Shattered fantasy

By Fluffygirl625

24.6K 283 306

Paradise used to be like a fantasy, peaceful and filled with life. But when the first corruption attacked- ev... More

The beginning
New friendship
Introducing the characters
The 4 corruption has begun
Corrupted allies
Past memories
Heated welcome
Saving an old friend
To the cave we go
First piece
Lost connection
Volcanic Madness
Slow Corruption
Septagons battle
Mixed Battles
Friendly greating
Next destination Green kingdom
Reaching to Bane
Almost lost
Losing and regaining troops
Corrution withen ones self
Calm at last
A hot and brezzy day
Through the fire and flames
Lied to
Tri's Caretaker
Let go of the past
Something random
Problems reaching the yellow kingdom
Distant friendships
Problems traviling
Shocking suprise
First apearence
Fatal attack
Quick update
Challenges part2
Challenges part 3
Last challenge
Memory lane
Full lockdown
Factory mayham
Second encounter
Surprise gift
Frightning flights
Close to me
Final battle
Till its over
Thank you for reading

Close call

464 3 2
By Fluffygirl625

During the battle between Nation and Blue. Both were able to get good hits at each other. But blue had a upper hand in the battle with his spells. Nation fell to his knees tired from the fight he spoke. "You're strong.... I must admit, but not enough to save paradise from the boss" Blue with his guard up looked tired. When Nation stood up he slap said. "Oh let me remind you that if the boss does find cube he has special plans for her" Blue angry casted a freezing spell which hit Nation. When the spell started it froze Nation in place and started to freeze his feet then to his legs, chest, arms until his head was still left. "We will meet again hero, I'm sure of it" Nation completely freezes. Tired Blue collapse to the floor to take a breather. "Ok... I'm fine,I have to find cube if she is alright. I have to start looking for her in the blue kingdom. Blue stood up and flew away. 2 hours passed by and Blue wasn't able to find Cube. He starts to worry if Cube is alright. When Blue was walking he heard rustling in the bushes nearby. Blue summoned his shield. Until Cube came out all with burnt marks, bruises, and scratches. Cube looked at Blue for a split second then collapse to the floor. Blue carried Cube to a unknown location. When Blue was able to take Cube to a save location. He say Cube down and used his healing powers. He started to see Cubes eyes open slowly. "Hey you ok, Cube?"said Blue. "We're am I, I thought I was fighting a corrupt for a second?" "You were what!?" Yelled Blue. "Is that why you have burnt marks and bruises all over you!?" "I was trying to protect shape guards but they sacrificed their lives to save mine" replied Cube. Blue sighs "It's ok all that maters is that your ok" said Blue quietly. "Thanks for caring for me Blue, also what's the plan to stop the corruption?"....... "I don't know, all I can say is that we need help." Answering Blue. "What happened to the rest of the hero's?" Cube asked. "Theirs gone..... or their corrupted is what I mean to say" "Oh... it's fine we just have to find them and purify them right?" Said Cube. "Let's rest first then we talk about the plan ok, Cube. You have your rest I'll be here"

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