adventures of baby tanjiro

By babybiwa

413K 11K 10.4K

muzan visits earlier then expected for the kamados and ended up with a child to raise More

a visit to the kamado residents
meeting the moons
tanjiro and muzan
lost in tokyo
the inspiration pt 1
the inspiration pt 2
final selection
mission 1
baby tanjiros first words
the water pillar
the water pillar part 2
the fortress meeting
fortress part 2
demon hunt
Baiting A Spider
Kanae Kocho
What Fourth Wall?

infinity fortress

32.4K 806 3.4K
By babybiwa

Muzan was soon greeted with the doors that led to the infinity fortress, the fortress itself was a maze of corridors and rooms, there was no order to it and time didn't not as there was no day or night just simply endless time. Nakime sat quietly playing her biwa in the corner of the room waiting for her masters next command, each note she played on her biwa altered the fortress, making it impossible for outsiders escape.

The upper moons weren't currently at the fortress, this allowed Muzan to bring this child quietly into the fortress without being questioned. Muzan turned to Nakime and swiftly told her "prepare a room that would be safe for a child and make sure it's well hidden" she quietly nodded her head and replied "as you wish master Muzan"

With a strum of her biwa a door was presented to Muzan, before entering he once again turned to nakime, to give his next command. "Nakime bring me equipment needed for a child" without saying anything she once again played her biwa and placed the equipment in the room. Muzan nodded his head and walking into the room and shut the door behind him.

He looked down towards the child know as Kamado Tanjiro, his bright red eyes stared up at Muzan in curiosity and he lifted his tiny arms reaching to pull Muzan's hair, Tanjiro made a grunting sound when he couldn't reach and started to move around in Muzan's arm, no longer content sitting there. Muzan wandered over to baby food sitting on the cupboard and pulled out a baby spoon. Walking over to the sofa he placed Tanjiro sitting up and started to feed him, it seemed that the child wasn't too hard work to look after.

Muzan cleaned Tanjiro's face and placed him on the floor. Tanjiro crawled over to a teddy bear and picked it up and started to play quietly. Muzan watched with interest, he could see the potential in the child but unfortunately he would have to wait until Tanjiro was much older before turning him into a demon.

Muzan soon got lost in thought with all the possibilities the child could possess. Muzan didn't notice that the child had fallen asleep until he turned to see why it was so quiet. Muzan quickly scooped up the child and placed him in the crib. Muzan decided he should introduce the child to his upper moons, once he is old enough he will be trained to fight and wield a sword just like Muzan's upper moon 1. This child could potentially be the key Muzan has been looking for.

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