Collide (X Reader)

By ghost_writer_86

43.6K 1.3K 1.7K

After meeting Tom Holland an undeniable chemistry sparks between the pair of you. But the more you and Tom ha... More

The dream.
An unexpected call
A lost memory.
The world's getting weird now.
An epiphany
A new theory.
So it goes...
The past.
Missing Pieces.
A late night.
Spiderman and Scarlet Witch
Gone rogue.
Meeting the Hollands
Back to London.
From the Shadows.
Fight or flight.
Back Home.
A beautiful day.
High and Low.
Where and when.
Training Day.
Spidey Senses.
Getting stronger.
What if...
Be all, end all.

At Ace.

2.8K 97 87
By ghost_writer_86

Your mom places a plate of eggs and bacon in front of you, your mouth waters from the aroma. You quickly scoff your food, eager to get ready to go to Ace Comic Con and finally meet Tom Holland. Y/BF/N perches on the edge of the dining table, sipping on a hot chocolate your mom prepared for them.

" Thanks Mrs Y/L/N," your friend chirps, as your mom walks past with an empty plate. Your mom gives them a smile, dropping the plate into the sink.

" Dude, hurry up. We need to get there early or we'll wait forever in the line, " your friend begs.

Rolling your eyes, you shove a forkful of eggs in your mouth, " I'm going as fast as I can," you mumble. You've only dreamed of this day since you saw Spiderman Homecoming, unable to keep your eyes off Toms gorgeous face. You've wondered what Tom is like as a person, is he nice? Is he funny? Will he remember you after you meet him? You've scoured the internet, watching interviews of him on Youtube to see what he's like. In those interviews he seems funny and friendly, every time he laughs with his co stars your stomach flips at his gorgeous smile. You devoured Spiderman Far from Home, eager to see Tom on screen again. He's so talented, the best spider man in your opinion.

Finishing the last of your breakfast, you get up and go to the sink kissing your mom on the cheek, " Thanks for breakfast, mom," you drop your plate into the soapy suds, the corner of her mouth lifting into a smile as she washes the dishes.

" You're welcome Y/N, how long till you and Y/BF/N will be ready? We need to leave soon to beat the traffic."

" Um, soon," you glance at your best friend, who's eyes narrow at you to hurry up. A flush of embarrassment creeps up your neck as you hurry to the bathroom to take a shower. You step under the warm spray, trying to hurry as you wash your hair. Once you're finished you towel off, drying your hair. You go to your room, shooing your best friend off your bed, who's playing on their phone.

You put on an outfit that you bought the weekend before, it flatters you, accentuating your best features. You turn in the mirror, admiring how you look. Smiling at your reflection, you realise that you're ready to meet Tom Holland, now.

The drive doesn't take long to get to the convention centre, but when you reach there the cars slow to a crawl, traffic builds as you enter the gigantic carpark, horns honk in the distance. Your heart races, excitement builds in your chest, butterflies flutter in your belly. It won't be long now till you meet him. Hordes of people, swarm to the convention centre. Many dressed in lavish cosplay, your gaze snags on someone dressed as Thor, a spiderman cuts across your vision making you think of Tom.

Your mom drops you off out the front, and you and your best friend exit the car.

" Text me when you guys are finished," your mom says. You nod, waving as she drives away.

A crisp wind blows, caressing your hair, shivering you cross your arms tighter against your body.

" Ah! I can't believe we're here!" Your best friend squeals.

" I know, I hope he's nice."

" Pfft of course Tom's going to be nice," Y/BF/N scoffs. Your best friend links their arm with yours and you head into the centre, your eyes going over the large glass and steel structure. People jostle on either side of you as you both head in.


You and your friend, sit through the Tom Holland panel. Your seats are at the back of the room, sadly you don't get a good look at him, only able to see him on the large screen the convention centre provided. Every time he says a joke or laughs, your stomach flips at his gorgeous mannerisms, your palms sweatier by the moment at the knowledge that you're going to meet him soon.


" Ugh, this is taking forever and I need to pee," Y/BF/N whines, dancing on their toes. You sigh, looking behind to the long line snaking out of the room. It's already been two hours and the line has barely moved, your stomach rumbles as you realise you haven't even eaten lunch yet, you didn't want to lose your spot in the line.

" Not long now," you mumble as a woman with a clipboard comes out from behind a curtain and calls your group over. You look to your best friend eyes going wide, their expression mirrors your own.

" Oh my god, we're next," you breathe, heart hammering in your chest. Your best friend clutches your sweaty hand in theirs as your group for the photo op shuffles forward, bodies press in behind you stuffy and warm like the air. You and your best friend head up the line to a section behind the curtain.

" He's there!" A girl at the front of the line squeals, she points through a section of curtain. You stand on your tip toes as the curtain moves and you catch a glimpse of jeans and a black shirt. The flash of a camera goes off and the next people are ushered forward.

Your breath's coming hard and fast, your palms sweaty as you furiously wipe them down your outfit in an attempt to dry them. Butterflies batter your insides as you edge closer to the start of the line, people are called in rapid fire, and the camera flashes non-stop.

This is it, you're about to meet him.

Your best friend has tears in their eyes, trying their best not to cry.

" Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," they hyperventilate as you reach the start of the line.

" Breathe it's cool," your voice wavers, as you try to calm your friend.

" Next," A woman calls from behind the curtain, your head whips in the direction of the voice.

" This is it," you whisper, walking forward your legs heavy like lead. Your best friend's hanging onto your arm for support. You enter the curtained room it's bare, except for a camera that sits to your left, manned by a photographer in his mid-thirties. A small cluster of people that work for Ace Comic con stand to the side.

You look ahead and gulp, recognising him even though he doesn't face you, his wavy caramel hair as familiar to you as the back of your hand. He has an arm raised as he takes a sip of water from a bottle. He wears a black shirt and jeans, outlining his athletic frame. He hands the bottle to a smiling young woman and turns around to face you and your friend.

Your breath escapes you, knocked out of your chest because of the smile breaking across Toms gorgeous face, his chocolate eyes crinkle.

" Hi I'm Tom what's your names?" He asks.

Your heart's pounding so hard it feels like it could burst out of your chest, you step forward, " I'm Y/N," you say, unable to believe he's here in front of you. He looks even better in real life.

" I'm Y/BF/N," your best friend stammers.

" Well c'mon then lets take a picture," Tom says, a warm smile on his face,

You and your friend step closer, his arms go on either side of you. A waft of his delicious cologne clouds your senses. You look to your left and see the line of people snaking out the door, you look to where the camera is and smile, the camera flashes. Tom still has his arm around as he looks down at you with a grin, a lock of his caramel hair shifts, and he runs a hand through it putting it back in place. He stares into your eyes, causing your stomach to flip.

His brows pull together, " Hey have we met before?" he asks.

" No," you croak.

" Really? Because I swear I've met you before," He steps back, his gaze raking over your face.

" Nope this is the first time..." your voice trails off as you realise Tom's eyes have snagged on your lips, before going to your eyes. A warm flush creeps up your neck, as your eyes dart to your best friend standing awkwardly behind Tom, their eyes wide.

Tom's eyes flutter in confusion, " No... we've met I know it, I just can't remember where..." His voice trails off as realisation dawns on his face, a pink tinge colouring his cheeks.

" Guys we need to hurry," The woman with the clipboard urges, looking at you and your best friend.

" Sorry," Tom says to her.

He steps closer to you, looking over his shoulder, before he whispers, " Look I don't want to be weird or anything but I swear I dreamt about you last night," he chuckles uneasily, " But that can't be real, maybe you remind me of someone else I met."

A chill creeps up your spine, " I dreamt about you last night too," you whisper.

Toms chuckle stops short.

" Ok time to go," The woman with the clipboard ushers, you and your best friend out.

" Wait!" Tom calls. You turn around and he jogs up to you, " Um what was in your dream?"

You shrug, " Just you, um weird stuff like buildings getting blown up."

Tom freezes, a look of shock on his face, " Were the buildings getting blown up by like a weird twister thing, full of lights?"

Your jaw drops open, as you feel the floor taken out from underneath you, a lump's in your throat as you try to process the fact that Tom Holland had the same dream as you last night.

" Yeah I did."

" Ok this is freaking me out," his hands run over his hair.

" Me too," your voice, wavers.

" Look I never do this... But is it ok if I get your phone number? Just to talk about this weird dream, I want to talk about it right now but I can't, " He looks over his shoulder, as the woman calls behind him again to hurry up. Heat flushes up your neck, as you think about giving your number to Tom Holland.

" Sure," you stammer, as he pulls his phone from his pocket. You stare at him, the phone screen, glowing over his gorgeous face, accentuating his sharp jawline. He looks up at you expectant as you stammer your phone number to him.

" Thanks, I'll talk to you later tonight Y/N," He smiles at you, before turning and heading back into the room.

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