chapter 17-Brie...

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                                      CHAPTER 17 Brie...

   I sighed as I thought about the problem with me and Brie, I wanted some advice, but from who? Adela, nah. Wataru, how would he know? Same goes for Jonathon. Dad, like he would know what to do. Kiera, she's a ranger people are afraid of her. Same goes for all the other rangers. I groaned, no one could help me with this.

   I sighed again, maybe I could just play this all out, act like I did before I knew about it. That... could work. I smiled grimly to myself, then got up and mounted Sky. I am such a genius.


   I made it to my cabin then unsaddled Sky, "Hey, Echo!" I heard a cheerful voice say behind me. I turned and waved to my apprentice. "Adela, you seem to be in a rather cheerful mood." She nodded overenthusiastic. "That's just the A plus way!" I shook my head and smirked, I had a weird apprentice. I yawned and looked around, darkness.

   "And why might you be in a cheerful mood? Something happen while I was gone? Oh my god, I'm acting like you." She laughed and walked over to me while swiftly bending over and picking a flower. "Nothing really." I raised an eyebrow and gently took the flower from her hands, I looked down at it. Then I started saying, "She's lying, she's not" while I plucked off petal after petal. I plucked off the last petal saying "She's lying" and looked at my apprentice expectantly.

   "The flowers don't lie, but apprentice's can." She giggled and sighed. I dropped the empty stem of the flower on the ground and crossed my arms. "I just... I was hoping being cheerful would make you cheerful." She whispered, I sighed and walked over to her. "I am fine. You need some rest, go. I am cheerful, just in my own ways like my father." She nodded and hesitated before walking back into the cabin.

  I sighed and turned to Sky, "Why, you look a bit worn down." I said to her. I looked into her eyes and saw a faint look of understanding. I brushed down her hair, then looked at it gleaming in the moonlight. I heard her neigh faintly and smiled. I turned and walked to my cabin, smiling grimly to myself. I went into my room and I fell asleep the second my head hit my pillow.

  I yawned and stretched as I woke up and quickly got dressed. I thought about the problems I was facing, things I had never faced before. Did I really need friends? I had enough people worrying about me, and it only brought conflicts like the one I had now. I would be fine with being friends with only Adela...

   I shook it off, sighed and opened my door. "Hey Echo, Brie's here." My apprentice said, and Brie was standing my the door in her courier dress. "Um.. can we talk alone?" Brie asked Adela, who nodded and smiled to me as she walked to her room. "Sorry I was acting weird, it's just kind of... different that your a ranger and everything. Plus most people even think your a boy! I didn't get to see you for so long and then we drifted apart, sorry." I smiled to her and walked over, punching her playfully in the arm. "It's fine." She sighed and smiled to me.

   "Well, I need to look at a bit of paper work so see you later?" She smiled and nodded, and I watched her walk to the path leading back to the castle. Adela came out of her room once I closed the door, then went on with her chores. I quickly grabbed my work my room and did it at the table while I drank my morning coffee. I looked up every once in a while to encourage Adela, which angered her a little. I just love teasing my apprentice.

Apparently, Seth was sentenced to execution. I told Adela, who wasn't surprised, but I don't think he deserved it. I just... felt like we needed more information. It says that he didn't even struggle, maybe he knew he didn't have a choice. Or maybe he wanted them to kill him. Maybe were angering a force we shouln't even look at. We could be dealing with anything, maybe the wargals could live without a leader and attack Aruelen. Or his mother. His mother could be anyone. Or maybe he had siblings, or made someone, something, or a bunch of people inside Aruelen side with him? This could get dangerous. It's something quite obvious, I doubt I was the first to think of all of these possibilities. I'll probably talk about it with my friends at the next gathering, its next month.

I had also found something else interesting. Someone had a kid. And apparently someone is a sister. Interesting. Well, I shouldn't tell my friends unless they already know, but her name's Holly. And apparently she is her own fathers apprentice. And apparently I got this a while ago, looks like someone tried to hide it. God damnit Adela...

"Adela, did you try and hide something from your own mentor?" She shook her head and hastily went back to her chores. I sighed, and decided not to call her lie. Tomorrow I will. I can't believe Holly's actualy fifteen. And I'm a sister.

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