Our life 2.0

By theijxx

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124 9 2
By theijxx

long chapter (not edited!)
Within a week me and Caché had planned Icelyn's surprise baby shower, hopefully today turns out to be a great day for all of us. Not only is it a baby shower it's also a gender reveal for everyone else, no one was allowed to bring a gift because they didn't know the gender nor that we were having multiples. Caché was already here in LA helping the decorator set up and getting the fireworks ready. The baby shower wasn't until seven and it was over at nine because I don't want to risk the babies coming.

"Icelyn don't forget we have reservations for dinner at seven." I told her as I stood in the bathroom washing my face. "Baby." She said weakly. "Yeah." I came out of the bathroom and walked over to her. "I don't feel like going out tonight."

"Why not what's wrong?" I touched her forehead to see if she had a fever. "Besides being pregnant, I'm sick all the time you just don't see it, I'm always in pain and these two are like night and day so they are always keeping me up and to top it all off my Braxton hicks started last night." She was crying by the time she finished and it broke my heart but she had to go.

"Okay baby but this is the last time we can go out and have time to ourselves before the babies get here." I reached down to rub her stomach and she let me surprisingly. "Okay I guess."

"YAY! Okay I'm picking out your outfit so all you have to do is get some rest and I'll wake you up later." I kissed her on her forehead and left out of the room to go check on the kids. They were all in the living room playing board games because that's all they were allowed to do.

"Y'all go your clothes ready for tonight?"

"I do I can't say the same for these losers." Jaelyn said and Syx slapped her in the back of her head. "Yeah ma we all do, so are we going to find out the genders tonight?"

"You'll just have to wait and see, but you guys as soon as we leave I need y'all to change and get in the car, y'all need to beat us there and because of that I'm going to get 'lost' gives everyone time to get there on time."

"Now you know her aunts and her momma not rey be there at no seven."

"That's why I told them five, look don't worry about all that y'all go upstairs and groom yourselves."


I've been in this place since I landed last night and its five o'clock in the evening, Kevin is on his way from our hotel to bring me my clothes so I can shower and get dressed here. Me and Janet decided it would be best to do two different tables one for the boy and one for the girl and which ever gender you think it is eat from that table. We also had fireworks for the gender reveal and a photographer so that we could capture this moment.

"Okay guys you are the first to see what this looks like, well besides me and the decorator of course." I opened the doors and lead the cameraman in. "You guys are just like family to Janet so she wanted you guys to see the behind the scenes and the final result. Everyone is instructed to eat from which ever table they believe is the gender."

"Each table also has its own cake to go with it."

"This is a very intimate baby shower with only close friends and family invited and you guys of course. Oh I'm Caché, I'm Icelyn's best friend and the host for tonight. Okay the next time you will see this room it's going to be filled with loving friends and family, oh and I won't look like this." The cameraman left and Kevin came in looking fine as ever.

"Hey baby, you look good." I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Boy please I look like yesterday." I walked over and grabbed my bag. "I wasn't going to say anything but you smell like yesterday."

"Shut up come on I have to get ready and uh maybe you can help me?" I smirked and walk out of the room. Before we could get on the elevator my phone rung. "Hey Janet."

"Hey everything good?" She asked me. "Yeah the rooms looks good we just waiting for people to start coming within an hour and then we are good. Oh and the video is being done great pick for the cameraman."

"No I mean you good I know the room was going to be fine I was calling to check on you. The room I got there is good right?"

"Uh yeah thanks again for that again, but I'm about to hurry up get changed and do my makeup."

"Okay good call me if anything happens we'll be there around seven thirty five." She hung up and we walked off of the elevator onto my floor. "Let's hurry up Kev I don't have all night."

"All I need is five minutes." I laughed and pushed him. "Now why you lying you know it's two minutes."


I was waiting for my sisters to come over so we all could drive to the shower together, that starts in less than thirty minutes. I was already dressed just drinking some water when there was a knock at my door. I didn't even bother to look through the whole I just opened the door.

"I told you I wanted to see you again didn't I?" She just walked in without even asking and made herself comfortable on my couch. "So you just gonna walk in without me inviting you in?"

"I'm paying for it, I should be able to do whatever I want and more in this room." I closed the door and sat next to her on the couch. "Where you going looking this sexy? I mean you always look this good but you up to something today."

"My daughters baby shower is in a few and I'm waiting for my sisters so we can go."

"Well I hope they don't come in right now." She moved closer to me. "And why is that?" She leaned in to kiss me, I didn't move away nor did I kiss back at first. We shared a deep kiss and when she pulled away I was stuck on the couch, she got up and kissed my forehead and left out of the room and Towanda walked in.

"Uh Toni who was that?" I came back to reality and got up to grab my purse, phone, keys, and room key. "Nobody she was coming to make sure the room is all good, let's go we're already behind schedule." When I got to the front desk London was there and we made eye contact, she laughed and I just smiled and walked out of the hotel.

When I got in the car Icelyn called me and I started to panic. "Guys shush Icelyn's calling. Hello Ice how you feeling?"

"I'm okay not good, but I'm managing we are actually about to leave in a few minutes to go get dinner."

"Oh really you and Janet or you Janet and the kids?"

"Just us two she said its going to probably be one of the last times we get alone in a while, oh she's actually calling me to tell me to come on I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay bye baby." I hung up and and turned to everyone. "Ard now she's leaving we need to hurry up and go now!"


Everyone and their momma was here and I wasn't expecting that.. okay I was this is Janet Jackson we are talking about of course everyone was going to be here. The cameraman was getting interviews from certain people and he was now on Janet and Icelyn's children, he interviewed them all at once because if not then he would be interviewing them all day.

Toni walked over to me and scared me half to death. "Caché!"

"What? What's wrong?"

"There's some people here that I don't recall meeting, who are all these people?"

"Toni you're exaggerating it's only about five here that you don't know and they're Icelyn's friends she's kept in contact with since high school. It's actually supposed to be six I wonder where Amber is." My phone buzzed and it was Janet telling me they were in the parking lot.

"Okay everyone I need y'all to be quiet they are walking in right now. I'm going to turn the lights off so they can't see through the window when they come walking around." In less then two minutes they walked in.

"Janet what restaurant has dinner in the damn dark, what the fuck is this? Are you playing with me?" I turned the lights on and we all jumped up. "Surprise!" Everyone yelled.

"It's a surprise baby shower baby!" Icelyn wiped her tears and hugged and kissed Janet. "Don't give her all the love I did all the heavy lifting." I said walking over to her. "Caché!? You're here I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She said hugging me. "I missed you too, we live a trillion miles away I can see why you missed me."

"OKAY! Guys we are going to party and feel free to mingle but then we have another surprise but that's for all of you. We only have two hours here so let's have some fun." I turned on some music and I went to talk to some of our friends from high school when Amber walked in.

Before there was me and Icelyn, Amber and Icelyn were always attached at the hip until Amber moved and they stopped talking all together. Amber walked over to Icelyn and gave her a hug.


"Long time no see." I haven't heard that voice in forever and it brought tears to my eyes. "Amber?"

"Turn around and you'll see." When I turned around I practically jumped into her arms. "I've missed you so much, what happened to you?"

"I could be asking you the same question, you're married to THE Janet Jackson and having her babies seems you forgot all about me."

"I could never forget about you."

"Well we can catch up over lunch tomorrow today's about the baby." Janet walked over and grabbed me by my waist. "Hey baby Caché is about to do something come on." Before I walked away I wanted to say bye to Amber but she was gone when I turned back around.

"Okay! Everyone we have one more thing left to do I need everyone to count down from three and come look out the window."



"ONE!" Fireworks went off and scared everyone but when they realized what it was they all were confused.

"So is it a boy or a girl Caché?" One of Janets friends called out.




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