Mario & Sonic: Dimensional Ch...

GamerLightwarrior द्वारा

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Mario and Sonic's worlds are in chaos. A mysterious new foe and an organization group have used their powers... अधिक

Chapter 1: Worlds Collide
Chapter 2: Prison break
Chapter 3: Mysterious New Foes
Chapter 4: Freedom Fighters
Chapter 5: Seeking Anwsers
Chapter 6: 2 Friends and 2 Enemies
Chapter 7: The Resistance Summit
Chapter 8: Operation Space Misson
Chapter 9: Light vs Darkness (Yami Origins, Part 1)
Chapter 10: Light vs Darkness (Yami Origins, Part 2)
Chapter 11: Counterattack
Chapter 12: Female showdown
Chapter 14: The Final Battle, Part 1 (Apocalypse Day)
Chapter 15: The Final Battle, Part 2 (Battle against Takasuki)
Chapter 16: The Final Battle, Part 3 (The Fate of all existence)

Chapter 13: One Day Left

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GamerLightwarrior द्वारा

With one more day left until Yami's plan goes into place, Mario and Sonic must prepare for the final showdown so they travel everywhere to take back every territory Takasuki has taken over, train how to use Hebimaki's powers, and recruit people all around the world to help fight to take back their worlds.

The skies are orange and we see the sun slowly start rising into the sky. From this view we can see several lights moving on a road.

(*Cues: Iron Battle*)

We cut to the lights and it turns out to be a large truck with several cars and ships following it in a great chase. In these cars and ships we see various Mario and Sonic villains such as Bowser Jr, the Koopalings, the Broodals, the Deadly Six, Infinite, Metal Sonic, and many more. They are chasing the truck one of the cars goes in on the right side and they spot Nora in the front driver's seat.

Larry: Hey it's that Nora lady!

Roy: So it is Organization Takasuki!

Before they could shoot some spells Nora rams them to the side pushing them backwards.

Zazz: We got them!

But again Nora rams them to the side.

Iggy: Oh come on!

Every shoots attacks at Takasuki's truck but it's completely unfazed.

Wendy: No luck!

Bowser. Jr: Then let's closer! Metal Sonic!

Metal Sonic speeds ahead as everyone else follows him. Metal does a spin dash on the left side of the truck but Terra pops up from the back seat of the window and fires a blast at Sonic's robotic counterpart as he is sent flying towards Ludwig and Mortan and are knocked back.

Ludwig: Sorry we're out!

The rest continue chase as Infinite attempts to use the Phantom Ruby to blast some attacks.

Infinite: Take this!

But to no avail Terra counters with a shield and summons a giant hand to slap him aside knocking out several villains. Slash pops out at the top of the truck and throws an attack at their pursuers.

Slash: Upsie-daisy! So very persistent!

Slash makes a forcefield blocking Sonic and Mario villains in the process but Zavok's manages to get through and climbs on the top of the truck.

Zavok: What are you up to? You tyrants!

Terra: You expect us to answer that?

Terra fires blasts Zavok of the truck. Nora is angered at the situation.

Nora: How did the villains know our route?

As she asked and is about to get a response this we cut to a shot inside the truck of something shiny the camera zoom in and we see two shiny objects.

Terra: Someone must'a talked.

Slash: A leak? Who is it?

Terra: How should I know?

We cut to a shot and we see Bowser and Eggman on the road waiting for the truck.

Kamek: My lord, doctor, the pursuit team lost them looks like it's up to you.

Bowser: Alright leave it to us.

Eggman: We'll take care of this.

Bulk: Uh oh. Bowser and Eggman.

Bowser charges up his flames while Eggman summons his weapons from his mobile.

Slash: The lead actors in this "heroic" farce.

Terra: You've been fighting all day I hope you're getting overtime!

Terra fires some shots while Bowser and Eggman responds with fire balls and missiles. After the clash Nora speeds up.

Nora: Better get out of the way! I don't mind running you over!

Bowser charges his fire to a minimum and Eggman charges up a laser.

Terra: Now'd be a good time to duck.

Slash ducks and Terra responds with some dark magic in her hands. Bowser unleashes a flame thrower and Eggman fires a laser thanks to the powers of Hebimaki they were able to win the clash from Terra who fires her own laser but it fails as the flames and laser hits the truck setting it on fire and causing to lose control. With no other option Takasuki escapes via teleportation.

Nora: Crud. We've been hit.

Terra: Hebimaki.

Bowser and Eggman jump and get out of the way as the truck Takasuki was using crashes down hill and explodes.

(*Music stops*)

After the chase the villains investigate the crash.

Eggman: Nega what are you doing here?

Bowser: If you were here you could've given us a hand.

Eggman Nega: Hey don't bite my head off I was late that's all.

Eggman: Whatever. Anyway where's Takasuki?

Eggman Nega: They escaped again.

Bowser. Jr: Those cowards don't know when to quit do they?

Bowser, Eggman, Junior, and Nega look at the remains of the inside of the truck only to find it empty.

Bowser. Jr: What is that? Is this some kind of high tech truck?

Eggman Nega: I gotta say it is impressive. But there's no way a truck like this would be empty if there was something in here.

Bowser: They were transporting something in here but we need to figure out what it is.

Eggman: Whatever it is they were transporting it's something not good.

At the Organization Takasuki's hideout

(*Cues: Kingdom Hearts 3 -Scala Ad Caelum Field Theme- Extended*)

Yami is seen outside of the hideout watching the sunrise, just then Terra, Bulk, Nora, and Slash teleported in front of him.

Yami: Welcome back. I am pleased to see you guys safe.

Terra: Thank you sir. Sorry it took us long we were going to take a shortcut but somehow Bowser and Eggman knew our location and chased us with their armies so we were forced to go on the long road and eventually escape.

Yami: Touches Terra on the shoulder. As long as you get the mission done it was worth the wait.

Slash: We got them right here.

Slash shows two crystals that were used to combine Mario and Sonic's worlds.

Yami: There they are. The crystals we used to combined the two worlds. With this much power we'll be able to destroy all of existence completely and recreate a reality of peace.

Terra: Sir but what about Mario, Sonic, and all of the resistances across the globe and beyond? What do we do about them?

Yami: Leave them. They will likely gather an army everywhere to combine all resistances into one so we must be prepared. We already have one day left until the Apocalypse comes so for now we wait.

All: Right.

Yami: Terra let's say you and me have some alone time.

Terra: I couldn't agree more.

Yami and Terra share a kiss and walk inside the hideout.

Bulk: So what do we do?

Slash: Let's use the crystals to increase our armies and bring the deceased members back from the dead.

Nora: Sounds like a plan.

Takasuki starts doing their own things until the day arrives.

At the Freedom Fighters base

The Freedom Fighters are seen talking to other resistance leaders with the large screen like a zoom meeting.

E. Gadd: I see. So Takasuki got away, huh.

Eggman: We're still investigating the crash here.

Bowser: Thankfully the intel we got from one of our spies is accurate this is the truck they will be taking and this is the route they were going.

Commander: You said the truck was empty by the time you got there. Strange. Why would you need to transport an empty truck? They must've had something

Eggman: They were. Nega just contacted the spy and she can confirm that they were transporting something however he was unable to what it is due to the time expanded in fact he almost got caught. But with the intel the spy gathered is whatever they were transporting is something super powerful that can quickly play a huge role in the Apocalypse day tomorrow.

E. Gadd: So that's it?

Bowser: Yeah. The spy will send you the intel when the spy is ready now this is all we've got.

Sonic: Seriously? Come on tell the spy to hurry up already we're almost out, we have less than one day left and the longer we wait the more chances of victory will be low.

Eggman: Relax, Sonic we'll get that intel and I promise you.

Sonic face palms as he hears this.

Tails: If we used this time wisely we can take back all the territory.

Sonic: Well you do have a point, Tails.

Tails: Resistance leaders, have you have any activities regarding Takasuki?

Eggman: According to scanners their not here in this territory.

Commander: All cites are at risk we haven't seen any attack.

Pauline: According to the satellite scanners from across the globe there are no tresses of Takasuki, their armies, or any of their shadows nothing. It's almost like they vanished.

Tails: Vanished.

Rosalina: Yeah. I've asked every since resistance across the universe from our respective worlds and not a single one of them had seen Takasuki or their army or monsters.

Luigi: Why would Takasuki call off all their armies and just vanished without a trace?

Male resistance leader: I don't know but it does seem like the best chance to take back the territory they've stole from us.

Female resistance leader: Yeah, perhaps Takasuki thought it's pointless to try and conquer land.

Mario: They haven't tried something like this since yesterday. And now they just disappear like that?

Sonic: Right. Especially since they've conquered pretty much everything across the universe. Why would you leave all territories you've taken be vulnerable to be taken back by your enemies? That's not like them.

Hikari: It isn't.

Hikari, and the other spirits of the Hebimaki Organization emerge from Mario and Sonic.

Hikari: Their waiting for their next chance to attack.

Mario: What? Hikari what do you mean?

Hikari: Back in our days fighting alongside each other Yami has always made multiple routes to victory. He plays his cards perfectly. He makes sure he stays 10 steps ahead of his opponents even if it means waiting for a long time.

Sonic: But what if things don't go the way he planned them?

Hikari: He make sure he's prepared for his backup plan. His plan was to eliminate all resistance so that there would be no one left to stop him or Takasuki from carrying out their plans on the Apocalypse Day. However since you guys we're gifted our powers which quickly turned the tides out of his favor it's likely he's going to go a different route to complete the plan.

Harry: Yami always has done this type of stuff before. He'll do anything to make sure things succeed.

Champ: He's a real genius just like us, he comes up with the best plans. One time in a mission when we were rescuing hostages he came up with a plan that took a few hours to complete many of our missions are on a track record because of it.

Sara: If we can fine a way to catch him off guard we might be able to win this.

Raven: Yeah... But we must be carful or else history will repeat itself.

1000 years ago on the planet Zandaka

(*Cues: One For All vs All For One*)

We flashback 1000 years ago where the Hebimaki army stares down the Takasuki army. We then cut to a few shots of Hebimaki and Takasuki fighting each other. Harry and Champ are scene on the ground on their knees as Slash, Nora, and Bulk come and approach them ready to finish them off.

Slash: Give up. It's over.

Nora: Your defeated. You're done.

Harry: No.... We're not done....

Champ: As long as we're breathing it's never over....

Harry, Nora, and Champ throw fists but are caught by the Takasuki members.

Bulk: So be it.

They pull out their swords and impale them, killing their former allies in the process.

Meanwhile Terra is seen fighting her sisters Sara and Raven. Terra gets the upper hand with her lightning powers as she strikes them to the ground completely injuring them in the process. Terra towers over her younger sisters.

Sara: Terra.... you're better than this we know you are.

Raven: We know it's in there somewhere, Terra please don't do this to yourself and destroy mom's memory.

Terra: (sheds a tear) The good inside of me died along time ago when you took it from me. And now I'm doing what's best good bye... sisters.

She uses her giant avatar to form a arrow lightning which she fires at her sisters which causes an explosion killing them in the process their corpses can be seen in the aftermath of the explosion as Terra grabs Nora, Bulk, and Harry and head to the ships.

Present day

(*Music ends*)

Hikari: One more thing: He would want to go to the last place on where his plan began. We wish you luck on your battles.

The spirits of Hebimaki disappear into Mario and Sonic.

Mario: Alright guys.

Sonic: Let's get prepared for our armies.

Mario and Sonic: And kick some Takasuki butt!

All: YEAH!

(*Cues: Lifelight Super Smash Bros Ultimate*)

As this song plays we cut to several shots of all the Mario and Sonic characters travel all across the world and their universes to take back all the territory and gather all resistances from all around into one to prepare for the upcoming battle. As the song ends we cut to all the Freedom Fighters back at the base, where they get news from the spy who turned out to Rouge the Bat.

Rouge: Guys I have good news. I figured out what Takasuki's plan is.

A several hours earlier Organization Takasuki's hideout

(*Cues: Red Lotus theme*)

As Rouge is explaining she is seen hiding behind a window as Takasuki has its meeting.

Rouge: I was overhearing their meeting.

Yami: Welcome everyone as you are all aware we have one day left until the Apocalypse arrives and the end of all evil will be gone forever. Pulls out two crystals. These crystals are what we used to merge two worlds into one and slowly collapsing on top of each other. There is much more light on those worlds than I have every sense in my 1000 years of experience but as you all know these two worlds below to a red Italian plumber, Mario and a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, Sonic. But don't worry once their gone no one will stand in our way!


They all cheer until Rouge's watch started to ring causing everyone to hear it.

Yami: Who's there?

Takasuki army member: Over there!

Rouge gasps and flys away. Takasuki fires blasts at Rouge but the latter dodges. Soon they stopped flying once she's reached a far enough distance.

Terra: Should we go after her sir? She's going warn the resistance and Mario and Sonic.

Yami: Let her. No one can stop us.

Present time at Freedom Fighters base.

Mario: Thanks for the details.

Sonic: Yeah we really owe you.

E. Gadd: Just in time for all the Resistances to become one.

At the Organization Takasuki's hideout

(*Cues: Kingdom Hearts 3 -Scala Ad Caelum Field Theme- Extended-again*)

Yami and Terra are in bed covered in sheets as the sleep together. Facing each other and their bodies are touching each other. Terra eventually wakes up and gives Yami a kiss which wakes Yami up.

Terra: That was a nice nap.

Yami: Sure was.

Terra: Finally we get to relive the good old days for one last time.

Yami: Yeah it feels great to be in bed next to you.

Terra: I love you.

Yami: I love you too.

The two starts kissing until they were interrupted with a door knock.

Slash: Hey Yami, Terra all preparations are complete now we're ready.

Yami: Well dome Slash! Well let's do this Terra.

Terra: Alright. Let's get our clothes on and finish this.

Minutes later Yami and Terra are seen out of bed and in their clothes as they meet with Slash, Bulk, and Nora for one last meeting.

At the Freedom Fighter's hideout.

(*Cues: Strategy-Sonic Adventure 2*)

Mario and Sonic are seen standing high hill as all of the resistances watches.

Mario: Alright everyone! We are so glad you can make it and so glad you're all okay!

Sonic: Now that our army is formed by all resistances and beyond combined into one we will win this!

Mario: It doesn't matter how strong Organization Takasuki gets with our power and teamwork...

Mario and Sonic: We will prevail!!

Everyone cheers as Mario and Sonic says this. Everyone eventually leaves to get ready for the apocalypse.

(*Music ends*)

After the speech, Sonic and Mario are alone together talking in a room

Sonic: Hard to believe this is it.

Mario: Yeah everything we've done is up to this moment.

Sonic: We've come so far together now there's no going back.

Mario: Exactly.

The take a quiet moments before looking at each other.

(*Cues: SullyPwnz intro music*)

Mario: Hey. Let's make the most of this Sonic.

Sonic: Yeah. Let's do it together Mario.

Sonic and Mario shake hands. Shortly afterwards Mario and Sonic slowly walk out the back door and watch the sun rises. Nintendo and Sega's icons look at each other's watches as the timer hits zero before looking back at the sun. When the sun fully rises the sky turns from orange to red, symbolizing the final battle is about to begin.

Mario: The sun has risen.

Sonic: The skies turned red.

Mario and Sonic: The Apocalypse Day has begun.

To be continued on Chapter 14

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