sold.

The five looked disgusted “Seriously why do you eat that?” George asked

He shrugged

“Seriously what is that?” Zeus asked looking closer at it

“Meat loaf…Surprise?”

“What’s the Surprise?” Poseidon asked also curious

“Once I find out I will tell you” Lucas said everyone at the table laughed and finished their food and proceeded with their classes.


Percy, Zeus and Hades all had same class next which was shop while Poseidon had English with Percy’s friend George

Percy was seated somewhere in the middle while the two gods decided to use the time to talk. For the first thirty minutes it was all quiet between the two.

“So what is going on?” Hades asked breaking the silence

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Zeus said

“Oh don’t give me that. What’s with all the fighting lately?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because I’m your brother” Hades replied but Zeus ignored him “Because we won’t be able to solve this or get out of this mess if you don’t”

“I just don’t see the reason why we need to spend time with our children” he whispered “We are gods their suppose to worship us that’s why they’re there in the first place”

“Yes” Hades agreed “but they are also our children”

“But why?”

“All our brother was doing is using the opportunity given” Hades explained “if your daughter didn’t accept the role as a huntress…”

“But she did”

“IF she didn’t and she went to this school with us wouldn’t you see the chance to finally get to know her? To be a father that you couldn’t be?”

“But I am her father”

“But can you be there like a father should be? If her mother didn’t die and instead remarried like Sally had? He was afraid. Afraid to think that this Blofis guy replaced him in his son’s life”

Zeus thought of that for a moment “Well what about you and Nico?”

“Nico doesn’t go to school and goes to the Underworld every now and he doesn’t need anyone to look after him that much” Hades replied “just think about it okay?”


The Three Gods had Greek as the last class. Poseidon and Zeus still weren’t talking. They were about to go home when Hades went back inside to grab something from his locker. This left the two brothers alone in the front door of the school.

“Uh…Mark” Zeus started then Poseidon looked at him

“Yes?” He asked emotionlessly

“I just want to say…I’m Sorry”

He raised an eyebrow

“Our brother talked to me. I never saw it like that. I didn’t know you would feel that way, nor did I think of how it must affect you and for that I am sorry”

Poseidon’s expression softened and the brothers shared a hug. “Apology accepted, brother”

When they released each other Zeus lightly chuckled “Who knew the Greek god of the Dead could be so emotional?”

“Well I did but that is a story for another time, my brother. Because if you speak of the devil he shall appear”

As if called Hades walked over and saw his brothers’ arms around each other’s shoulder, Hades raised his eyebrow. Then the three brothers laughed then proceeded to go home

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