Wilson Ranch

By SilentKarma27

482K 11.4K 1.4K

***Exciting news everyone!! I've hired an editor!! If you're a fan of Wilson Ranch make sure to follow as m... More

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First Time?
A Haunting Past
Who Are You?
Planting Roots
A Lucky Charm
Baby, baby, baby.....
Happy to be Home
I Do.
Ending it All.
Just a little extra somting...

Eight Brothers!

34.7K 690 139
By SilentKarma27

"When I first saw you
I fell in love, and
You smiled
Because you knew."
-William Shakespeare

After leaving the bathroom, Eli headed to the kitchen where he knew the triplets were at. He couldn't get the sight of the bruises out of his head.
"Everything okay?" Connor asked as he dried the dishes as Chase washed.
"She has bruises," Eli growled.
All three men stopped what they were doing to look at Eli.
"Did she say how or who?" Chase asked.
"Where are the bruises at?" Cole chimed in.
"She has a black eye that is fading, she must of covered it with makeup. She looks even more beautiful without makeup." Eli began to get distracted with how beautiful she looked in the shower.
"Earth to Eli," Connor said snapping his fingers.
"Sorry.... she also has some really dark ones on her ribs." Eli informed them while running his hands through his hair. "They looked bad, like real bad."
Eli thought for a moment, "remember when Alex and Adam had the super competitive streak going and they climbed up the old oak?"
"Yeah I remember," Cole started laughing. "Adam put too much weight on a weak branch and it snapped. He had a bad tumble down that old tree."
"Do you remember how he looked in the hospital after it?" Eli asked. The triplets nodded.
"Well Mia's ribs look like that." Eli explained.
"When will the rest get here?" Eli asked.
"Alex and Adam should be here tomorrow evening and Dave and Dean will be here the following morning." Cole confirm.

Meanwhile back in Eli's bedroom. Mia was debating on what to wear to bed. She still only had a towel on. Mia debated on wearing one of her dress, they were light and comfortable but she would have much to wear during the day then. Mia start to sort through the lingerie Eli bought for her. She noticed a little nighty in the mix but it doesn't look like something to sleep in. Looking at the closet Mia decided to snag a shirt from Eli. After all she would be in charge of laundry so she could insure he gets it back.

Mia was standing there in a pair of white lace cheeksters and a matching white bra.

A/N: if you shop at Victoria's Secret then you know what cheeksters are. For those who don't, it a cross between booty shorts and a thong. They are comfortable and my husband likes em too *wink, wink*

Mia was looking through Eli's shirt when she spotted a plain white one that looked like it had some wear but would be extremely comfortable. Grabbing the shirt off the hanger Mia spun around only to realize she wasn't alone.

Mia held the shirt up to cover her body. She knew what they came to see. Eli told them about her bruises. Eli stood in the doorway with his arms crossed and the triplets sat on the bed. The triplets looked at her face and could see the faded bruise. Then their eyes traveled down. It was almost like the triplets had control over her. Mia's arm holding the shirt up, dropped. Her hand still clutching the shirt at her side. Mia did the only thing she could think of.... she looked down at her toes.
Mia wiggles her toes enjoy how the shaggy carpet felt slightly tickling her feet.
Mia noticed the men had approached her while she was lost in thought about the carpet.
Connor was directly in front of her. He got down on his knees so his head could rest on her stomach. He wrapped his arms around Mia. Then began to kiss her bruises. Mia winched from the pain. Chase stood on one side of her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He began to whisper the sweetest things into her ear. Cole stood on the other side of Mia with his arms wrapped just below her shoulders. Cole peppered her neck in kisses.
Mia looked towards Eli, he seen her looking at him. Eli walked to stand in front of her. He leaned over Connor to reach Mia's lips.

Mia felt something but for each of them. 'I feel something for them. I never had someone try to comfort me like this. Like they are hurt that I'm hurt. They are kissing me like they can kiss away the pain. It's confusing me the way they say I'm theirs, like are all four brothers going to share me? Am I enough for the four of them? I really need to ask them. I have only been here for a day and I'm already feeling more for them then I did with Vince. I hope we can stay like this forever.' Mia is pulled from her thoughts when Connor picks her up and sits her on the bed. Cole takes the shirt Mia is still clutching then slides it over her head and helps adjust it. Connor then squats down in front of Mia.
"Mia, you don't have to tell us what happened yet but when you're ready please let us know." Connor assured her. Giving him a nod, the triplets each kiss her goodnight. Mia lays back in the bed as Eli climbs in next to her. He gently kisses her and pulls the covers up over them. Mia snuggles to his chest and drifts off to a peaceful sleep.

Next morning.....

Mia wakes up in a cold sweat. She dreamed that Vince and her father found her. Looking at the clock on the night stand, it read 4:30A.M.
'I better get up and start fixing breakfast.' Mia thinks.
Easing out of bed Mia head to the kitchen to get to work.

'They read you Cinderella
You hoped it would come true
That one day you're Prince Charming
Would come rescue you"

Mia set the table as the radio in the kitchen quietly played 'I can love you like that' by John Micheal Montgomery.

'All this time that you been waiting
You don't have to wait no more'

Mia began to twirl in through the kitchen. When she was younger she practiced ballet. Once she hit puberty her dad ended her sessions and that was about the same time he had started abusing her.
Mia could still remember some of it but she wouldn't be able to stand on her toes again. Mia stirred the gravy and turned off the heat. She pulled the biscuits out of the oven, she sat them down.

'I'm not Casanova but I swear this much is true
I'll be holding nothing back when it comes to you'

Mia began to twirl towards the fridge.

'You dream of love that's everlasting
So baby open up your eyes'

Mia grabbed the butter out of the fridge, as she stood up a pair of arms wrapped around her. She let out a small gasp.
"Whatcha doin' angel?" Cole whispered into her ear.
"Just finished cooking breakfast," Mia said turning around in his arms. "Help me bring all this to the table, please." Mia asked while reaching up on her tip toes to leave a kiss on his cheek.
"If you keep kissing me, I'll do whatever you want." Cole said with a wink.
Once everyone was seated and eating breakfast Mia thought now is a good of time as any to figure out what this relationship was and what they expected.
Mia, "sooooo....."
The guys stopped eating and looked up at her, with all eyes on her she felt a little intimidated again. 'Deep breath Mia, deep breath' she told herself.
"What kinda of relationship is this?" Mia asked not sure how to word it.
"We all want you Mia and we want to share you." Chase jumped right to the point.
"So I'm basically dating the four of you? Are you sure one woman is enough for four guys?" Mia questioned.
"Mia, you are more then enough for us. We have been neglecting our work around the ranch, some days you will a couple of us pop up here and there. Do you see what I'm getting at? If we each had a different lady they would probably cheat or leave us for feeling neglected or ignored. This way you will always feel loved and special." Eli informed her.
Mia took it all in, but why did they pick her when they only just met yesterday?
"Are you guys sure I'm the one you want?" Mia's voice started to crack. She felt so attached in such a little amount of time. She wasn't sure if she could handle losing them.
"Mia, angel, we knew you were special when we first seen you step out of Walter's truck," Cole told her.
"Walter?" Eli asked, "That old dog is the one who brought her here?" Eli wondered how they got her. The triplets nodded. He would have to give that old farm hand a big thank you.
"I met him at the dinner," Mia added. "He said if I needed anything to let him know so I told him I could use a job and a place to stay. He said his employers were looking for someone to cook and clean. It's funny I didn't realize I would end up with four....." Mia thought for a second "so are you guys my boyfriends?"
"If you want we can say boyfriends but I ain't one to label stuff," Chase told her. "Also Mia, we have 4 more brothers that are on their way home to meet you."
Mia tried to swallow the lump in her throat, her eyes widened in shock. 'Eight! There are eight of them! Oh god help me!' Mia thought.
"So I have eight boyfriends?" Mia asked not sure if she could handle the answer.
"Yep," Eli said.
'Well this will be interesting. Eight boyfriends.' Thought to herself and she began to chuckle. Mia stood up and started cleaning up the breakfast dishes, still chuckling.
"Do you think we broke her?" Eli asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No, I think she is just letting it sink in." Connor assured his brother. Cole and Chase nodded, if anyone could read someone it was Connor.

The triplets had to go and help the farm hands with the ranch. Once Mia was done cleaning up the kitchen she went to shower and get dressed before cleaning the rest of the house. Eli was in his room grabbing a shirt from his closet when Mia walked in.
She couldn't help but let her eyes roam Eli's body. He had on Levi jeans that looked like they were made for him, they sat right on his hips. She could see he had a deep v going down the front of his jeans. And his washboard abs, they looked harder then a stone sculpture. He had broad shoulders and biceps 'oh those biceps will be the death of me' Mia thought biting her bottom lip. Her eyes roamed up a little higher and Mia began to blush. Eli has been watching her check him out.
"Like what you see angel?" Eli teased.
Mia looked away before answering, "yes."
"I was thinking I show you around the ranch today," Eli said while pulling on his shirt. "I will be in the kitchen waiting for you."
Mia nodded and went to start getting ready.

After her shower Mia looked at her clothes she had. She really needed to get some jeans. She grabbed her yellow sundress. Mia slipped on her flats and went to look for Eli.

Eli stood facing the counter, he was refilling his coffee cup.
"I'm ready Eli," came the sweetest voice he couldn't get enough of.
Eli turned around and almost choked. Mia looked stunning. The yellow dress with her brown curly hair and her bright doe eyes. He thanked God for making someone so perfect. Eli noticed a tag still attached to the dress.
"Here let me cut the tag off," Eli called her over.
He cut it off then glanced to see the brand. The tag was in Italian.
"You been to Italy?" Eli asked still looking at the tag.
"No, the dress was ordered for me." Mia said, her eyes pleading for him to drop the subject.
"Shall we go then," Eli said offering his arm.
Mia gladly took hold of it. She wanted nothing more then to rub those strong arms.

Mia seen a little of the ranch but she had no idea they had so much land and animals. They had two large barns and a horse stable that Eli said could hold up to 50 horses. Why they needed that many she didn't question. They approached a smaller fenced off area. Inside Connor was training a horse. Cole was nearby watching.

"How's it going, does she look ready to ride yet?" Eli asked as they approached Cole.
"Not yet but knowing Connor by the end of the day she will." Cole said.
Cole walked up to Mia, "I would hug ya but I don't want to dirty your dress. We're gonna have to get ya some jeans angel and some boots. It can get muddy when the rain season comes."
Mia surprised Cole when she closed the gap between them, she rapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
"I don't mind getting dirty for you," she said in a needy voice. Not sure what came over her Mia dropped her gaze and buried her face in his chest.
"Damn angel, you don't know what you do to me." Cole said in a low husky voice laced with desire. He held her close. Eli chuckled at the sight.
"I don't want to break this up but we have some more of the ranch to still see, Mia." Eli interrupted.
"I will see you around lunch if not dinner Mia," Cole told her kissing the top of her head and stepping back. She looked up and seen he had a look of sadness.
"Angel your dress..." Cole started when he seen the dirt he got on her dress.
"It's fine really, I didn't like it that much anyways. Plus I could always wash it out." Mia assured. She gave him a big smile and took off with her hands wrapped around Eli's arm.

Eli brought Mia up to one of the barns. He pushed his finger to his lips signaling Mia to stay quiet. They went through the already opened barn door. Mia seen a guy leaned against a wooden beam, he was looking into one of the stalls. He didn't hear Eli and Mia approach.
"Hey how are they doing?" Eli whispered to the guy.
The man didn't bother to glance away from the stall. "They have been inseparable lately, I think it's almost time for the pups to come." He informed Eli.
Mia peeked around Eli and seen two dogs, one of them had a rather large belly.
"She's having puppies!" Mia said excitedly.
The man turned to look at Mia, "yup, and you must be the little miss that Chase hasn't stopped talking about." The man said tilting his hat up.
Chase stepped out of the stall that the dogs were in.
"I was just making sure they would be comfortable," Chase told them.
Mia walked up to Chase and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him in for a kiss.
"If it's not too much to ask can I keep a puppy?" Mia asked giving her best puppy dog eyes.
"Angel, we can keep em all if you keep kissing me like that." Chase teased her. Mia pulled him in for a deep kiss. She forgot about their audience until....

*cough, cough*

Mia's eyes went wide and she pulled away from the kiss. Her face turned as red as a tomato.
"Aren't you going to introduce me or are you going to keep smooching?" The man joked.
"James this is Mia," Chase introduced. "Mia this is James he is one of our lead ranch hands."
"Please to meet you," Mia said still clutching onto Chase.
"The pleasure is all mine dear, Chase here wouldn't stop talking about you." James jokes, "I can see why now."
"Hey, don't eye my girl man!" Chase huffed in a jokingly way.
"Well we best head back to the house Mia, we should start fixin' lunch." Eli said.
Mia gave Chase one last kiss and then followed Eli out of the barn.
"Eli, do you really think I can keep a puppy?" Mia asked. "I wasn't sure if Chase was joking or not."
Eli places his arm around Mia, "you really want one huh?"
"Oh yes, please! Father never let me have one." Mia told him. It was the first time she spoke of her father without stuttering.
"If it makes you happy angel, you can have one." Eli told her.
Mia gave him the biggest smile he has ever seen on her. He stopped walking, Mia noticed and looked up at him.
"Is everything okay Eli," Mia asked.
"It's perfect, angel," Eli replied.
He bent down and kissed her, Mia wrapped her arms around his neck. Eli sucked and nibbled at her bottom lip. Mia opened her mouth to give his tongue access. Eli explored her mouth with his tongue.
"Is this her?" An unknown choice cut in.

Pulling away, Mia looked over and seen two men who looked identical. They weren't as y'all as Eli and the triplets but still y'all around an even 6'0. They had short light brown hair. The only way to tell them apart really was their eyes. One had light brown and the other had green. They were also slightly slender in comparison to the triplets and Eli who could almost be bodybuilders. They were both very handsome. All the brothers are. 'The water Mia, it has to be something in the water.' Mia told herself.
"Mia, this is Adam and Alex. They are the younger twins." Eli gestured.
Mia couldn't talk, she was consumed by embarrassment. As if they couldn't wait another second the twins approached, one picked her up in a tight hug.
"It's nice to meet you Mia, I'm Adam," the first twin said. He then passed Mia over to his identical brother.
"Hi Mia, I'm Alex," Alex kisses her cheek then set her down. "She smells amazing."
"I agree," Adam told his brother.
"She still hasn't said anything," Alex pointed out.
"Cole didn't say she was mute," Adam assured.
"But he didn't say if she could talk either," Alex contradicted.
"I-I-I I'm ri-ri-right here!" Mia said stomping her foot. Her face was so red from a mix of embarrassment and anger.
"She has a stutter," Alex began to point out.
"Alright enough you two or else she might leave." Eli chimed in, "you two don't want her leaving do you?"
"Oh no, no, no!" Adam protested.
"We think your very very beautiful Mia, we would like for you to stay." Alex said and Adam agreed.
"Yeah," Adam told her. "Don't mind us, it's the twin bond. We get carried away sometimes and forget that others are listening."
"How about you two take Mia to the house," Eli ordered. "Help her fix some sandwiches while I round up the triplets."
Adam and Alex both grinding from ear to ear looked at each other and gave a nod. Mia wasn't sure about this.
"Come on Mia," Alex said taking one of Mia's hands.
"Yes Mia come with us," Adam said taking her other.
Mia looked back over her shoulder at Eli with pleading eyes.
"You'll be fine angel," Eli reassured her.

Mia, Adam and Alex entered the house and Mia went straight to the kitchen. She got out the bread and turned around to go retrieve the rest of the ingredients needed for sandwiches. Mia stopped in her tracks seeing Adam and Alex approach her. Mia couldn't help but stair at the twins, they were both shirtless now. One stopped in front of Mia and the other was behind her.
"Mia," Adam said standing in front of her. "You really are beautiful." Adam began to stroke her cheek with his thumb.
"Yes, so beautiful," Alex whispered in Mia's ear as he pressed his body against her back.
"W-w-What are y-y-you d-d-doing," Mia stuttered, she began to melt leaning back against Alex.
"We are making a sandwich like Eli told us too," Adam told her.
"Your the main ingredient, Mia." Alex whispered.
Before Mia knew it the twins were leading her to their room. They had two king size beds pushed together taking up most of the space in the room. Mia noticed they had different lingerie spread out across the beds.
"Don't tell me those are for me," Mia said thinking about all the lingerie Eli just gave her last night.
"It's for you," Adam said.
"Will you model some of it for us?" Alex pleaded.
"Yes, please model for us," Adam begged.
"I'm not sure you want me too," Mia groaned.
Just like in the kitchen Adam presses himself against Mia's front and Alex pressed from behind. They began to kiss and caress Mia with their finger tips. Mia let out a soft moan.
"Please Mia," Adam pleaded.
"It's our favorite color," Alex informed her.
"Okay but, I warned you." Mia gasped between panting breaths.
"Pick which ever one you want," Adam said pulling Mia towards the bed.
"Yeah, we like them all." Alex added.
Mia looked over the lingerie. Red, every piece was red. Mia wondered where they found this much red lingerie without it being close to Valentine's Day. Mia grabbed a balcony bra that had about 2 inches of lace trim that would help hide most of her bruise, then she grabbed a matching thong. Mia went to the attached bathroom to change.
Just like she hoped most of the bruise was covered but they would still see it. Mia was pleased with her overall appearance. 'Let's get this over with.' Mia thought. She cracked the bathroom door a little.
"Okay I'm ready but close your eyes." Mia called out.
"Okay, they are closed." Both twin responded.
"Keep them closed until I say." Mia instructed.
"Okay!" The twins called back.
Mia stepped out of the bathroom with her arms positioned to cover the bruise. She stood in front of the twins who still had their eyes closed.
"Okay, you can open now." Mia whispered.
The twins opened their eyes and gasped. They let their eyes roam all over Mia's body. Adam reaches out to pull her arms away. Both of them starred at her bruise.
"Mia, what happened." Alex broke the silence but still not looking away.
"I-I-I d-d-don't want t-t-to t-talk ," Mia could control her stutter.
"Shhh Mia, you stutter when something makes you nervous. Am I right?" Adam asked.
Mia just nodded.
"You don't have to tell us yet Mia," Alex said.
The twins stood up and they hugged Mia. They both gently gave her kisses and caressed her skin. They started at her neck and worked their way down to her stomach.
"Mia," Alex started.
"We will protect you, always." Adam promised.
"Let's go finish making those sandwiches," Alex suggested.
"Mia you have to eat wearing that." Adam teased.
"Yes Mia, you have to wear that." Alex agreed.
Before she could protest the twins pulled her out of the room and back towards the kitchen. The three of them made the sandwiches and set the dining room table. The twins gave Mia's begins little spankings every chance they got.
Soon Eli came waltzing in the back door with the triplets right behind him. One look at Mia and they knew the twins were already wrapped around her finger.
"Doesn't Mia look good," Adam pointed out.
"Yes she looks delicious," Alex agreed.
"Mia looks good in anything," Eli told them.
"Seeing her like this makes me wish she was what we are eating." Chase said, adjusting the bulge in his pants.
"Here Mia, put this on," Connor said while handing her a hoodie he kept by the back door. "I won't be able to leave you alone looking like that."
"Why you have to ruin the fun," Adam pouted.
"Yeah, you are cock blocking," Alex added.
Mia slipped the hoodie on feeling much better that she was so exposed.
"Mia isn't ready for that yet." Chase sternly told the twins.
"Can Mia sleep in our bed tonight?" Asked Alex.
"Yeah, can she?" Adam begged.
"One, don't force her to do anything. Don't even pressure her into something. Two, only if Mia agrees." Eli started.
"Mia, will you sleep in our room tonight?" Adam asked.
"Please, we promise we just want to cuddle." Alex begged.
"Okay, but if you do something I don't want I'm going back to Eli's room." Mia warned.
Alex and Adam gave each other a high five.
"We promise Mia," they both agreed.

Later that evening

Mia went to Adam's and Alex's room. The twins told her they would meet her there ima bit. Mia pulled off the hoodie Connor gave her earlier. She was just in the red lace lingerie again. Mia crawled to the center of the two beds. She snuggled herself under the blankets and fell asleep within seconds.

Alex and Adam both enter their room. They spot Mia already asleep in the middle of the two beds. They look at each other and grin. The slowly easy them selves onto the bed and snuggle close to Mia. Mia still asleep, adjust herself to them. Mia's head is on Adam's chest and Alex is pressed against her back side.
"Alex, we are so lucky. I think I'm already in love." Adam whispered.
"I completely agree, I feel so much for her in such a short amount of time." Alex whispered back.
"I think I now believe in 'love at first sight' brother," Adam said.
"I believe it now too, look at Eli and the triplets. I'm sure they feel the same way." Alex stated.
Both twins feel into a peaceful deep sleep, cuddling with Mia in between them.

The next day.....

Mia woke up early so she could fix breakfast again but she had a hard time wanting to leave the bed. She felt so warm and comfortable but most of all safe. Mia felt in that moment that not Vince nor her father could touch her with these men surrounding her. She wiggle a little to push her back closer against Alex. Mia then wrapped her arm and snuggled her face closer against Adam's chest. Both twins groaned, knowing they couldn't have her just yet.
"Mia your making hard to resist you," Alex whimpered his voice groggy from just waking up.
"Mmm, Mia. How did you sleep, baby?" Adam asked wrapping his arms around her.
"Honestly, that was the best sleep I ever had." Mia admitted. "I have to get up and start breakfast"
"We don't want you to go yet," Alex protested.
"I don't want to either but I need to start breakfast." Mia assured.
"Fine, but we want a kiss first." Adam bargained.
"A small one until I get a chance to brush my teeth," Mia told him.
"Fine, but later we want one like you gave Eli yesterday." Alex teased.
Mia's eyes flew open and she blushed remembering the heat she felt course through her body when they had kissed. She had to get out of that bed now or she wouldn't get out of it at all.
"Deal," Mia agreed jumping up and giving them both a peck before running out the door.

A/N: I'm leaving the story here, I know you haven't met the other twins Dean and Dave but this chapter is three times longer the the other chapters. Do y'all like chapters long like this or was it way to long? Let me know.

A/N: I was listening to pandora today and seen this ad. I was like wtf, I thought I made fictional characters 😂😂😂 this is too funny and a VERY BIG COINCIDENCE! Just thought I would share this with you all. I found it funny. What do y'all think?

Also I do not own the image below.

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