Angel of War

By Darkmoonlight23

2.8K 127 4

She was on the run, from whom you might ask, no one knew. To protect her self she has to hide among the huma... More

~Her Story~ (Prologue)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
The End

Chapter Twenty Seven

45 1 0
By Darkmoonlight23

I head to the living room and spots EJ on the couch watching me angrily. I flip him off and sits on the floor watching the TV. "This just in a boy with hawk wings has been spotted flying over towns and he seems to be searching for something. Here is a sketch of what some people describe him to look like." The news reporter says and Moskiro's face pops up. I leap to my feet and rushes to the door. "Where do you think you are going?" Slender asks. I slowly turn to him and glares. "None of your business. Now if you excuse me." I turn back to the door and opens it. "You listen to me Angel. Not the other way around." He growls. "You are not my bonded. You have no power over me." I growl and goes to step out the door. "Vesper." EJ says. I freeze and looks at him. "Where are you going?" He asks. I bite my tongue and fights to stay silent. "Vesper, answer me. Where are you going?" He moves closer to me. I bite my tongue harder and shakes my head. EJ growls angrily and rushes me grabbing my throat. I scream and shakes my head harder. "QUIT FUCKING IGNORING ME!!! YOU ARE STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!!!" He snaps in my face. Out of the corner of my eye I see a familiar orange shirted male with hawk wings land outside. I turn to look at him slightly and Mos looks at EJ in anger and rushes EJ knocking him away from me. I gasp for air and looks up at Mos. "You're alive." I choke out. Mos turns to me and smiles. "Of course. You can't get rid of me that easily. Now, which of these people is your bonded?" Mos asks looking around the now packed living room. "The male you launched away from me." I say while rubbing my throat. "Your kidding. There is no way he is your bonded. He would have felt the same pain as you if he was." Mos looks at me. "He probably did but didn't think anything of it. He is angry with me. I keep not telling him things." I mutter. "That doesn't give him the excuse." Mos says and hugs me and I feel the burning pain as Mos wraps his arms around me. I flinch but hugs Mos back burning my arms. Mos notices me flinch and immediately pulls away from me. I look at him as he forces my hoodie off to look at my arms and back. "Holy shit. It looks like those fucking hurt." He says. "I'll be okay." I mutter.  Mos seems to notice something and pulls off my other tops revealing the trail of burns across my front and down. "What the hell?" EJ asks standing up. "Why are you burnt?" Toby asks. I look away from them as tears well up. "Ves." Jane says and I break. "For angels that have bonded the female is only bonded once and the male can do who ever when ever and not get punished but if a female is touched by a male that their bonded doesn't like the place where the female has been touched romantically will burn and scar immediately. It keep the females from cheating because the only way to get rid of the scars is for the female's soulmate to touch in the exact spot and it will heal but a lot of angel females aren't paired with their soul mate because some males think of the bonding as a game. Only rare occasions appear in angel history and my mom and dad are proof." I sob and sinks to my knees and curls up into a ball a crying and sobbing mess. 

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