Cupid Hates Me ✔

By LadyLuck123

165K 7.1K 600

Sixteen-year-old Rebecca Smith falls for an online friend. There's just one problem: He's four years older th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sequel/Parallel Story

Chapter 19

4.2K 212 38
By LadyLuck123

Chapter 19

It was weird how time flew by.

As cliché as it sounds, it seemed just like yesterday that I was worrying about what to wear to meet Jake for the first time, and now, I'm his girlfriend. Seriously, dreams really did come true didn't they?

And now, I was getting ready to sing in front of hundreds of people for the first time in my life.

Yes, the long awaited gig at Jake's university had finally arrived.

"I feel nauseous," I murmured as I peeked out of the curtains to look at hundreds of college students waiting for the concert to start.

Jake sighed before giving me a peck on the cheek. "You'll do fine. Stop worrying."

Leon nodded. "Yeah. It's just one song anyway," he said, as he tuned his guitar.

Kurt was lacing up his pink shoes as Hayden twirled the drumsticks in his hands. Michelle and Penelope were looking out at the crowd with me, wide-eyed.

"Phew, I'm glad I'm not gonna be out there," Michelle said to Penelope, not even bothering to whisper.

"Not helping!" I groaned. What if I forget the words? What if my voice cracks in the middle?

"Oops," said Michelle. "It's okay, it's just a few hundred college kids you'll never see again. So, if you mess up, you won't have to face the embarrassment."

Penelope glared at Michelle as I groaned once more, rubbing my temple. I was getting a headache.

"I'll shut up now," mumbled Michelle before thankfully slinking away to Kurt.

Jake rubbed my shoulders. "You'll be fine," he said softly, looking into my eyes. "I gotta go now, but when Leon announces your name, don't run away, okay?"

I grimaced, for he had read my mind. Dang, that plan's failed now.

"I'll try not to," I said.

He smiled reassuringly before picking up his guitar and following Leon, Kurt and Hayden onto the stage. The crowd cheered as they took their places. I pushed back my nervousness as I cheered for the guys. They made it look so easy.

The guys did three acoustic songs. Somehow, it seemed that being on stage made them tons better. Hayden played the drums more enthusiastically, all of Jake and Kurt's attention were on their guitars and Leon was completely absorbed in the singing. The audience loved them and asked for an encore. But there were other bands waiting to play, so they announced their last song.

"And, for our last song, we'll be having a very special friend of ours join us. Please welcome…Rebecca!" Leon's voice echoed in my ears.

The first thought that went through my head was, Oh shit…that's me….

Penelope and Michelle literally pushed me from behind. "Go!" They yelled simultaneously.

Somehow, my weak legs carried me up on stage. Hundreds of curious eyes were staring at me. Probably wondering what a kid's doing here… But I pushed that thought away when I met Jake's eyes. His look was enough to melt my fears away and give me confidence.

I clenched the mike tightly in my hands as Leon started the duet.

"I wanted you to know, I love the way you laugh,
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away…
I keep your photograph, I know it serves me well,
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain…"

The music reached a crescendo as our voices merged and captivated the audience. There wasn't any other sound except our singing, and I was encouraged by the look on their faces. I glimpsed backstage to find Penelope and Michelle beaming at me. Never before had I felt so proud that I could sing, and I wondered why I was so nervous in the first place. It seemed so natural.

The cheering and clapping of the audience was deafening when we finished. The guys and I waved and bowed lightly before going backstage. As soon as we were behind the curtains, Michelle and Penelope screeched and jumped in excitement.

"You did it! You were amazing! I'm so proud of you!" gushed Penelope as she and Michelle suffocated me in hugs.

"Guys, it wasn't a competition you know," I said, chuckling at their enthusiasm.

Michelle shrugged. "Even then, this was the first time you sang in front of people. Maybe from now on, you won't have stage fright and do this more often," she suggested.

Penelope nodded eagerly. "Yeah. Who knows? You might become a singer one day. Can I be your manager?" she asked seriously.

Jake embraced me and spun me around in his arms once before setting me down and pulling me towards him in a kiss.

"Sheesh, does he have to kiss her every opportunity he gets?" grimaced Hayden. "Too much PDA might emotionally scar me," he grumbled.

"You're the one who hooks up with random girls, you know," mumbled Kurt. "Imagine how we feel when you suck their faces in front of us."

Hayden shrugged. "Heh, that's better. At least I have experience," he added loudly, smirking at Jake who simply ignored him.

"You are the most amazing person I've ever met," said Jake, cupping my face. "Do you have any idea how much I lo – like you right now?"

I froze. Was it me or was he about to say love?

Jake's face suddenly grew serious. He just stared into my eyes and didn't say anything. He looked like he was thinking about something gravely important.

"Rebecca…I need to tell you -"

"Guys, we made it!" I heard Leon yell excitedly as he ran towards us, his face glowing with excitement.

"Made what?" asked Kurt.

"The...Uni committee…they…" panted Leon, bending over to catch his breath.

"Jeez, dude, you have a personal gym. You seriously need to work out more," sneered Hayden.

Leon glared at him as he finally caught his breath. "The committee hired us to play at any concerts they'll arrange in the future," he said, beaming.

Hayden gaped. "Like, they'll pay us for it?"

Leon nodded quickly as the guys whooped, hugging and thumping each other on the backs as we congratulated them.

"This calls for a celebration! Jake's house!" Hayden announced.

Jake scowled. "Why my house? You'll completely ruin it!"

Hayden rolled his eyes. "Duh, that's the point."

"Get back here you -"

Unfortunately, celebrations weren't as rowdy as Hayden had hoped they would be, because Clara and Zane were home, and they couldn't make much of a racket. Yet, Clara was nice enough to let the music blare loudly and she even made some food for us. I noticed that the Leon, Hayden and Kurt got along with Clara well and she was generally a nice person. Maybe she only had a problem with me.

The guys gorged on food and brought out Jake's PS2, crashing in front of the TV to play against each other. Michelle and Kurt were standing in a corner, talking softly. Penelope and I watched Hayden, Leon and Jake play a racing game and cheered for them.

I glanced at Jake a dozen times, trying to catch his eye to tell him that we needed to talk alone. But he became absorbed in the game and didn't look my way once. What did he want to say before? I knew something was bothering him.

I noticed Clara was washing the dishes alone, with Zane on her hip, and I decided to help her out. Better to get on her good books sometime, eh?

"I could hold him for you if you want," I offered, pointing at Zane who grinned at me.

I was a bit surprised to find Clara nodding. She handed Zane to me who giggled and kissed my cheek.

"Rebba," he gurgled.

"He's growing attached to you," stated Clara as she wiped the dishes squeaky clean.

I smiled. "Yeah, so have I. He's too cute."

A pause followed during which Clara continued wiping and cleaning as I twirled Zane in my arms, making him laugh cutely.

"I'm sorry I was so rude earlier," Clara said suddenly, glancing at me apologetically. "It's just that J had his heart broken badly once, and I don't want to see that again."

I understood exactly how she felt. If a guy broke my sister's heart, I'd be protective of her too. I nodded at Clara. "It's okay. But I promise not to hurt him," I reassured her.

Clara sighed. "He'll be hurt anyway," she said sadly.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, confused.

Clara set a dish down before turning to look at me, a frown wrinkling her forehead. "Didn't he…didn't he tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Hey, I hope you two aren't going to kill each other – what's going on?" Jake stopped in his tracks, looking from his sister's confused face to my alarmed one.

Clara took back Zane from me as she made her way out of the kitchen. "I think it's high time you tell her, J," she said, before disappearing.

I turned towards Jake, who had a troubled and pained look on his face. A million thoughts were racing through my mind. What did he have to tell me?

"Jake, what- " I started.

"I'm sorry, Rebecca. I didn't mean for this to happen," Jake interrupted, looking down.

I walked closer towards him, my heart thumping erratically. Oh God…what was wrong?

"I didn't want to fall for you at first," he said. "I mean, we'd never work out."

I gulped. He said he fell for me? That means – wait – we'd never work out?

"Why? What're you saying?" I asked.

"Perhaps, if I was like Hayden, it would've been easier for me…I mean, I can't just leave the girl I've fallen in love with and move on," Jake said, finally locking his eyes with me and making my breath catch in my throat.

"Are you…dying?" I almost choked on my words.

Jake frowned. "No," he denied, shaking his head. "I'm leaving for Japan in a few days."

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