Rangers apprentice fanfiction

De rangerecho

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Echo, a girl who struggled through her apprenticeship terribly is now handed the three things she wanted most... Mais

chapter 1-childhood memories
chapter 4-trickery
chapter 5-return of the psycho wardmate
chapter 6-the secret unveiled
chapter 7- snooping around
chapter 8-apprentice?
chapter 9-poor thing!
chapter 10-aren't I the best
chapter 11-damn
chapter 12- what the what??? O-O
chapter 13-back to "Normal"
chapter 14-why would you even???
chapter 15-why do you keep secrets Halt
chapter 16-I cant believe this...
chapter 17-Brie...
chapter 18-this takes some serious thinking
chapter 19-family reunion
chapter 20-getting to know Holly
chapter 22-I share my secret
chapter 23-friends

chapter 21-meeting Deva

72 5 1
De rangerecho

                  CHAPTER 21-MEETING DEVA

I slept in Halt's room, my few belongings I had brought with me on his dresser. I quickly changed into what I have known to be my pajamas. A pair of black leggings and a black tank top. I left my cloak on the dresser, along with my weapons, geez the top of that dresser was packed.

I slipped into bed and fell asleep peacefully.

I woke up to Will yelling, it startled me like crap. There were three rooms, one which was Halt's when he rarely came, and Deva and Will's room.

I quickly got dressed, pulling my cloak on and shouldering my bow. I remember Adela telling me it was easier when your quiver was at your side, so I gave it a try and made sure the strap was firm around my waist. I looked down and made sure I still looked like a man, once satisfied I ghosted into the room.

Will was yelling at Deva, I automatically felt bad for her. Will didn't yell a lot, but when he did people cringed. I made out dome of the things he was saying, Deva trying to yell back and block his words out. "You can't be a ranger, Deva!" Will kept yelling at the girl, well she kept yelling the words "LA LA LA LA" over and over again.

"Will, I think you should lay off the kid. I'll talk to her." Will and his daughter both went silent as they noticed me in the room for the first time. But, Will did notice I was using my Jerry voice.

Will nodded to me, obviously annoyed but he struggled to hide it. Deva went out to the village, claiming she was going to go and watch the battle school apprentice's train. I doubted it, from what Holly had told me yesterday I personally a summed she was going to go time Holly to see how fast she could climb the tower to the barons study.

I didn't point it out, mostly because I knew Will wouldn't be so stupid as for not to. We both sipped at our cups of coffee, waiting to see who would take the first move to the discussion. I sighed, then started talking as I realized he wasn't going to take the first move any time soon.

"Well, I expect to keep my promise. I'll try and befriend Deva as soon as possible, then tell them tonight."

Will nodded, tugging on his chin thoughtfully. "I suppose it could work, just be quick." I nodded and smiled before finishing my cup of coffee and nodding to Will and leaving the cabin.

I walked to where I assumed Deva and Holly would be, not taking Sky for the extra effort of taking him to the stables. I had assumed the two would be in the courtyard, which I was of course right.

I didn't notice either of them, I was to caught up in my thoughts. Holly got my attention by yelling out at me, "Hey! Ranger Jerry!"

I looked up, slightly surprised at what my eyes got greeted by. Holly was halfway up the tower, Deva looking up at Holly and watching her climb the tall tower.

I jogged over, nodding a greeting to Deva. "Hi, I'm Deva, Will's daughter." I nodded again, smiling slightly to her. "The names Jerry, ranger of Brunland fief."

She smiled, and I noticed she had Alyss' smile. I fought back a sigh, why did Alyss have to die? That bloody fire.

I mentally kicked myself for thinking of such negative things and smiled to her, then looked up at Holly. I turned pale as I saw how high she had gone. Don't fall Holly, NO! I was about to scream, and flinched to go catch her when I realized she had only let her foot touch a loose rock. I watched as the rock slowly fell, then hit the ground with a clunk.

"Looks like your a little paranoid today." I smiled awkwardly, then nodded. We continued looking up at her, and I prayed the would come down soon. About two minutes later she came down, smiling as her foot touched the ground.


The three of us turned, to our dismay behind us was my father. Halt looked surprised as he recognized me, probably from the part of my face that wasn't concealed by a shadow.

"How many times have I told you, no climbing up the tower!"

Holly sighed, obviously annoyed with our father.  "Dad, Arald doesn't mind when I pop my head in every now an then. Why so you Care so much?"

I mentally face palmed, he was her dad, of course he didn't let her do that. I looked to Halt with an eyebrow raised, expecting a come back, but he wasn't looking at Holly, he was looking at me.

"Jerry, I actually thought better of you." I shook my head and sighed, idiot. I am surrounded by idiots.

I looked at him, trying to show him in my eyes that I knew what I was doing.

"Halt, I'll speak to you about this later." We glared at each other for what seemed like forever until he broke it, remembering that he was the father here. He grumbled and walked away.

I caught Holly and Deva exchange glances, but pretended I hadn't seen. "You have a way with dad." Holly said, I grinned and shrugged. "I get that a lot."

After talking to the two for hours, walking around aimlessly, I decided to start getting to know them even more.

"So, what makes you two want to be a ranger so badly?"

Holly and Deva looked shocked, I hid a laugh. "We started throwing knifes before most kids could even use one to cut their food! We made a cloak the same day mom taught us how to sew! We-" Deva cut Holly off, "The point is, we're ready for this. Our dads might not think so, but we're certain."

I nodded, impressed with their speech. Say that to dad or Will and I'm sure they'll let 'em into the corps... Not! I know how the two can be, so freaking controlling.

I sighed as I fiddled with my fingers. "Have you ev-" Holly interrupted me, "Jerry, we went through this. We could never be couriers." I sighed and nodded.

"What about battle school?" I said hopefully, remembering Holly say something about having sword lessons with Horace and Gilan.

The two thought about it and shrugged. "We're girls though. Being rangers gives us a better chance, considering we wanted to be one ever since we were little." Deva said, glaring at me. I smiled and shrugged, "Just a thought."

I got to know the two surprisingly more than I had intended I would. We sat, staring at the sunset under a tree that over looked the battle school.

"So, have you seen Mitchell?" I shook my head, not taking my eyes off the sun. "He's amazing with his sword," I looked over at Holly, an eyebrow raised. "Does a certain girl have a certain brush on a certain prince?" Her face turned red and she yelled, "No!"

I raised an eyebrow and looked over to Deva, a smirk on my face. "Seriously, I don't." I decided to lay off of that subject and focus on what I had to tell the two, and fast.

"There's... Something I need to tell you two... Something... halt or Will should have told us three a long time ago."

I had gotten the two intrigued and I continued... "I'm..."

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