The Love I Lost

By -CharlottePetrova-

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Elizabeth Ashwern is the principal's daughter, and no one lets her forget it. But when she starts receiving u... More

The Love I Lost Cast
The Love I Lost Trailer
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Dear Damon Salvatore
Chapter 3: Hating Lily
Chapter 4: Prom Prepping
Chapter 5: Elevator Phobias
Chapter 6: Prom Night; I Would Have Rathered the Scenario from the Movie
Chapter 7: Indestructible, Tom's Diner, Barbie Girl, & A Kiss
Chapter 8: Elena Gives Unintentional Dirt
Chapter 9: Playing With F.I.R.E.
Chapter 10: Ch-ch-ch-changes!
Chapter 11: The Pandemonium
Chapter 12: When You're Drunk
Chapter 13: The Salvatore and Ashwern Scandal
Chapter 14: Awkward Situations
Chapter 15: It's A Date
Chapter 16: Tomorrow
Chapter 17: No New Moon
Chapter 18: Someone's Watching Over Me
Chapter 19: Diary of Liz
Chapter 20: Music Guru
Chapter 22: Labyrinth
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Love Struck
Chapter 25: Ferris Wheel
Chapter 26: How You Love Me Now
Chapter 27: What Hurts The Most
Chapter 28: I Don't Like Your Girlfriend. Well, I don't like your boyfriend!
Chapter 29: Awake and Alive, but Miserable
Chapter 30: Alex, Meet My Friends Queer Legs And Hopeless
Chapter 31: "You're in love with a vampire named Damon Salvatore."
Chapter 32: Forgiveness is More Than Saying Sorry
Chapter 33: Say You Love Me #1
Chapter 34: Never Live It Down
Chapter 35: What If I Wanted to Break?
Chapter 36: Love Cakes and Love Muffins
Chapter 37: Music & Lyrics to My Heart
Chapter 38: Time After Time
Chapter 39: Broken Strings
Chapter 40: I Will Say I Love You
Chapter 41: The Final Countdown

Chapter 21: I Hate Everything About You

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By -CharlottePetrova-

(A/N): Elizabeth parties hard with F.I.R.E. along with Greta and Lily. Elizabeth gets an unexpected visist from someone she really didn't want to see ever again. Damon shows back up and that leaves Elizabeth suprised (I guess??).

"Whooooo!!!!!!!!!!" Abby swayed her hips to the music.

She is, what you would call, uh.....stoned.

I laughed at her, along with Benjamin, Ethan, Greta, and Lily. Ashley didn't find it so funny....

"Abby calm down," Ashley muttered.

"I shhhh, haven' fun....don't mesh wish meh!" she said with a slur.

I hadn't had as much to drink; I'd only been sipping a Mike's Hard Lemonade. But I was laughing hysterically at Abby now. Oh, Ethan was drunk, too, but Lily got him off my hands. Multiple people came up to us, though, and said their favourite song was 'I Won't Tell You' and 'Diary of Jane.' Ashley even signed a girl's, well....above breast. Abby was furiously jealous, which was Ashley's intention.

Me, I was asked out several times, more before I changed my clothes though. You wouldn't believe how painful those boots were. Holy cow! Besides, I normally didn't wear heels, so they were even more painful.

Ashley had had enough and she took Abby home. Ethan went somewhere "private" to make out with these twin girls, Greta and Isabelle also went somewhere, and Lily was talking to a cute football-playing-looking guy.

I smiled to myself, sipping on my drink. Totally ditched, but feeling okay. Hey, at least I can laugh. Besides, I was about to take off, anyway. After all, Greta and I were the designated drivers.

"Hello, Elizabeth."

I completely froze. A lump formed in my throat.

"Good job tonight. I didn't know you could sing," Andrew chuckled.

I closed my eyes, willing this nightmare to be over. I wouldn't even look at him....but I knew he was there.

"Nice move with your boyfriend last week. Very smooth. Didn't expect that from helpless old you."

I ground my teeth together. "I'm not helpless."

He chuckled again. "Sure, you are."
My fists clenched. He was trying to make me mad; and it was working. But it was also helping me come out of my deer-in-headlights phase. "So now you're showing yourself to the general public?"

Andrew laughed. "Honey, I've been showing myself in the general public. You just haven't noticed."

"You're lying."

"Is that so? Would you like more proof of how serious I am?"

I gulped, shaking my head.

"I didn't think so," he sighed, standing up. "You're little boyfriend's going before you, babe."

I got the balls to laugh. "Yeah right, Andrew! He'll take you down before you even touch him!" Of course, that meant he'd have to be around.

"Is that so?"

"Incredibly so---" I gasped as he grasped my chin, forcing me to look into his blue eyes. Before I could do a double take on my words, Andrew pressed his lips to mine. I squirmed, trying to get out of his steel-like grasp.

He smirked and disappeared into the throng of people, leaving me stunned and defenceless. I was back to the deer-in-the-headlights.

"Um, Liz...." I could hear Lily's voice. Lily....where was she when Andrew was....then it occurred to me. She had no idea of what Andrew looked like, and never would. Any remaining photos of Andrew and me, I had burned. Real smart, Liz.

"Celebrating without me? Now that really is the damndest thing."

I spun around. Well, speak of the devil. "Where've you been?"

"Like you care," Damon chuckled, though I caught a serious tone in his voice. "I don't care if you kiss any other guy, but don't get all pissy with me."

My fists clenched in fury. "I WAS NOT KISSING ANYONE!"

Damon crossed his arms and laughed. "Wow, you're in a great mood.

I grabbed my bag. "See you, Lily." I started walking toward the main door, Damon was following me. Great; as if I hadn't had enough trouble tonight.

After we got outside, Damon grabbed my arm. "What the hell is your problem?"

"Oh, no problem at all. You've been gone for six days without bothering to tell me where you went. No, no, everything's great."

Damon smirked. "Counting the days 'till my return? Well, that's flattering."

"Ugh! Why do I even bother! You're such an incredible ass!"

"Incredible being the key word, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes. "Let go of my arm."

He smiled mischievously. "No."

"Oh my God, you are so immature, let go!"

"You're the one throwing a tantrum. Who's the immature one now, hmm?"

"You're impossible!"

He had a dangerously amused look on his face. "You have no idea."

He started towing me toward his Ferrari, and I pretty much let him. "So when're you gonna tell me what your real problem is?"

Haha, I'm a lot more stubborn than that, bub, I thought. "Never."

He looked ready for the challenge. "We'll see." He opened the passenger door for me. I scowled but got in. I was going to regret that.

As soon as Damon got in, he sped away---as fast as he had the day he wanted my name. I grabbed the handle of the door, uselessly.

"Still won't talk?"

I glanced at the speedometer. "Nope."

Damon smirked gleefully, giving the car even more gas. We were going 100 MPH. Already my stomach was churning and I thought I'd either throw up or piss myself.

"Still?" Damon laughed, ready to go faster.

God, please no. Damon was probably the only person in the world that could make me talk. But telling him about Andrew....did I really like him that much? But, then again, I was damn sure he'd kill us both if I didn't say something. I didn't have to tell him about the entire thing, did I?

"Okay, okay!" I yelled. "When I was fifteen my first boyfriend was the guy every girl wanted but he liked me and I liked him." I was talking in a rush, hoping Damon wouldn't hear most of it. "He was sweet....until we had sex at this party. Then he just wanted to have sex all the time, and I was too stupid---" I gasped as Damon cut a red-light. "to refuse. I found out my friend was sleeping with him and when I tried to break up with him, he got all psycho on me." I left out the gory details, not wanting to relive that day. "So, I told my friend, she said I was just overreacting. I kept trying to break up with my boyfriend, but he'd just ignore me or get violent. I told my dad, who called the cops and had him arrested. Before he left, he told me that I would regret having him arrested and if I told anyone about what he did to me he'd kill me. I told two people and now he's out of prison and he's gonna kill me."

I gave him a mock grin. "You happy now?"

"No," Damon glanced at the road. "What'd he do to you?"

"Like I'm telling you."

Damon started putting on more gas.

"Damon, please, I would really rather not tell you...." I know I was begging and I knew it was low, but I couldn't tell Damon what happened. What....really.....happened.

Damon let go of the gas. "Liz?"

I sighed. "What?"

"That's a very pathetic story. But it's not all, is it?"


"He was why you called me over Saturday."

I nodded.

"And why you're mad now."

"Mixed with you. But yes, he's why I was mad. He was the one kissing me. I just get so freaked, like a mouse in a cat's jaws, and it just...." Why was I telling him this? I cleared my throat. "Anyway, we're at my house, my dad's probably expecting me so I should go." I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the passenger door.

Damon grabbed my hand gently. I could have pulled away....but I didn't. "'re boyfriend guy...he's why I was gone. I was looking for answers, looking for him....just so you know."

I tried to hide a smile and titled my head in puzzlement. "Why would you be looking for Andrew?"

He smirked. "Obvious reasons."

Obvious reasons? What did that mean? Damon leaned in and kissed me. "Night, clueless," he said.

I got out of the car robotically. Damon gave me a wink and drove off.

Ugh, God...I really liked this guy.


"Oh how romantic!"

Leave it to Lily to ruin everything about last night.

"Well, I for one am glad you finally like another guy," Greta said. "Though I'm not sure Damon Salvatore is the safest choice."

Well, neither did I, but a girl couldn't help who she liked. God, why did I like him? I mean, he was very good looking, dressed nice, smart, funny....but there was also that womanizing part of him; which was okay, too, I wasn't looking for this fling to be long-term anyway, and neither was he.

"So are you guys officially boyfriend and girlfriend?" Lily asked excitedly.

I shrugged, letting the thought grow in my mind. "I don't think so."

"Will you ever be?"

I shook my head. "I don't think so."

Lily's face fell. "So you're just another girl of Damon's now."

"Lily!" Greta hissed.

"What, it's true! Liz, you've never been one of those girls. And, damnit, I don't care how gorgeous the guy is, you can't be one of those girls!"

"Didn't you just get done saying how romantic they were?" Greta pointed out.

"That was when I thought they were forever!"

I burst out laughing. "Damon and I will never be forever, Lily."

Lily put her hands on her hips. "So you're just going to let him sleep with you and get away with it?"

I gave her a sly smirk. "He won't get away that easily. I'll try waiting it out until it's not exciting anymore."

Lily shook her head. "You're turning into such a slut, Liz! And I don't like it!"

"Look who's talking!" I bit back angrily.

Lily glared at me. "I don't want you being like me! It's not fun, Liz, people knowing that you're just a girl who constantly has different guys around her. It makes it hard to get a good, sweet, and sincere boyfriend. After Damon's outta the picture that's what everyone will think of you."

That set my head in a storm of confusion. Sometimes I just saw no point in caring whether I was a slut or not. But I knew Lily was right; once Damon was gone---and he would be gone when he got what he wanted out of me---then every guy would think of me as an easy fix.

Was that what I really wanted?

I already knew the way to get Damon off my case.

Whatever people would think of me, it was done.

Now it was only a matter of how long I wanted to wait this thing out with Damon.


I watched Damon pace the room with worried eyes. I'd never seen him like this before; it made me want to smile and made me slightly jealous. Which was ridiculous; I chose Stefan and he was my forever. A part of me, though, still loved Damon and always would. I couldn't stand his attention belonging to another woman.

I sighed. "Damon what's wrong?"

He turned to face me, a smirk on his face. "I got it!"

"Got what exactly?"

"I got how to stop this Andrew guy from getting anywhere near Liz!"

I felt like laughing in a corner. "And how's that?"

His smirk widened. "Stand outside by Liz's house."

"Ah, Damon, c'mon!"

"What? I barely sleep anyway, and when I do I don't really need it. Why not stand guard?"

"Uh, gee, maybe 'cause it's an invasion of privacy?"

"Ah, that doesn't matter."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, brother."


"Well, what?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"I think it's stupid," I said with a sigh. "But if you think you must, go ahead, I'm not stopping you. But I'm also not gonna lie to Liz if she asks if she's being watched by a peeping Tom."

"Who says I'll be a peeping Tom?"

I smiled. "Damon, c'mon, you're not fooling anyone."

He smirked and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. "I'll be ditching school, then!"

"Oh, no you won't!" I called back.

"No point in going," he laughed.

"Uh, Liz?"

"Well, yeah, but if I'm at her house every night then school really doesn't matter."


"Bye, Elena!"

I shook my head. Just leave him alone, Elena, I thought. It's not often he's this interested in a girl---a human, nonetheless. I didn't understand it, but I accepted it.

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