
By baby_dagger

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Louis Tomlinson. He is the typical ideal athlete at his school, Hayfield high school. Everyone thinks they kn... More

Marcel Styles
It was him
I guess he wasn't bad after all
Wanna skip school?
Ice Cream, Movies, and a Head Injury
Marcel's Baby, Louis' Home Life, and People From The Past
A Fight, A Party, A Prankster and New Friends
Hangovers, Bobby's Diner, and An Unexplainable Change
Being Late, Burying a Body, a Fake Name, and An Apology
Michael's Gone, Right? Then Who's in Charge Now?
Isn't He's Like 80?
I-I think I Like Him
You Didn't Have To Do All of This To Get Me Against a Wall
One Johnathan is a Nightmare, but Three of Them is Just a Horror Show
It Was The Little Things
Time and Space
Baby's Rules
There's No Way You Can Fit 20 Marshmallows in Your Mouth
The Talk
If You're Wondering How This Is Possible, There's a Simple Answer
Who's Sherlock Holmes?
It Was Self-Defence
Would You Fancy Having Dinner With Me?
Are You Planning on Donating an Organ Sometime Soon?
When I Get This Fucking Bullet Out, I'll Answer Your Qestions
Everybody, get down!
Stay With Me Louis!
Kiss Me
Well Besides Hentai
To New Friends And New Beginnings or Whatever People Say in Clichés
"Hi" And "Oops" Started It All
I Could End This Wretched Nightmare
It's Not Tea With The Queen
You Are Such A Tease
You're The Only One I Can Trust
He's Alive
I Didn't Know If It Was Too Cheesy
Live a Great Life, Harry.
Take A Deep Breath, And Start When You Can
Are You Going To Keep Staring At Me Or Are You Going To Kiss Me?
You're Expecting A Lot Of Fights?
My Hero

Diseases Love To Linger In Groups

112 6 5
By baby_dagger

Harry's POV

For my first time in my doctor's office, I would've thought he had a bunch of 'get better' and 'wash your hands' posters on his walls. He didn't. He had a desk, a shelf and two portraits of his dogs. He was single, recently divorced. That was all I had gathered on him for the few times we saw each other.

"Well, Harry, you are exceptionally healthy for someone who has endured so much." He closed a file and slid into a drawer. "I was impressed by how much you've recovered in the past few sessions."

I already knew this. "Does that mean I can go back to school? And drive?"

"Let's not jump the gutter on driving just yet, okay? But you are strong enough to go back to school, but make sure to not labour yourself for too long the next week. I still want you to come to a few more sessions so we can get you behind the wheel."

I sighed but nodded. I knew I still needed a few more days before I could be back to how I was. "All right, thank you, doctor."

He smiled and played with his ring finger, something I noticed he did whenever he thought of his ex-spouse. "No problem, kid. I'll see you on Saturday, yeah?"

I got up, using the armrests as help to push myself up. "Yeah, see you, then."

I walked out of his office and left the place, knowing Amar was outside.

"How was it?" She asked.

"Good, just like the other five thousand times you've asked me."

Amar rolled her eyes and got in the car. I walked around the front of the car and hopped in.

Amar already had her car going. "So, do you want to order in or are you up for cooking?"

I didn't have to think about it. "I want to cook; I miss it, but we have to head to the shop first. We've eaten in for the past few days, and we haven't refilled our fridge in weeks."

She nodded and started to reverse. "All right, we'll stop by the shop."


"You could help by putting stuff away, you know?" Amar huffed. "Given that, I did all the heavy lifting."

I shrugged. "You know I can't exert myself, yet. I'll help store the things that go in the fridge while you stock the cabinets."

"How do you feel about wings for today?" I asked her as I took the meat out of the bag.

She set the popcorn box down. "Oh, god, yes! Make sure to make a set of non-spicy for me."

I shook my head as I put the chicken package in the lower section of the fridge instead of the freezer. "You're so weird."

"I can't handle it!" She defended herself. "I can't help it."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I'll start cooking after my nap."

"Who knew you would turn into such a sloth?"

I nudged her with my shoulder. "Oh, shut up; coming from the girl who takes two naps a day."

"Coming from the girl who takes two naps a day," She repeated in a mocking tone.

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond. I walked out of the kitchen and walked upstairs slowly, still needing to take time. As I walked into my room, I grabbed my laptop from my desk and checked the emails from Zayn. I had gotten notified during my session that I had received mail from him. It was a bunch of copies of the homework assignments I had asked for a few days ago.

I reached over to the other side of my bed and grabbed my phone. I opened Louis' contact and started typing.

'Hey, my doctor said I'm okay to go back to school. I think I'll return on Monday.'

After a few minutes, Louis responded. 'That's great! Are you allowed to drive, too?'

I sighed after reading it, still feeling bummed about not being able to drive. 'No, not yet. I think I'll have to get a ride from Amar for a few days.'

Louis was quick to text back. 'I've already talked it over with my mum, and she said it was okay for me to go back.'

I gnawed on my bottom lip as I looked over at my screen to see all the emails I had gotten from Zayn. 'If we're going back on Monday, then we only have a few days to catch up on all the missing homework assignments.'

'Do you want to work on it together? Like a study date? We could go to a cafe and study there.'

I couldn't resist the wide smile that pulled at my lips after reading the message. 'Yeah, that would be better than doing it by myself, plus I get to be with you.'

'Such a sap, but yeah, we can do Saturday.'

I rolled my eyes, but the smile on my face never disappeared. 'We can do it after my therapy session, so around 11:30-ish?'


"I thought you were going to sleep."

I looked up from my phone after reading the last text to see Amar standing at my door frame. "I was just checking my emails."

Amar gave me a look that said she didn't believe me. "Uh-huh, who were you texting?"

"Louis," I answered. "I was telling him that I'll be going back to school on Monday."

Her demeanour changed, and she quickly walked in. "Wait. What? You're going back to school?"

I nodded, closing my laptop, deciding to print the copies later. "Yeah, my doctor told me I was good to go back at the end of my session today."

She sat at the edge of my bed, concern evident on her face. "Are you sure you're good to go back? I understand if you need more time."

"I want to go back, Amar," I told her without hesitation. "I'm itching to go back. I was never one to stay in one place for too long, and staying home every day doing nothing or sleeping the day away is getting on my nerves. I need to get out of the house."

Amar looked at me quizzically, then sighed. "Fine."

Before she got up, I said, "Oh, I'll be riding with you to school since my doctor said I couldn't drive, yet."

"All right, that's fine."

I held up one finger. "One more thing," I got up and stretched my arms. "After my session on Saturday, can you drive me to Ivory Cafe? Louis and I are going to have a study date. We want to catch up on the homework we've missed this past week."

She raised an eyebrow and got up. "Mhm, is that all you're going to catch up on?"

I nudged her. "Shut up. Now, come on. I'm not getting any sleep with all your talking, so I might as well start dinner."

Amar scoffed and hit my shoulder playfully. I laughed in return. I got Amar in a headlock quickly, then ruffled her hair as she complained. We laughed as we descended the stairs.


I took a sip of my lemonade, then set the cup down. "Louis and I talked, and we're going to come out to the school. Liam and Zayn will be as well."

She set down the fry she was about to chew. "And you're okay with that?"

I shrugged. "Well, Johnathan is dead, so there's no need to hide anymore."

"Johnathan wasn't the only homophobic jerk at school."

"I know, but I think I can handle a few homophobic pricks for a few months."

She smiled. "All right, whatever you want; I'll support it."

I mirrored the smile, knowing I could always count on her. "Thank you, now are you going to tell Cole?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, Harry, I am telling Cole. I texted him earlier and told him I had to talk to him." She finished two fries at the same time before continuing. "I gave him our address, so he'll also know where we live."

I shrugged. "That's fine. I won't have to pick you up from our old flat every time you two have a date."

Amar scoffed. "Whatever. Cole is coming over on Saturday; after I drop you off at with Louis."

I pointed a chicken wing at her. "I don't want you doing anything here."

She raised an eyebrow. "So if I go over to Cole's house to do something, it's okay?"

I glared at her, not liking her teasing. "Don't push it, Amar. I can still lock him up somewhere far from you."

She waved a hand, dismissing my comment, and rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic! That's my job."

I rolled my eyes but let the conversation drop, and we continued to eat in sweet silence.


Louis' POV

"Hey, little Styles," I greeted Amar, hugging her.

"Hey, Tomlinson," She greeted back, surprisingly not commenting on the nickname like she always does. "Take care of him, and remember you're in public, so don't do anything inappropriate."

I could feel heat rush to my face, and as I spared a glance at Harry, I could see he was blushing as well.

He cleared his throat. "Got it loud and clear. Bye!"

Amar smirked and gave a two-finger salute, then got back in her car and drove away.

"You ready?" Harry spoke first.

I turned to face him and wrapped an arm around him. "To do homework? No. To hang out with you? Yes."

Harry smiled but shoved my hand off him. "We are working today."

I raised my hands in defence. "I know, I know, I know. Hanging out with you is the icing on the top."

Harry laughed, his head thrown back and dimples on display, as we walked inside the cafe. "And who's the sap?"

We took a seat at a booth near a well-lit part of the cafe. I smirked and pointed at Harry. "Still you."

He rolled his eyes, but his dimpled smile never left his face. I was busy admiring him when a male waitress approached us.

"Hello, what would you like today?" The guy sounded bored, the greeting coming out monotone.

Harry ordered first. "Um, I'll start with a hot chocolate, but I think I may want a smoothie later."

The waitress's head snapped up, and I watched as he checked Harry out. He smiled warmly. "Then I'll be sure to come back to see you."

I didn't like the way the waitress perked up at the presence of Harry. It didn't help that Harry giggled and looked down, hiding his face.

My jaw clenched. "I'll have a black coffee, two sugars."

"I'll bring your drinks shortly." The waitress spoke, but it was clear he directed it to Harry only. He checked him out once more before leaving.

A low growl emitted from me, surprising Harry and me.

"You okay, Lou?" Harry asked.

I plastered a smile on my face. "Fine, love."

Harry didn't buy it but didn't push it either. "So, I've started with maths homework since their the easiest to finish."

I scoffed. "Easiest, seriously? I need like two full days to finish even one worksheet."

He smiled and joined his hands together. "Well, today you have your ever so smart boyfriend to help you out."

I smiled and momentarily forgot about the annoying waitress, but as soon as he did, the devil walked back with their drinks.

As he set the drinks down, he spoke. "Would you like a pastry from our bakery?"

I reached over and intertwined my hand with Harry's. "Would you like to share a slice of pie, love?"

Harry smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds lovely."

I turned to the waitress, a scowl on my face. "A slice of pumpkin pie."

I grinned in satisfaction when the waitress smiled tightly at our joined hands, then left.

Harry slipped his hand out of my grasp. "I know what you're doing."

I pulled my laptop and papers out. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

He gave me a look that said he wasn't buying it. "I'm here with you, Louis. I love the whole jealousy look on you, but I'm yours, you know that, right?"

I huffed. "I know that, but that bloke doesn't seem to understand that."

Harry shrugged. "Who cares? I only got eyes for you, plus he's not my type."

My jaw clenched, and I hid my balled-up fists under the table. "So if the waitress was your type...?"

Harry laughed, covering his mouth slightly with his knuckles. "I wouldn't do anything because my type is Louis Tomlinson."

I chuckled, feeling heat rushing to my face once again. I tried to hide it by shaking my head. "How can you ever doubt that you're the sap in this relationship?"

Harry rolled his eyes and took his laptop out as well as some papers from his satchel. "All right, let's start with Maths."

I groaned, but Harry ignored it, pulling out a half-finished math worksheet.


I was watching Harry speaking about some English essay, but I wasn't paying attention. I was only paying attention to the motion of Harry's lips moving as he spoke. It had been two hours, and I got nothing more than holding hands. I wanted to get out of this blasted cafe and just kiss the hell out of him.

I zoned back into reality as I heard my name.

"Louis? You okay?"

Instead of answering, I stood up and went to take a seat next to him.

"What are you-"

I cut him off swiftly with a kiss. Harry was quick to respond, bringing his hand up to my waist to hold me in place. My hand found its way around his neck, and I pulled at his curls, which were growing longer. Harry let out a soft gasp and pulled away, panting heavily.

"Lou, we're supposed to be working." Harry breathed out, still trying to get more air in his lungs.

"We've been working for two hours," I complained. "It's time for kisses."

I didn't let him argue because I quickly leaned in and captured his soft lips once more. Harry chuckled into the kiss and kissed back. I flicked my tongue by his bottom lip, asking to deepen the kiss, but he shook his head and pulled away once more.

He was still close, so as he spoke, his lips brushed against mine. "Lou, we're in public."

I sighed and rested my forehead against his. "Sorry, love, it's just once we start, I don't want to stop."

Harry chuckled softly. "I may be the sap, but you're definitely the needy one."

I cocked my head to the side so only he could hear me. "Can you blame me? With your lips, your firm body," as I spoke, I trailed my hand lower on his torso and rested it on his thigh, "you're thighs."

My hand was away from sight, hidden under the table. I slowly raked my finger higher up, loving the tiny gasps escaping Harry's mouth.

Once my hand was in between his thighs, my grip harshened, and I was palming him. "Everything about you."

Harry covered his moan with a cough, and his leg jerked up, accidentally hitting the table. "Louis, Louis, remember what Amar said; we're in public."

I started leaving open-mouthed kisses on his jaw and trailing higher until I reached his ear. "What? I'm merely talking to my boyfriend. There's nothing inappropriate about that." I bit harshly onto his earlobe, earning a tiny whimper from Harry. I smirked, loving the sound, and that I caused him to react that way.

Unfortunately, Harry pushed my hand away and cleared his throat. I was going to question it, but the annoying voice answered my question.

"Is everything okay over here? Can I get you anything else?"

"Some privacy would be nice," I grumbled lowly.

Harry slapped my thigh and shook his head. "No, thank you. My boyfriend's just not feeling well."

I coughed to make it more believable, but I hid my smirk when I heard the tightness in his voice when he spoke again.

"Sorry to hear that. Enjoy the rest of your stay."

Once he was gone, Harry whispered, "You're right; he is annoying."

I chuckled and raised my head to peck his cheek.


Amar's POV

Cole sat a few spaces away from me on the sofa, his hands clasped together. "Wow...that is not what I was expecting to hear when you said we had to talk."

"What did you think I wanted to talk about?"

He shrugged. "When a girl says that they need to talk, you're either in trouble, or they're going to break up with you."

I chuckled softly. "You're not in trouble, and, in all honesty, I was afraid to tell you because I thought you would break up with me after finding out that I've been lying to you."

Cole moved closed and wrapped an arm around me. "No, I understand why you were hesitant to tell me. I'm a stranger to you, and at the time, your life and your brother's life were in danger."

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. I was grateful he was so understanding and sweet. That warm feeling came back, but I ignored it. I didn't want to freak him out more than I probably already have.

I nudged him with my elbow and raised my head. "Do you want some leftovers? Harry made rice and chicken yesterday."

He got up and extended a to me, and I took it. "Yeah, sure. My mum is on a business trip, so I've eaten pizza for the past week."

My face scrunched up in disgust. "I'm all for a pizza, but even that is too much pizza."

The sound his laughter followed me into the kitchen.


Louis' POV

It was a chilly morning, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for Donny. Zayn, Liam and Niall were standing around me as we waited for Harry and Amar. There were a few minutes before school began, and they weren't here, yet.

"Nervous?" Niall asked.

"Loads." Liam's hands were visibly shaking, but Zayn grabbed them.

Zayn nudged me with his shoulder. "Tommo? You okay?"

I nodded. "It would be easier if Harry was here."

"They live pretty far away, Louis." Liam reasoned.

I sighed. "Yeah, I know."

After a few minutes, Amar's car pulled into the lot and parked next to my car. My breath caught in my throat as I watched him step out of the vehicle. He looked gorgeous as ever. There were a few gasps around the lot as they watched Amar and Harry get out of the car, and I held back an eye roll.

Harry was looking around the lot, and when he spotted me, my favourite dimpled smile came out. He started to walk over, leaving Amar to get her guitar from the boot. I pushed myself off the wall and met him halfway. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his snaked around my waist.

"I missed you," He whispered, his hot breath sending warmth down my neck.

"I missed you, too," I whispered back. "Are you ready for today?"

He pulled away, his hands resting on my hips and nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

I let go of him and let one of my arms draped over his shoulders, and we walked back to our friends.

"Hey," I greeted Amar.

She gave a two-finger salute. "You all ready for this?"

We all nodded.

She sighed. "All right, let's get this day over with."

The few people who stood in front of the doors moved and let us open them. As we walked in, the crowds of students paused their conversations to look over at us. I still had my arm around Harry. Zayn and Liam are holding hands. People were looking at us in confusion, and some were quick to understand. Those who knew were either hiding a grin or frowning. None of us seemed to care.

We walked over to our regular spot and leaned against the wall of lockers and ignored all the whispers and looks we were receiving. We started having a conversation about the new History teacher, and Niall explained that our Maths substitute is now our official maths teacher. Throughout the few minutes we had, my arm stayed around Harry, and his head rested on my shoulder. Soon the bell rang, signalling the beginning of classes.

"I'll see you in class," I called out to Zayn and Liam as they walked away.

I slid my hand down and grabbed Harry's hand in my own. I walked him to class with Amar and Niall. Once we reached his classroom, Amar and Niall went on ahead and took their seats.

"I love you." I smiled as the words left my mouth.

Harry's dimples popped out. "I love you."

I got closer and cocked my head to the side and pecked his cheek. I felt his smile widen under my lips.

"I'll see you in Chem," I whispered and pulled away. Harry nodded, biting the inside of his cheek. I let go of his hand and let him walk into class. As I headed to my class, I sent a glare to anyone who looked at me for too long.


For once, I didn't fall asleep during world history. But then again, thinking about your ex-teacher who was a narcotic, gang member, who helped try to kill you will keep you awake.

I was walking to chemistry class, and as soon as I stepped a foot in the classroom, some dyed blonde stepped in front of me, leaning forward to show her cleavage. I was caged in, and immediately, I felt uncomfortable.

"Hey, Louis." Her voice dripped with seduction. "I was wondering if you wanted to ditch with me? My parent won't be home all day."

I cleared my throat to hide a grimace. I caught Harry's eye and saw him holding in laughter. I smiled at him, and without looking down at the girl, I said,

"Sorry, I'm more into brunettes."

I pushed past her, ignoring her scoff and people's stares and sat next to Harry.

"You could've helped me, y' know?" I accused him.

"You handled it pretty well if I say so." He shrugged. I shook my head in disbelief, a small smile on my face. I nudged him slightly and opened my notebook up, ready to completely ignore it as I stare at Harry through the whole class period.


Harry's POV

We were all huddled close together as we watched the video on Niall's phone. He insisted on us watching it; promising it was hilarious. His exact words were, "I swear, guys, I nearly pissed myself!"

The video started and a serious of tweets popped up as a guy started reading them in a voice-over. I'll admit it was pretty funny. Niall was dying, his face red from laughing too hard. The others were also stifling laughs and covering their mouths with their hands.

"Well, I see all the fags are together; not like I expected any less. Diseases love to linger in groups."

Niall pocketed his phone, and we all separated to see the captain of the basketball team, his little posse behind him. The boys had told me about him. Ever since Johnathan disappeared and Johnavon turned nice, he's taken it upon himself to be the new terrorizer of the school.

His eyes widened. "Oh, and Janice, too! What? You couldn't find anyone to blow, so you decide to hang with the fags? That's low even for you."

"Get out of here, Simon. Your face is annoying as it is, you don't have to torture us with your voice, too." Louis glared at Simon as he stepped forward.

Simon's jaw twitched. "You think you can just come out of the closet now that Johnathan is gone? No one wants to see you guys kissing. It's wrong, not to mention disgusting."

I cocked my head to the side, irritated with him already. "I think I can vouch for many people when I say that no one wants to see your tongue down a different girl's throat each week."

Simon stepped forward. "At least when I do it, I'm not sinning."

Wow, he went there.

"Sinning? Tell me, Simon, are you married? Because having sex before marriage is also a sin. Should we ask the whole cheerleading team which one of them you're married to?"

Simon was fuming. He stepped forward, ready to take a swing at me. I quickly ducked to the side, and Simon's fist met air.

"Oh, too slow. I thought a basketball player would be faster." There was a crowd gathering us now.

Simon was practically red from anger. "You're really asking for it, fag." He went in with two quick punches, but I quickly dodged them.

I could tell he was getting irritated. He was embarrassing himself in front of the school and is losing to me, and I haven't touched him. Yet.

When he went for another punch, I stopped his fist. There was a collective gasp around us. I twisted his arm, pulling him down to his knees.

"I'll make this quick so you can understand me." I let go of his hand and pushed him down. "If you ever insult me, my boyfriend or my friends, I'll give you a real fight, and you won't get away with only a twisted arm."


Louis' POV

"You could've been hurt, Haz."

There was a moment of silence as Harry finished brushing his teeth, then he spoke,

"But I didn't get hurt." He came out of his bathroom and walked over to me. He put his arms around my neck. "I'm fine, okay?"

I sighed. I can't stay annoyed at Harry for too long. I got on tiptoes and pecked Harry's lips. "Okay."

Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss me again. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. He always managed to smell like vanilla, and it was a beautiful smell. My hands squeezed at his hips and led him to the bed. The back of his legs hit his bed, and he fell backwards. He scooched up and got comfortable as I climbed on top of him. I framed his head with my hands. I closed the gap between us and captured his lips in mine. His lips were so soft, as always, and moving against mine hungrily. I pulled away to leave open-mouthed kisses on his jaw. I loved the small sounds that escaped Harry's mouth. I moved my mouth down and started sucking at his neck, searching for his sweet spot.

I knew I had found it when a high pitched whine emitted from Harry. I bit down on the section right below his ear and sucked harshly, chasing more sounds out of him. I swiped my tongue across the new mark on his neck and breathed on it. Harry shivered and let out a moan. I cupped his cheek and went back to kissing him, and he responded immediately. His kisses were sloppy as he moved his hands down my torso and picked at my shirt's hem, signalling he wanted it off.

I pulled away and let him take my shirt off. I leaned back down and kissed him, his hands pressed against my chest. I groaned into the kiss, loving the cold of his hands on my flushed chest. I could feel my dick pressing against my trousers, searching for relief in some way. Harry was sporting a hard-on as well. We both needed some type of friction, so I lowered myself and ground my hips, causing our boners to brush against each other. Harry broke the kiss as he threw his head back and moaned.

"Oh, please, please," Harry mumbled.

"What do you want, baby?" I whispered against his ear.

"Oh, god, you, please."

I pecked his lips one last time before taking his shirt off. My lips and hands move down his body. I made sure to kiss and touch every inch of his torso. I paused my movements when I reached the button to his trousers. I looked up and received a nod from a blushing and flustered Harry. I undid the button and slowly pushed the zipper down, making sure to add pressure to give him a tiny bit of friction. Harry let out a moan and clenched the bedsheets with his fists. I hooked my fingers in the belt hoops and pushed his trousers down. Harry did the rest and tossed them on the floor. I mouthed at his tip through his pants and licking at the wet spot from pre-cum.

"D-don't tease, please," Harry stuttered.

I smirked and pulled his pants down, his hard cock slapping against his stomach. Harry sighed in relief. Seeing his cock for the first time was a jaw-dropper. I moaned at the beautiful sight. I had held him before, so I knew he was big, but seeing it and having it throbbing in front of me was another thing that made me even harder.

I licked a fat stripe from his base to his tip before sliding my lips down his shaft. Harry's back arched off the bed, and his hands tightened around the bedsheets. I bobbed my head and swallowed almost all of him. I brought my head back up and sucked on the head harshly then popped off with a loud pop. A string of saliva dripped from my mouth and connected to Harry's tip. I pumped his cock and went back to Harry.

"You want a taste, baby?" I murmured and kissed him before letting him answer. I slipped my tongue in quickly, licking the walls of his mouth.

"Mhmm, I taste good," Harry whispered, eyes full with lust.

I lowered myself and whispered against his cock, "You sure do, baby," then slipped his dick back into my mouth.

Harry's hand flew to the back of my head and grabbed a handful of hair, pulling on it and moaning obscenely. I was glad nobody else was here, and that Harry lived far away from anybody else.

I relaxed my jaw and breathed through my nose as I lowered my head all the way down, my nose touching Harry's stomach.

"Oh, fuck! Lou that feels so so good!" His hand in my hair tightened, and his hips thrust up into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. "Oh, shit, sorry, it just felt so good."

I pulled off and rested my lips on his head. "Go ahead, baby; fuck my mouth." I swallowed his shaft hallway and stopped.

Harry moaned and grabbed onto my hair once more and guided my head down his cock, letting more moans slip out. His hand pulled me back up his cock, then let his hips do the rest. I relaxed my jaw and looked up at him. He was quite a sight. His hair was messy and sticking to his forehead from the thin line of sweat building upon his body. His body was glistening with sweat, his back was arched, and his thighs were tense.

His cock slid in and out of my mouth with ease, but his moves were getting sloppy. His moans quickly morphed into whimpers.

"Lou, I'm close."

I hollowed out my cheeks more and swirled my tongue around his dick as it slid out. I placed my hands on his thighs and stopped his movements. I played with his balls as I kept sucking on his head, swivelling my tongue around it.

"Oh, god! Louis! I'm going to cum!"

I pulled off but kept fondling his balls. "Cum for me, baby." I lowered my head back down and swallowed all of him, bobbing my head as quickly as I could.

He held my head in place. "Ugh- I'm cumming!"

With those words uttered, his cock twitched in my mouth, and his cum shot down my throat. A loud, throaty moan left Harry's mouth as he came off his high. I pulled off and swallowed all of it, making sure he saw me.

"Fuck," He drew the word out. "That was so hot."

I smiled and went to kiss him. "Anything for you, Haz."

He lazily smiled, but it quickly went away, and a frown replaced it.

My eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

His hand travelled down and groped my hard-on, causing me to close my eyes and groan at the touch.

"Let me help you with this." His hand moved against my crotch, jacking me off through my trousers.

I bit my lips and nodded.

Harry smirked. "You know, we both need showers, and we could save time if we took one together."

My head dropped, and a groan slipped out of my mouth. "Oh, god, that sounds great, love."

We made our way to the shower, and Harry watched me as I shimmied out of my trousers and pants quickly. The water ran behind him, but he was busy checking me out, getting hard once more. I grabbed his hand and stepped inside his shower. I closed the curtain and lowered the knob to make the water a bit warmer. I forgot that Harry liked cold showers.

His head was partially under the water head, so half of his head was wet. His hands were hesitant as they wrapped around my biceps, which was weird given what we just did in his bed. He switched our places, and now I was under the water head.


I nodded and watched him as he lowered himself to his knees. He stared at my cock for a second before grabbing the base and giving kitten licks to my head. The little touches and licks felt so good already. I threw my head back and moaned. Harry sucked on the side and licked up all the way to the tip then took me into his mouth. I moaned loudly at the warmth surrounding my dick.

Harry's tongue swivelled around my tip as he bobbed his head. He pumped what he couldn't reach with one hand and held onto my thigh with the other.

"Oh, yeah, just like that, baby, feels so good," I mumbled out and moaned when Harry hummed around me.

I was rock solid, and I knew I wasn't going to last long. Watching Harry's swollen pink lips stretched around my cock was so erotic, and I could feel my dick twitch against his tongue. Harry kept his eyes open and stared at me as he swallowed my dick until he couldn't anymore. Tears brimmed his eyes, and I knew his jaw must be aching, but he kept going.

I brought my hand to his cheek and felt my cock moving in and out of his mouth. I closed my eyes and groaned at the feeling. I pulled out of his mouth and rubbed my cock against his lips.

"Can I cum all over this pretty face?"

"Fuck yes, cum on my face, Lou," Harry moaned out.

I smirked and thrust back into his mouth. His hands went up to my hips and sucked harshly, hollowing his cheeks. He kept his gaze on me, and I just knew. I knew this boy was going to be the death of me. I would do anything for him, and anything to please him. And right now, I had to cum on his face.

"Oh, god, I'm close."

Harry pulled off with a pop and brought his hand up to my cock. His hand engulfed my cock as he pumped it.

"Oh, I'm going to-"

My thighs tensed and my hips buckled as I cummed all over Harry's face. A loud moan of Harry's name came out, and I had to press my hand against the wall to stable myself.

I opened my eyes to see Harry cleaning his face with his fingers. He looked up at me as he stuck his finger in his mouth and licked all of my cum off. I groaned again at the action. Harry stood up and kissed me, and I could taste a little bit of myself in his mouth.

I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. "Oh, thank you, baby."

He giggled. "Of course." He looked down at us, then smiled. "Now we really need to shower."

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, we do. We stink of sex."

We took turns washing each other's hair and body, and soon our shower was over. The bathroom was full of steam, and not just because of the hot water.

We made it back to bed, all energy drained from us that we didn't get dressed. We got under the covers naked, and it was one of the best sleep I've had in a while.



Niall: Wow...that was steamy

Zayn: Mhmm, I didn't want so much detail

Niall: *hides a camera behind him*

Amar: Please don't tell me you recorded that!

Niall: ...

Liam: Dude, come on.

Niall: What! I am the captain of this ship! I had to!

Harry: Captain?

Louis: Ship? When did you get a ship, Nialler?

*Everyone just looks at the camera like their in the office as Harry and Louis stand in gay confusion*


Hello, Lovelies!

So, here's the second to last chappie. Alas, yes, the next chapter will be the last of this story. And, yes, there will be smut.

Talking about smut, I hope you enjoyed that little taste of it at the end ;)

Oh, and that little Jealous Louis was abrupt add on and I love it. I might add onto it in the last chapter. 

So, yes, the next chapter will be the epilogue *cries* 

Oh wait! I'll be writing another story, but it is not fandom related. I really don't know if any of you or anyone will read it, but I want to write it, so I'm going to do it. It will be gay, though, so maybe that will change your mind tee-hee

Anygay, this is too long. I'll see you in probably a month with the last chappie

*Dolan Twins Voice* PEACE!!!!!!

- E

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