Pregnant & Rejected

By urtalkless30

87.6K 1.8K 157

My name is Hailey Jameson and I'm pregnant with my ex mates baby.I was abused and tortured by my pack. I was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not an Update
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

5.6K 130 10
By urtalkless30

After a long night filled with Victoria, Jake, and Natalia talkin about me singing. I had a mini spa day with Jake. We talked about him finding his mate and his plans for becoming future Alpha. We did girly things with him complaining the entire time. In the middle of us putting on face mask, Victoria walk-in and squealed. "Omg Natalia get in here" she screamed.

Jake tried to run away before they came back. Jake has become like a brother and boy best friend to me. I'm happy he tries different things with me when the girls don't. Next week we're going to a new sushi restaurant. I can't let the girls know about our plans they'll just say I'm pregnant. If I did have a baby things would become complicated I would love to have a chat with my career is just getting started. Most importantly I want to start a new life with my stupid jerk but really hot mate. Why does the moon goddess hate me so much?

By the time the girls came back my arms are tired from holding Jake down so they jumped on him." Come on Jake it'll be fun plus you were enjoy it with me if you minutes ago".

" So Hailey I have something for you, Natalie whispered nervously".

I look around the room at each of them. I look at Natalia's hands and notice of bag from CVS. I look up and quickly look for exit.  Guys I think I'm going to go to bed, I feel really tired all of a sudden".

"Hey look at me it's going to be fine,"Jake says.

I groan "not you to Jake come on," I say beggingly.

I sprint to the door and make it past everyone. I'm close to the door but I guess Jake mindlinked everyone because they started shouting my name and running after me.

I was tackled by Victoria."What the hell Vic if I'm pregnant you tackled it to". "Get off and I'll pee on the stick".

The whole pack follows me to my restroom. I stick my hand out and the pregnancy stick is placed in it. I close the door and feel myself hyperventilating. I talk myself down and pee on the stick. I wait for the longest two minutes of my life. I turn the stick over and the pregnancy stick is postive. I laugh and feel a thousand bricks drop on my shoulders.

"Mommy's going to protect and love you until her last breath". "I guess it's time to announce the news to your aunts and uncles" I whisper to myself.

I open the door and say "well I heard it takes a village to raise a will you guys be my village".(Super Corny I Know) They all start to shout and scream. They're pulling me in different directions but I'm soon in Susan's arms. Susan's is Aphla Lincolns wife the Luna and Jake's mom.

"How far ago are you"? "Do you want a boy or girl"? "Is it going to be twins or triplets"? "Oh honey I'm so sorry your body but it's going to snap back back quickly" she said in one large breath.

What is she talking about? My body what.....triplets OMG!

Everyone started talking about how cute the baby's going to be. Luna Susan called the pack doctor and set up an appointment immediately.

                     Skip to the morning

                                My OTD

The girls took me to the mall to pick out some baby clothes and to waste time before the doctor's appointment. The girls are already arguing over Aunt names for themselves. I'm not sure what the gender is but all of us have strong feeling it's a girl. I just want a healthy baby and secretly for it to be a girl. I just can't stop imagining the girly bows and cute tutus.

We headed to Buy Buy Baby and pick out mostly pink dresses, shirts and pants. I found some neutral clothes for her or him. Neutrals are just so cute on babies and toddlers. I'm just tearing up thinking about my baby growing up. I need to take a chill pill I just got out I was pregnant less than a few hours ago.

We walked into Carter's and I smell a familiar scent. Walking around I see your red head that I've known my whole life. I see the girls giving me weird looks so I give them a long-story short behind Poppy and are friendship.

"Wow, she is a bad friend  but wait why is she in a baby store" Natalia whispered.

"I'm so stupid I forgot she visits her grandparents every month around this time". "They must live here".

"If she's pregnant she must have slept with your brother prior to the party or its someone's else baby". Victoria said.

I cant see Poppy and my brother slepping together l. They hated each other but would  they always would talk in private and come back with messy hair.

2 hours later and I'm now on the table getting just squirted on my stomach. I'm squeezing both Victoria and Natalie's hands. By the looks on there face I'm squeezing the life out of there hands but can you blame me. Luna Susan is talking to the doctor since she's been through this before.

The doctor directs us to look at a small screen and I see my tiny baby. I asked the doctor coming out the ginger but he says it's too early to tell. He says I'm just a few weeks pregnant but it'll be a faster pregnancy since I'm going an Alphas baby.

Driving back to the house I tell the girls I want to dye my hair and change my name so if I do start a singing career my old pack won't find me. Also to change up my look since my brown hair isn't cutting anymore. I think I'm going to go blond and I think I want my new name to start with the an A.  (wink)

       Clothes they bought for the baby most of its girl clothes since they think its a girl.

Authors Note: Sorry for taking forever to update.

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