Silently Screaming

By OlympusAngel

17.2K 216 268

Annabeth Chase is abused and bullied. The only people who know are Annabeth's best friends Bianca and Thalia... More

Chapter 1: Morning Beatings
Chapter 2: Dinner
Just an author's note- Sorry!
Chapter 4: The Band
Chapter 5: The Talent show
Chapter 6: Who to shoot?
Chapter 7: Treehouse
Chapter 8: The secret is out
Chapter 9: Punishments and Poison
Chapter 10: A Dance
You don't want to miss this. A/N
Chapter 12- Car Crash
Important AN
Chapter 13: Purple Hyacinth
New start?

Chapter 3: Remember

1.1K 17 14
By OlympusAngel

(A/N: Hi! The next chapter has arrived! I am SOOOO incredibly sorry for the last chap that wasn't a chap. Shoutouts will be at the end! Please enjoy and forgive me *cue puppy eyes* Enjoy!)

Thalia POV

I WILL KILL THEM. Those bastards! I can't believe they told Helen. Me and Bianca marched up to them when we came home, and grabbed their ears and pulled them to our room. The moaned and whined but we didn't let go until we arrived. When we let go of their ears, I slapped Nico, Bianca slapped Jason, then we both slapped Percy. "Why do I get two?" He whined. Then I went up to Jason and slapped him and Bianca did the same to Nico.

"What was that for?" Nico shouted.
"WHY DID YOU TELL HELEN?!" We screamed.
"She deserved to know." Jason smirked.
"Why did you slap us?" Percy asked us.
"Why do you care so much about her?" Jason asked.
I went up to him and was about to smack him again and said, "Because she's-"
"No Thalia!"

I immediately shut my mouth. Frick. I almost told them.
"You can't tell them." Bianca said. "She'll tell them herself when she wants." She glared at them. "And that isn't any time soon."
I looked at them and said. "Don't EVER insult my best friend, you hear?" They just rolled their eyes.
"What were you going to say Thalia?"
"None of your business." I snapped.
"C'mon Thals." Pleaded Nico.
"Don't Thals me!"
"NO!" we both screamed and left the room.

"That felt good." Bianca said. I agreed.
"Do you think she'll come to school tomorrow?" We were moving to Annabeth's school: Goode high, tomorrow.
"I'm not sure." She replied.
"I hope she goes."
"Me too."


I heard yelling and a shout. I turned over in my bed and closed my eyes
"GOOD MORNING!" Bianca screamed as she entered the door.
I jumped. "HOLY PEANUTS!"
"Holy peanuts?" Bianca asked and burst out laughing. I grumbled.
"What was all that shouting?" I asked
"Me waking up the boys." She grinned.

I rolled my eyes. Trust Bianca to scream everyone awake. She may look quiet and shy but she's a devil in disguise. I looked at the time. 6:00 am. We had an hour before school started. "Let's go then." I quickly got changed into jeans, and a black sweatshirt. I went out the room and saw Bianca dressed in white jeans, a white sleeveless turtleneck top and a denim half jacket.

I went downstairs and sat at the table and a delicious smell wafted into the room. Pancakes! Aunt Sally's pancakes to be precise. She came out holding a big plate of blue pancakes and a quickly grabbed one and devoured it. Everyone was doing the same. "Slow down Percy!" She laughed. "That's your ninth one!"
"Who's counting?" He grumbled.
We laughed. It was the first day of winter today and it was already snowing. Instead of walking we piled into the car and dad started driving.

"Look!" Said uncle Poseidon.
I saw a girl looking through her window and jumping out. She was two stories up and clung onto the tree. She climbed down and landed on her back.
"Did she really just... Jump out her two-story window?" Hera asked.
Then I saw her lonely figure limping through the snow. "Isn't that Annabeth?" Aunt Sally asked.
"Why is she crying?" Nico asked. It was true. She had tears running down her face and for every single one that dropped down, two more replaced it.
"How are we supposed to know you doofus?" Jason said.
Someone came past her and pushed her to the floor. She fell into the snow and instead of helping her, the person started saying something to her. Annabeth didn't get up off the floor and instead put her legs up so she was hugging them, and bent her face down. The person left and Annabeth remained in the same position. Her back was heaving up and down and she was shaking.
No one said anything until Bianca opened the door and both of us ran out.

Annabeth POV

I gasped for air, as I was pounded again and again. Today had started out horrible. Helen had told father what I had said to Percy and the others and now I was getting beaten up mercilessly. "That's what you get you impudent child!"
"Please." I gasped. "I-I'm sorry."
"Of course, you're sorry!" Helen cried. "But that's not gonna make it less painful."
"STOP!" I turned around to see Matthew and Bobby in the doorway. "Don't hurt her."

"Matt, Bobby, go to school now. Okay? Don't worry about me." I croaked.
"No buts! Please guys."
"Actually." Began my dad. "They can join you."
"No!" I quickly scrambled up from the ground and stood in front of the twins. "Quickly go to school and don't look back take a twenty from my purse and use that to buy lunch. Hurry. Helen and dad are drunk so they'll fall asleep soon. Don't worry."
They obeyed and ran out.

I got slapped again and punched on my eye.
"You know what." Helen began. "I've always wanted to try this." She took a belt from dad and came forward. I crawled back until I hit the wall and winced. "Take of your shirt." She ordered. I whimpered but obeyed. I felt a searing pain in my back and the belt made contact with my skin.

Suddenly they stopped I slowly turned around to see both parents lying unconscious on the floor. I sighed in relief and heaved myself up. I cleaned all the cuts but now I would have to limp and I wouldn't be able to run because of my back. Every step I took, my back and leg flared up. I quickly got dressed into a short black skirt, a thin, burgundy sweater, black tights and some boots. This outfit was not for winter at all, but it was the only thing I had. Helen had left this outfit in my wardrobe and confiscated the rest. I quickly grabbed my bag and peeked out the window. There was no one there except a huge car and a boy walking on the pavement. I threw my bag down and jumped onto the tree. I started climbing down but fell on my back. Holy- Fudge! Think of sweets, Fudge, chocolate, gummy bears... The pain was unbearable and I heaved myself up off the floor and started walking.

I was absolutely freezing and the sweater was so thin, that the cold air went inside. I clutched my bag tightly and carried on walking. The boy from before came past me and pushed me to the floor. My eyes brimmed with tears, I collected myself and looked up, to freeze again. It was Matt Sloan. Another bully. "Hey Annie." He said. "Thinking about dying soon? I'm waiting patiently so the world can be rid or you." He sauntered away and I hugged my knees to myself and sobbed. I can't take it anymore. I wish I still had friends. I remembered the day they all ditched me.


It was two months after my tenth birthday and Thalia and Bianca were leaving the country. "I'll miss you." I said to them tearfully.
"We'll miss you too." they said and hugged me.
"You'll come back, won't you?"
"Of course, we will," Thalia said. "Won't we, Bee?"
Bianca nodded her head and hugged me again.
"Call us every day and tell us whatever Helen does, understand?" She said. I nodded and waved them off as they boarded their plane.

"Will you miss them?" I asked Percy, Nico and Jason.
"'Course we will 'Beth." Percy said.
"But since our sisters are gone, you'll be our sister, okay?" Nico said. I happily agreed. I had always wanted a big brother, and now I had three!


"Percy!" I cried. "Nico! Jason! Someone bullied me."
"What did they say?" Nico asked?
"That I should go die."
They smirked.
"Was it Matt Sloan?"
I nodded.

They went up to him, with me following close behind. All my other girl friends were already there.
"Yo Matt!" Jason shouted out. "Nice job!"
I was confused. Matt bullied me, and they weren't doing anything. Nico high fived him and I said. "Why are you being nice to him?" I asked. "He was being mean to me."
"You see, Annie," Percy said. "We don't want to be your friends anymore."

"You're always a baby." Nico added.
"And a nerd." Jason said.
I looked to Piper, Reyna, hazel, Calypso and Rachel, but all they did was smirk.
Someone pushed me from behind and I fell to the floor. "Leo?" I spluttered. He grinned and kicked me again. Then they all came at me, like animals. Someone punched me, another kicked me. I was defenceless.

End of flashback

I felt someone hug me and I flinched. I looked up to see Thalia and Bianca in front of me, both of them hugging me tightly. I flinched again and they quickly let go. "What happened?" Bianca whispered, at the same time, Thalia said, "What did those monsters of parents do?"
"Nothing." I whispered. "I'm perfectly fine."
"I don't believe you." They both said at the same time.

A figure appeared in front of us, and I looked up. It was Thalia's stepmom, Hera. I quickly wiped my tears and stood up. Ouch. Forgot about my leg. "Hello, Mrs Hera," I said politely. "How do you do?"
"Annabeth," She said gently. "Honey, what's wrong?"
"N-nothing's wrong miss," I said. "I-I'm perfectly f-fine."
Sally came up next to her. "Sweetie, you're freezing. Why are you wearing this in the winter?"
"It's the only thing I've got." I whispered.

"Do you want to go to school with us?" Bianca asked.
I was about decline when "Of course she's gonna come with you! It's freezing out here if you hadn't noticed." Said Bianca's dad, Hades.
"I agree." Zeus replied.
"Obviously." Poseidon answered.
"No, it's quite alright." I replied. "I'm used to it."
"I insist." Said Hera.
I was about to give in, and just get in the car, when I saw my dad and Helen turning the corner. "I have to go!" I said and quickly started running. I ignored the shouts coming from them and ran as fast as I could. If my parents saw me with them, I would die. Literally.

I turned the corner into the school and was relieved to find it cosy warm. I put my books in the locker and walked to my first class, English. On the way there, I saw the populars'. I bent my head and continued walking hoping they wouldn't notice me. But of course, the fates hate me, (no surprise there- everyone does) and made the bullies notice me. "Hey nerd!" Calypso jeered. I ignored her and didn't stop. "OI!" Shouted Jason. "We wanna have a word with you about the dinner party." I froze. I really hoped they hadn't told anyone, I would be a laughing stock forever, and I would get beaten up more.

"What do u want?" I asked quietly, not turning around.
"So you're a maid, huh?" Said Percy, "A maid. Hah! The lowest thing you could possibly be."
I said nothing and kept walking. Piper ran in front of me and stopped me. "Where you running off to?" She snarled. "We're not done yet."
It happened again. The beating. I should've been ready, but I wasn't. I didn't cry, I just flinched and moved. "Let's go guys," Frank said. "We're gonna be late."
And with that, they all left me lying in the middle of a hallway that hardly anyone uses.
I closed my eyes and lay there, unmoving. I'll just stay here for a while. Ms Tabby won't mind.

"What the hell?!" I heard a voice. My eyes fluttered open and my blurred vision made out two people. Thalia and Bianca. Why do they always have to be there when I'm all bloody? They'll worry too much and try to interfere, then it'll be much worse. Bianca rushed to my side and took out some tissues and water and cleaned off the blood. "Annabeth," She said. "Who did it? I will tear them apart! Who did it?!"
"Calm down Bee." I said. "Just some bullies."
"Who was it Annabeth?" Thalia asked. "Tell me."
I looked at the floor (which was very hard to do, since I was lying on it) and said. "You brothers and cousin, and their friends."

I looked at them both and I had never seen them so angry. I slowly heaved myself up of the floor. I stood up and swayed for a moment before standing upright and shaking my head. "See?" I said, trying for a smile. "I'm perfectly fine."
"Annabeth," Thalia whispered, tears sliding down her face. My smile faltered. Thalia never cried. Ever. "We're so sorry."
"It's not your fault," I assured her. "If anything, it's theirs."
"Still," Bianca said. "You were hurt and lying on the floor."
"I'm okay." I insisted. "Now let's go to class before we're more late."

I hugged them and limped to class. I knocked on the door and entered. "Sorry, I'm late Ms Tabby. I was with the new students." She nodded and I sat down at the back.
"Okay class," She said. "Today you will all have a free lesson so I can mark your tests."
Everyone cheered up and I smiled, I could talk to Thalia and Bianca. We talked about the most random things until someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to find myself face to face, with Percy Jackson. "What do you want?" Snarled Thalia.
He turned to face my friends. "Came to get you away from this loser."
"Go away Percy," Bianca said. "You've done enough damage for one day."

"Fine then," Nico said. "We'll just talk to you instead."
All of the popular's sat down around us and talked about a topic that I absolutely despised. Family.
"So, Annabeth." I heard Rachel say. "Where's your mother? Did she leave you because of how much of a brat you were?"
I felt my face grow hot. No one talks about my mother. "My mother is dead."
Everyone looked shocked for a moment until they went back to snickering at me. "Bet she died because you were so annoying."
"My mother was murdered!" I cried out. The whole class became silent. Memories came flooding back. I backed up against a wall and put out a hand to steady myself.


"Come on Annabeth!" My mother said. "Let's go out for ice cream as a treat."
"Yay!" I cried. "Ice cream!"
My mother laughed and helped me put on my coat. It was a beautiful thing, her laugh. She cleared the air with her giggles. And when she laughed, I laughed. "Let's go." She said.

We went into the ice cream parlour and looked at all the flavours. "Which one do you want sweetie?" My mum asked. "You can have a double scoop this time as a reward for getting full marks on your test!"
"Chocolate and strawberry please mummy."
"Chocolate and strawberry, it is then." She smiled.

She was just about to place her order when, "EVERYONE GET UP AT THE CASH REGISTER!" A man dressed in black shouted. "Mommy?" I asked.
"Stay here Annabeth."
"Mommy why is he saying your name?"
"Annabeth." She said. "I love you baby, I always loved you and I always will. Okay sweetie? Tell your dad that I love him. I love you darling. I love you."
"I love you too mommy. So so much."
She smiled and kissed me all over my face and said "I love you." And then walked to the counter. I heard a big bang and lots of people shouting. "Mommy?" I slowly walked behind the ice cream freezer and peeked out.

What my eyes saw was something I should have never seen. It was my mother and many other people, lying in a pool of blood. My mom had three bullets in her but she was still alive. "I love you Annabeth." She whispered.
"I love you mommy." I said crying. "I love you."
I looked at the man who had shot her and saw it was not one man, but two. One was a fat old bloke with crinkly eyes and greasy hair. The other was a blonde and deep blue eyes that you could get lost in. The blonde looked at me and smiled. "Bye bye." He said.

There was another gunshot and I closed my eyes. It never hit me. I looked to see what had stopped it when my eyes widened in disbelief. My mother had used her last dying breath to save my life. "I love you sweetie." She mumbled and closed her eyes.

Police sirens rang through the air and the two shooters were captured. A policewoman came up to me. "Are you okay doll?" She said.
"Mommy." I whispered
The woman's eyes grew soft. "What was her name?"
"Athena Chase."

End of flashback

"Annabeth?" Someone was shaking me. "Annabeth?!"
"W-what?" I mumbled.
The person sighed in relief. "We lost you for a second there."
I looked at the person talking and saw it was Thalia. Everyone was staring at me. Thalia sat back down, but I remained standing. I suddenly became very dizzy.

"I don't feel too good." I said, staggering around the room.
"Annabeth, what's wrong?" Bianca asked.
I put my hand on my head and tried to steady myself. "I'm dizzy."
"Zoe, go get the nurse." The teacher instructed.
"I'm f-fine." I said before darkness engulfed me and I crumpled to the floor.

(A/N: Hiii! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. In this one, you found out how Annabeth's mom died and how her 'friends' left her. The next chapter will be about Annabeth hearing about a talent show. I still need more songs, so please do send in more. Shoutouts will go to the person I choose. It has to be a song that Annabeth will sing.

Goodbye my little Angels!
Angel of Olympus- OUT!)

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