Embrace The Flames // BOok 1

By and_thebad_wolfStory

3.4K 59 1

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me " ... More

Darcey's Playlist / aesthetics!
Where it started
PILOT Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Wendigo part 2
Bloody Mary
Bloddy mary part 2
Skin part 2
Hook man
Bugs part 2
Scarecrow part 2
Faith part 2
The benders
Shadow part 2
Dead Man's Blood
Dead Man's Blood part 2
Salvation part 2
Devil's Trap
Devil's trap part 2
Season 2 playlist
In My Time of Dying
In my time of dying part 2
Everybody loves a clown
Erverybody loves a clown part 2
Bloodlist part 2
Children shouldn't play with dead things
Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2
The usual suspects
The usual suspects part 2
The other special Winchester
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign part 2
Tall tales
Tall tales part 2
What is and What Should Never Be
All hell breaks loose, part 1
All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2
All hell breaks loose, part 2
All hell breaks loose part two part 2


173 4 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory

(Let me know if you are liking this so far! And please kindly point out any spelling mistakes! Also let me know if your confused about anything, I will do future chapters about Darcey's past with John and so on, so please just vote and comment!)

Before making it to Palo Alto, California, where they picked  up on their dad's trail, the Winchesters have picked up Grayson from Bobby's. He quickly became friends with his new uncle. He, like Sam, enjoys reading, science and math. For some unknown reason, her son is a total nerd.

Darcey has taken Grayson on some case's. some salt and burns here and there, and he seemed okay meaning Grayson does know what his mother does. he knows about the monsters that go bump in the night. She never really wanted to tell him, but she didn't want to lie to her son about what she did for a living and why she left him from time to time.

On the drive, two out of the four WInchester's were sleeping. leaving the two eldest ones awake and alert. As Dean being the one to drive this time, Darcey and her son were in the back seat. suddenly, with a jolt, Sam sat awake, which caused Grayson to wake. He was a very light sleeper. "Sam?" Darcey asked, as she brushed Grayson's hair  Sam looked back to his sister and smiled,nodding his head, then Dean said,

"You Okay?. Another nightmare?" Sam avoided the question with a cough and a laugh. "you want to drive a little?" he asked. Darcey's mouth popped open, her jaw dropping. "all my life you have never asked me that, you don't even ask Darcey that and shed the oldest!"

Darcey nodded, " I have to force you to let me drive when it's technically my car too!"

Dean shook his head, "just thought you might want to, never mind, and Darcey, shut up." Darcey was taken aback. "well how about you shut up?" she asked in a mocking tone. Dean resorted back, " how about you shut up until we get to where we are going?"
Sam, getting annoyed by the twin banter, said, "why don't you both shut up. look, I get you both worry about me, but I'm fine, really, I'm okay." 

Darcey and Dean where not convinced but decided to let it go for now until it was to be brought up again, and Darcey knew it would be. "Where are we?" Grayson spoke up. Just then did Sam ask as well, grabbing a map off the dash board. "We are right out side Grand Junction," As The boys talked, Darcey whisper talked to Grayson. She could some what hear what they where talking about. "momma,  Where are we going?" he asked her quietly. Se handed him a book and said, "We are going, wait, Guys where are we going?" she asked the brothers.

" ah, Black Water Ridge, it's strange, theres nothing there, its just woods," Sam said

"are we going camping?" Grayson asked excitedly turning to his mom.

Darcey looked in Dean's eyes threw the review mirror. "Yeah buddy, something like that." Dean said.


Stopping at the local ranger station the Winchester's make there way in. Grayson leaving Darcey's side to look around. Sam spots a 3D map of where they are. "it pretty remote,—,"
"Grayson, check out the size of this bear!"

The boy ran up to the bear and uncle.

" wow!" he said. Looking at the bear, the boys and Darcey turn when they hear a voice behind them. "you fellas aren't planning to head up to Black Water Ridge are you?" the ranger asked. they turned, " no sir, we're environmental majors from university of boulder, just working on a paper," Sam came up with on the spot.

"Recycle man!" Dean said raising his fist in the air with Excitement.

Grayson ended up going to his mom. She picked him up and held him in her arms. "Bull," the ranger says. shocking the Winchesters. "your friends with that Haley girl, right?"

Darcey spoke up, " thats right"

Wilkinson smiled, " well ill tell you what I told her, her brother filled in out a back country perment, saying he wouldn't be back from Black Water until the 24th,so its not exactly a missing person, now is it. Tell her to quit worrying. I'm sure her brother is just fine."  He finished."We will, if we can see the return date,"

Walking out of the station, Sam said to Dean. "so you looking for a hook up or something?"

Dean looked to his brother. " What do you mean?"

Darcey could feel a fight coming on. "Grayson, go wait in the car." she said he ran off and she watched him get in before she interferes.
"I mean the coordinates lead to Black Water Ridge so what are we waiting for? lets just go find dad, why even talk to this girl?" "guys, I want to find dad as much as you do, but—" she was cut off by Dean, "I don't know, maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it," Darcey spoke,
"Look, guys, unless we want to find dad, we have to follow his trail, and his trail led here, so let's—" Dean interrupted her.
"Since when are you the shoot first ask questions later guy?" He asked.
"Since now." Sam reply's. The Winchester twins watched as their brother got in the car. "What crawled up his ass?" The sister asked.
Dean shook his head and got in the car as well. Sighing, she eventually got in as well, already feeling the high tension that filled the silence in the car as they drove to Haley's house.


Knocking on the door, the siblings waited for someone to answer. With Grayson in the car with the windows down, he napped.
A girl finally opened the brown door and Dean began talking. " I'm Dean, this is Sam and Darcey, we're rangers down at the park service, ranger Wilkinson sent us. We wanted to ask you some questions about your brother Tommy."
With those words her face turned from serious to worried.
She thought for a minute before asking for some ID.
They held up their badges to her soon, she let them in.

The Winchester's got to work in asking questions.
Sam was first.
"So if Tommy's not due back for a while, how do you know something is wrong?"
Haley brought a bowl from her kitchen and placed it on the table where her other brother sat.
"He checks in everyday by cell. He emails, photos, stupid little videos. We haven't heard anything in over three days now."
"Maybe he can get cell reception Sam . continues.
The girl shakes her head. "He's got a satellite phone."
"Could it be he's just having fun and forgot to check in?" Dean asked.
The brother at the table hit it, "he wouldn't do that." He said. "Our parents are gone, it's just my two brothers and me,we all keep pretty close tabs on each other."

Darcey could relate to Haley. The Lord knows how much she worries when Dean or her dad lost contact while on a hunt. "Could I see the pictures he sent you?" Sam asked.

The Collins girl pulled out her laptop and showed the Winchester's the photos. Noticing Sam's facial expression, Darcey saw what he did.
"Well we'll find your brother, we're heading up to Black water first thing in the morning." Dean said.
"Well maybe I'll see you there. Look, I can't sit around anymore. I hired a guide and I'm headed there in the morning and finding Tommy my self" she states.

"I think I know how you feel" Dean said. Before they left, Sam asked
"Do you mind forwarding those pictures to me? "


At a local bar, the Three siblings and Grayson sat. Grayson munched on a meal as they discussed their next move.
Darcey hated going to bars. She hated the smell, the loudness, the people in them. She just has had a lot of bad memories happen when she was in a bar. It's where she met Grayson's father.

**Flash back **
After a successful hunt with Dean, they decided to head to a bar to celebrate.
Sitting at on a stool, with Dean off paying pool, probably hustling some poor sucker out of their money, Darcey sat alone nursing a rum and coke.
A man, across the bar had spotted her. The man looked to his friend and made a plan.
Taking something out of his pocket, he hid the drug in his hand and made his way over.
Noticing a presence beside her, she looked over to find a handsome man.
"Why hello," he started.
Darcey smiled politely. "Hi," she said.
As they struck up conversation, she never saw him put the drug in her drink.
And talking to him was the last thing she ever remembered when she woke up naked in his bed.
She had no idea where she was and she lost her phone so she couldn't call Dean.
She we scared and alone in some strange mans house.

When the man came back, he attacked her and locked he up in some bacement. For a three days she was taken, beaten, and raped.
Dean had gone crazy and eventually found her because he looked at the bars security cameras himself, not wanted to get the cops involved for specific reasons:
He located the bastard and killed him without a second thought and saved his older sister.

**End of flash back**

Since then, she never liked going back into bars, and because of that son of a bitch, Grayson was born, but she wouldn't give her son up for anything. She didn't care where he came from, she just cared the he was hers and no one else's.

Not having payed attention to what her brothers where saying, she missed their whole conversation. "Darcey?" Dean asked his sister. He saw the distant look on her face.
She looked up, "yeah?"
"We're going, you okay?" He asked.

She looked to Grayson, who was done eating and reading another book. "Okay, Gray, lets go to the car." She told her son.
Dean messed hip his nephews hair as he and his mom walked out of the bar.
"Dude, all this time you've been worried about me, but is she okay?" Sam asked.
Dean looked to his brother. He didn't know a thing that happened to her. It wasn't his place to tell.
"Yeah, she just doesn't like bars," he came up with.
Not satisfied, Sam pushed further. "But why? And come to think of it, how did—"
"Look man, it's not my place to tell, you want to know something, ask her yourself, don't go to me," Dean said.

Sam put his hands up in surrender. "Okay, I'll shut up" Dean nodded as they collected their stuff and headed to the car to go talk to the survivor.

Darcey decided to sit this one out. Physically and mentally tired. She just wanted to find their dad and hopefully find and kill the thing that killed their mom.
She wanted a proper life for her son.

Sitting in the back seat, with Grayson by her side, they waited for the brothers.
"Momma?" He son asked.
"Yes Gray?"
"We're looking for your dad right?"
Darcey smiled. "Yes. My dad, your grandpa."
Grayson smiled too. But then frowned.
"Where's my dad?"
The question surprised the eldest Winchester. She knew this question would be asked eventually, but she didn't know he would be so blunt about it.

"Well, your dad has passed away before you where born," she decided to tell true-fully.
She saw the sadness in her sons face that looked like hers. She brushed his messy hair out of his face and said,
" I'm sorry buddy. But you have uncles, and they are kinda like a dad, right?" Darcey tried. She knew he loved Sam and Dean and hopefully that made him feel a bit better.
He gave his mom a small smile. What she said clearly didn't help the somber mood he was in now. Sighing, Darcey gave her sad son a hug. When the brothers came back, she got out of the car and went to the trunk where the
Boys where.
" so do we know what it is? What did the guy say?" She asked.

As Dean and Sam gathered the guns, they talked.
" we cannot let that Hayley girl go out there" Sam said
"What, we going to tell her not to go out there because of the big scary monster?" Dean countered.
"Yeah" Sam replies.
"Hello? Is someone going to answer me?" Darcey asked.
" her brothers missing, she's not just going to sit this out." He finished.
"We go with her, we protect her,and we keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy Predator friend"
Dean finally turned to his sister, who was standing with her arms crossed and her foot tapping impatiently and annoyed.
She gave Dean a looked. One that he knew all too well.
"Look, we don't know what it is but we know we can kill it." He said to her.
She nodded and grabbed the bag. She made her way to sit back in the can before she heard Sam say, "so finding dad's not enough, now we gotta babysit too?"

They looked between each other. Darcey growing extremely annoyed and anxious. "What?" Sam said
"Nothing" the twins replied
Getting in the car, this time Darcey was in the front and Sam in the back with Grayson.


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