Hurricane Love

By AmyRobinsonAuthor

22.9K 1.5K 747

☑️Completed☑️ 🥇1st Place in Teen Fiction | The Aspirants Awards🥇 "Ryker sighed and swiped his face frustrat... More

Character Aesthetics
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
Fourty Seven
Fourty Eight
Fourty Nine


387 28 23
By AmyRobinsonAuthor

'I'm home,' I mumbled, aiming to be loud enough for Christine to hear. Glancing around the house as I walked, I looked for her and finally found her putting together bouquets on the kitchen counter.

'Wow, you look rough,' she said, when she saw me.

'Late night of studying at Abbie's,' I sighed, moving to the sink for a glass of water. I was seriously dehydrated with the ultimate headache.

'You mean late night of drinking at Mason's house?' she said, making me freeze with my glass to my lips and I immediately lowered it and looked at her.

'How do you know?' I asked.

'I have friends, Amelia,' she said. 'Friends whose kids went there too and all got in so much trouble when they got home. I saw a few mums discussing it on Facebook this morning and then I read that it was Mason Miller's house.'

'I didn't even know he was having a party,' I told her. 'He didn't tell me. I went there just to see him, I swear! The party was already crazy when I got there and Abbie and I stayed just so I could keep an eye on things because it was all Ryker taking advantage of Mason again. I left early and went to Abbie's house, I promise.'

'Amelia, you are sixteen,' she said, giving me a serious stare. 'You shouldn't be drinking.'

'Everybody does it; it's not a big deal,' I sighed, not feeling up to this argument ahead.

'You do it because everybody does?' she asked.

'Don't you dare start that "if everybody jumped off a bridge" shit,' I warned. 'I'm not in the mood to listen to this; go ahead, just ground me.'

'What's the point?' she asked. 'Do you ever listen to me anyway? Maybe I should wait until Stan's home; maybe I'll let him be the bad parent for once and maybe you'll listen to him.'

'Stan doesn't give a shit,' I told her. 'He just wants to come home and watch his TV shows in peace, not deal with me.'

'I thought you were past all this?' she said. 'The drinking phase ended ages ago and now you're doing it again?'

'No, it was a one off!' I cried. 'It was a party for Christ's sake!'

'I'm not yelling at you, why are you yelling at me?' she asked.

'Because you're annoying me!' I exclaimed.

'If you're going to shout I'm not talking to you,' she said, flatly.

'Good!' I yelled, turning around and heading for the stairs to my room.

'So you're skipping school today too?' she called up to me, as I moved up the stairs and ignored her.

She didn't say another word and I quickly closed my door behind me, trying to forget about how annoying she was.

I lay on my bed and pulled out my phone, dialling Mason and I rolled onto my back as I waited.

'Hey babe,' he answered. 'You okay? I didn't see you leave, you were meant to stay over.'

'I left early with Abbie,' I told him.

'Why?' he asked. 'Everything okay?'

I thought back to Luca getting creepy with me in his room and Ryker popped into my mind, reminding me that he had saved my arse from that one.

'Yeah, fine,' I lied. 'I just hadn't been in the mood for a party and it was getting out of hand so we escaped.'

'Oh, don't I know it,' he sighed. 'My mum is losing her mind today. I thought they were away for two nights but they returned this morning and Ryk and I hadn't gotten a chance to get up and tidy the house. There are ornaments and antiques smashed, writing on the walls, empty bottles lying all over the floors, Mum's carpets are soaked with vomit and god knows what else and I'm in so much trouble.'

'I'm so sorry; I should have stayed and shut it down, Mason,' I sighed. 'I knew it wasn't you who wanted to have that party and I should have kicked them all out and helped you clean up the place last night.'

'Don't be silly, babe,' he sighed. 'It's alright; she'll get over it. My Dad is threatening to send me away to boarding school though.'

He let out a chuckle and I frowned, not seeing the funny side.

'This is all because of Ryker,' I told him. 'Please tell me you see that this is all his doing and he's to blame.'

'Sure,' he replied, with a sigh. 'But it's my house and as far as my parents are concerned, I let it happen.'

'You were pressured,' I said. 'You're always pressured by him.'

'Not really, babe,' he said. 'I did kind of think it would be a good idea when he suggested it. I gave it the okay.'

'There's just no getting through to you, Mason,' I sighed.

'Well, there's cleaners here now tidying it all up and my parents have told me I have to pay the bill so that's my punishment and from what the cost of this will be, that's enough to stop me throwing anymore parties,' he laughed.

'It's not funny, babe,' I said. 'You should make Ryker pay half.'

'It's fine, Amelia,' he said. 'I'm not bothered about the money.'

'Money may be no object to you but he should still pay,' I said.

'Babe, Ryker doesn't have much money,' he said. 'He and his mum...they just get by and I would never dream of asking him for money.'

I tried to feel a little sympathy for Ryker in that moment but I still couldn't help but feel more sorry for Mason and how much he was being taken for a ride.

'So what?' I said. 'That may be true but it doesn't mean he just gets to push you into throwing a wild party then let you take the blame and pay the bill.'

'It's okay, Amelia,' he said. 'Look, I just want to see you. How about we skip school?'

'Well, I think Christine will lose it if you come over here when she's already mad that I went to the party,' I sighed. 'Plus, your mum will probably lose it too if she sees me after what you did.'

'Can you come over?' he asked. 'Just sneak through the side door; she never comes up to my room anyway.'

'You sure?' I asked, feeling excited at the idea of Mason sneaking me into his house; it was ballsy for him.

'Yeah,' he said. 'I feel shitty and I just want to lie in bed with you all day.'

'Okay,' I laughed. 'Wait...promise me, no Ryker.'

'What?' he replied.

'You do not let Ryker come over,' I said. 'If he calls, ignore him. I haven't had you to myself at all since he arrived in town so no Ryker today, okay?'

'Deal,' he said. 'Just get over here.'

'See you soon,' I said, hanging up the phone.

I quickly ran for a shower before getting dressed into a small, black, crop vest and black jeans. Pulling on my denim jacket and black Dr Marten's, I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed out of my room and downstairs.

'I'm going into school,' I said, passing Christine as she continued to work in the kitchen. 'I can't miss maths when I have that test soon.'

'Sure,' she mumbled. 'See you later.'

I nodded and rolled my eyes as I turned away, wondering if that tone meant she knew I was lying but I didn't care.

I strolled down my street to the bus stop at the bottom and caught the next bus that passed by Mason's. It arrived down the street from the little rural lane that Mason's house was in and I walked up the street then up the lane to the gates of his house, where I stopped and texted him to let me in.

Eventually, the gates whirred as they opened and as soon as I could fit through a gap, I ran in and made my way around the side of the garden so his mum wouldn't see me if she looked out the window. I came to the side of the house where the cars were parked near the garages and saw a door open a little. Smirking to myself, I crept through it, glancing around at the shelves stacked with bottles of wine and rum and everything else before heading out the adjacent door into the main house. I came out just behind the large staircase and glanced around, hearing silence and I quickly sped to the steps and ran up them as quickly and quietly as I could before heading down the hallway to Mason's room.

'There she is,' he said, with a grin, as I entered.

I smiled and approached him, moving to my toes to kiss him and he kept his lips on mine for a few seconds before taking my hand and pulling me to the bed. I let my bag drop to the floor and pulled my jacket off before finally kicking off my boots as I reached his bed. We climbed under the covers together and I immediately snuggled into him as he played the show he'd been watching on Netflix. I didn't care what it was, I just wanted to close my eyes and be close to my boyfriend.

After a little while, I turned myself over so that I was face to face with him and his eyes moved from the TV to me, darting across my face before he smiled. I smiled back and leaned in, placing my lips on his and kissed him gently, feeling his hands come up to my shoulders and grip them before pushing me onto my back and leaning on top of me, never breaking away from the kiss.

I felt a heat between my thighs and brought my arms around his waist, kisssing him a little faster and to my surprise, he got into it a little more. The kiss became more heated and I felt Mason's hardness suddenly on the top of my thigh. This had to be it. This had to be the moment.

I reached down and cupped the bulge in his pants, rubbing it slowly with my palm and I felt him breathe into my mouth, making me feel more turned on. Pulling out the waistband of his joggers, I slid my hand into his pants and his boxers, finding his hard shaft and gripped it in my hand as I started to stroke up and down it. He shook a little and panted into our kiss and I was already thinking ahead about us losing our virginity to each other right now.

Mason moved a little to the side and I kept my hand in his pants, continuing to touch him and I felt his palm rest on my stomach before it slid to the top of my jeans and he quickly opened the button and unzipped them, sliding his hand into them and then my underwear. I took a slow, sharp breath as I felt him work down to my heated centre and then his fingers found me, beginning to slowly stroke up and down me.

I let out a soft and gentle moan into his mouth and he pressed his lips harder to mine and kissed me faster, sliding two of his fingers up and down me before circling them on my clitoris as I quickened my pace on his member.

This was already the furthest we had ever gone. We had dry humped on each other and touched each other a little bit but Mason had always stopped it before we got carried away. This was the longest he'd let it go on and this had to be the time he would finally let us have sex.

All I wanted to do was rip his pants off as well as my own and have him between my thighs. I loved him and I just wanted to finally share this important moment with him.

'I love you,' I whispered.

He pulled his lips away from mine and stared down and me and I smiled at him, immediately squeezing my eyes shut as he applied more pressure to my centre.

'I want you,' I told him.

Opening my eyes, I saw him still gazing at me with a soft and gentle stare and he tilted his head to the side.

'You sure you want to do this?' he asked, still thrusting his hips forward to press his dick harder against my hand.

'I've been sure for a long time,' I said. 'If you're ready then so am I. I want us to finally do this and our relationship will be so much more amazing afterwards.'

I noticed a little frown on his face and felt his hand move away from me a little.

'What's wrong?' I asked, trying to sit up.

He pulled his hand from my pants and let out a breath, glancing around the room before looking at me apologetically. I pulled my hand from his pants and sat up, staring at him feeling frustrated and impatient.

'You're still not ready, are you?' I asked him.

'I'm sorry, babe,' he said. 'I mean, doing things like this is fine is another level.'

'I know it is but come on, Mason,' I sighed. 'I mean you're really starting to make me think you don't want to have sex with me. How can you not be ready after a whole year?'

He sighed and tore his eyes away from mine, looking down at the bed with nothing to say.

'It is me, isn't it?' I said. 'You're just not feeling it with me. Your virginity is special to you and you don't know if you want to give it to me.'

'Amelia, I didn't say that,' he said, lifting his head again.

'You really didn't have to,' I said, feeling completely mortified that his face suggested I was right. 'I think I'll go.'

'No,' Mason said, jumping up after me as I climbed out of the bed and pulled on my shoes. 'Don't go; I never said I'm not feeling it with you, I just still don't feel ready.'

'You're a sixteen year old boy, Mason!' I cried, standing up and pulling on my jacket. 'How can you not feel ready to have sex with your girlfriend after a year long relationship?!'

'It takes time for some people,' he said.

'No, it doesn't!' I exclaimed. 'I think you're a liar and you're a shitty one. You just don't want me.'

'Please don't,' he said, moving to his feet.

'You've embarrassed me enough,' I said. 'I can't look at you right now.'

Ignoring his pleas for me to stay, I headed for the door.

'Amelia, wait, just stop a second,' he said, and I paused with the door open slightly as I looked at him, shifting uncomfortably as he wiped his face with his palm and moved around in a distressed manner. 'If you are really leaving then I need you to take the side door again so you don't get seen.'

My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened as I stared in disbelief.

'I really don't want you to go,' he said. 'But if you insist on leaving then my mum can't see you.'

'Screw you and your mum!' I cried, turning out the door and letting it swing shut.

I didn't care if that bitch saw me anyway. The way I was feeling right now, I would just tell her to kiss my arse.

Ignoring Mason's request, I headed for the stairs, not trying to be subtle or quiet and when I reached the bottom, I headed right for the main door instead of turning for the side door. No one was around anyway and it annoyed me even more, as I wanted him to get in even more trouble just for what he'd done to me back there.

I reached the front door and opened it, stepping outside and pulling it shut before storming across the pebbles to the winding path that led out of the house. As I began to get nearer to the gates, I realised I had no way of getting out as I needed someone in the house to open them. Just as I began to scour the grounds for another option, I heard the loud buzz and whir as they opened and I quickly set into a jog to reach them before they closed. As I got there, I let out a scoff as I saw a familiar figure stepping inside, moving into the gates as I headed out of them.

So much for no Ryker today!

'Hey, Flossy,' Ryker said, as we reached each other. 'Mason didn't say you were here.'

'Of course he didn't,' I said, with a scowl. 'He's a stupid prick. What are you doing here; don't you have anything better to do than just invite yourself over all the time?'

'Uh oh,' Ryker chuckled, taking a quick puff of his cigarette. 'You're in a delightful mood. What's he done?'

'Certainly not discussing it with you,' I said. 'Goodbye.'

I walked past him and stepped out of the gates.

'Oh, Flossy,' he called, making me turn to look at him. His face was serious as he stared right back at me and I waited patiently to hear what he had to say. His eyes moved from mine down to my stomach area and I frowned as he pointed. 'I can see your knickers.'

'What?' I gasped, glancing down to see that I hadn't even buttoned or zipped my jeans up again and my bright pink, lace knickers were right on show. I quickly buttoned them and pulled up the zip as I heard Ryker snigger and I remembered how much I hated him.

'Hey,' he laughed. 'I wasn't complaining.'

'Ugh!' I cried, spinning on my heel as I gave him a cold stare. 'Go suck a dick, Ryker!'

As I paced away, I heard him laughing in the distance behind me as the gates began to close.

'Lovely to see you too, Flossy!'

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