A Spellbound Gem (a RWBY fanf...

By BlewNeko

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Ruby Rose, a young secret prodigy hiding powerful magicks, is struggling to keep it from all those around her... More

Prologue: Try Again
Chapter 1: Time For Change
Chapter 2: Jet Lag
Chapter 3: Well Excuse Me Princess
Chatper 4: A Rough Start
Chapter 5: Teamwork
Chapter 6: Not Another Fire
Chapter 7: Endless Thoughts
Chapter 8: Well That Was... Shocking
Chapter 9: Get Out Of My Head!!
Chapter 10: It's A Date
Chapter 11: Sunshine And GAAAAAAAH
Chapter 13: Magic And Mysticism
Chapter 14: Reality Is Just Your Opinion
Chapter 15: Please Stop Trying To Kill Your Class
Chapter 16: Just Answer The Question, Miss Rose
Chapter 17: I'm Not Stalking, I'm Observing
Chapter 18: Aaaaahhh!!! Confrontation!!!
Chapter 19: This Is Awkward
Chapter 20: It's A Real Date This Time
Chapter 21: Stupid Monkey...
Chapter 22: Crime Pays
Chapter 23: Gingersnaps And Frozen Cream
Chapter 24: Embers Of Doubt
Chapter 25: Fading Memories
Chapter 26: Hard Truths
Chapter 27: Together Again
Chapter 28: Better Parties Than Atlas
Chapter 29: Extra Introductions
Chapter 30: A Certain Magical Duo

Chapter 12: Not Going To Worry About It

867 26 197
By BlewNeko

"You're going to light the table on fire with that death glare." Yang told the shorter girl by her side. "What exactly seems to be the issue?"

The girl in white sat, her eyes locked on the plate in front of her, Yang and her friends all sitting nearby. She had made her way to the cafeteria late, refusing to go before Ruby left for her "not date", and ended up finding that everyone else came in relatively late as well.

Yang continued to wait for a reply, asking herself silently if Weiss had even heard.

"Does Ruby like girls?"

Jaune did a spit take of his water, Pyrrha making sure that he was ok while the busty blonde blinked a few times in shock.

"Does Ruby like girls?" She repeated, confirming the question asked. Weiss finally turned and looked up, nodding in response. "Umm... Well I think she'd be the one to ask about that. I haven't noticed if she does have any interest, but who knows."

Weiss lowered her gaze back to her plate, face still showing not a single emotion besides perhaps thought. "I see..."

"Sooooooo..." Yang started with a light cough. "Do you like girls?"

A seemingly endless silence filled the air as they all waited for an answer from the smallest at the table.

"When I got to Beacon, I wanted to date a girl just to try something new." Weiss clarified, pushing her dinner around with a fork. "I wasn't looking for anything amazing. But at this point I've been thinking more... And yes, I would say I do like girls."

"Sweet." The blonde replied patting her on the back. "You can join the club."

"Why are all the girls I know either gay or taken..?" Jaune asked weakly, sighing at all the happy lesbian nonsense around him.

Pyrrha sighed as well, being the very straight, very single, very attractive woman that was sitting right next to the boy.

"So would it be fair to assume that you have a crush on Ruby?" Blake asked, turning back to the original topic.

Weiss nodded her head, eyes trained down to some peas as her cheeks flushed a deep pink.

Yang wrapped both arms around the poor girl, taking her by surprise as she cooed over her. "You're just adorable, all embarrassed over talking about your crush. Sooooo cuuuuuute!"

"You realize that crush is your sister, right?" Blake calmly reminded her.

The blonde raised a hand to stop her for a moment, still nuzzling the claustrophobic girl fighting to get away.

"I don't care that she wants to be with my sister, I'm just excited that she's showing growth as a person."

"Do you really care?"

"I am adopting this child."

"I'm not taking this as our daughter."

"Hear that everyone? She admitted that me adopting Weiss would make her both of ours' daughter!" Yang loudly pointed out, hugging Blake close to her chest and giving Weiss the chance to escape. "That is her admitting and becoming my sexy wife."

"Wha~?! N-no, that's no~!"

"Congratulations." Jaune put in, clapping lightly. "When's the wedding?"

"I hate you all..." The dark haired faunus muttered, hiding her face in her hands.

Weiss watched all of this, unable to quite understand the groups jokes and jabs. Her own friends back in Atlas had been much less casual, and her family even more so.

"So are you gonna ask her on a date?" Yang prompted, elbowing the ivory girl out of her thoughts.

She recoiled, taken aback by the question. "A-ask her out? I-I mean, I did take her out to lunch today, but..."

"But obviously that didn't get the point across, seeing as she's eating dinner with someone else, right?" The blonde continued. "Maybe it's time to be more direct?"

More direct? She asked herself, wondering how she could even do that. She had been plenty direct!

Yang smirked slightly, leaving back a little bit and crossing her arms. "You never explained that lunch was a date date, did you?"

"Screw you, I was plenty clear about my intentions!" Weiss squeaked in response.

The next few minutes mostly consisted of the table trying to make sure that Yang didn't suffocate the poor girl by giving her too much 'love' and 'affection'.

"It sounds to me like you need to have a more in depth conversation with her." Pyrrha suggested, taking Weiss' hand gently across the table. "Just tell her how you're feeling."

"She's one to talk." Yang whispered over to Weiss. "She can't even get her crush to notice her existence as a woman, and she's got plenty of time alone with him."

Jaune smiled proudly, straightening his back as he shared his own thoughts on the matter. "Maybe you should try writing her a song. That will make sure she knows exactly what you're feeling and thinking."

Weiss thought it over, nodding to herself as she decided what to do. "I'm thinking no to everything you just said, Jaune, that's a terrible idea."

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