chapter 14-why would you even???

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                                      CHAPTER 14 why would you even???

   I woke up, feeling refreshed. I looked out the window and saw the sun on the horizon, it was about five am. I got dressed and pulled my hood over my head, quiver on and bow in hand, and my knifes sheathed at my belt.

   I quickly had breakfast with Adela, who was going to try and rush through her chores so she could go for a rise on cocoa. I said she could go as long as she wasn't out past two pm. I saddled sky and was leaving to go to the castle, the baron and the battle master had summoned me for something, no clue what.

   I left sky at the stable and walked to the baron's chambers. I wondered why he would call me, maybe  to welcome me back? I did just return from being imprisoned by one of Aruelen's best criminals after two years... or maybe he has a new mission for me? No clue.

   I was stopped by the guards and since I was in a good mood, I just showed them my silver oak leaf and didn't cause any trouble. I jogged up the steps and was greeted by yet another set of guards, which I decided not to cause any trouble again, and walked through the doors to the barons chambers.

   "Hello, Echo, welcome back." I heard Alex, the battle master, say waving. I took off my hood and waved to both the baron and the battle master. They noticed I wasn't smiling, "Looks like someone is scared for life." Harold, the baron, said. I sighed and attempted a smile, somehow Adela and my friends, with the new addition of Halt, were the only people who could make me smile.

   "Well, let's get down to business." Alex said, I put my hands on my hips and listened, "Crowley has just recently informed us your capture has escaped the mountains-"

   "OK, so now he is being held there?" I asked with an eyebrow raised, "I mean, I don't even think he knows he is supposed to stay there!" I said with a small giggle, Alex grinned at me hearing the giggle, "That's our girl."

   "Anyways, he has traveled to Hibernia and surprisingly hasn't brought any wargals with him. We think he is trying to start fresh, but were not quite sure. Since you know him a bit and have a Hibernian back ground you can-" I interrupted the baron, "Say what now?" His eyes widened, "Halt told us... he told you about..." I shook my head and looked at him, "He told me he was my father, didn't tell me he was Hibernian or to be honest... what his last name was."

   "His last name is Carrick, and yes, he is Hibernian." Alex sighed and continued, "The reason we didn't choose Halt and Will was because he know you."

   "Yeah that's my point! He know's me. I escaped from him! He know's my fears, my weakness', he even know's my biggest bloody secret!" Their eyes widened, mostly because after about the first sentence I was yelling, "Sorry," I whispered, "I have changed a bit these past few years." They nodded.

   "He could try and capture you again, that's why. And a few years ago you loved missions, please bring back that girl. We need her." I stared into the barons pleading eyes, my cold and deadly eyes against soft kind eyes. I sighed, "I'll do it. Only because you asked so nicely." I said it in my cheerful voice, the one I thought I had lost.

   They grinned at me, I returned the grin and pulled my hood over my head, still grinning. "Well, when should I leave?" The two looked at each other then at me, "As soon as possible." I nodded and thought of the thing that should have been my main priority, "Adela?" They smiled and nodded, "She can go with you." I grinned and skipped over to the door, turning into a grim and sorrow figure as I exited.

But inside, I felt like jumping off the walls. Echo was back.

   Me and Adela were mounting our horses, we decided to leave the next day and today was the day. We had our supplies and were ready to go. The sun was just starting to come up, sending colors across the sky. It was a truly amazing sight.

   We talked about all the possibilities, escape plans and fighting positions if we were attacked. We still focused on our surroundings, somehow relaxed but alert at the same time.

   All I could think about was my dad. My mother. I knew them both, but to be honest I looked a lot like Halt but younger and female, and with auburn hair. I did looked a lot like Pauline as well, when I was being myself I would try and be as lady like as possible, using some of her techniques unconsciously.

   I also thought about what Alex had said, Halt was Hibernian. It was actually really cool, I thought he was Aruelen in the blood. And his last name, Carrick, I would need that in the future so it's best to remember it.

   It was about a week until we reached the border. There were plenty people running about and speaking Hibernian, which all seemed so familiar. I smelled the ocean and fish. I started somehow... translating their words, from someone I heard, Hurry, the fish isn't going to salt itself! And from a little boy, Mom, I want to go home! Then I realized something, maybe before Halt and Pauline sent me off they taught me not just Aruelen, but Hibernian as well!

   "I can speak Hibernian." I said to Adella, almost having to yell to make her hear over all the noise around us. Her eyes widened and she gave me a thumbs up, grinning at me. "The farthest he could have gotten is probably... I would say Clonmel." I yelled to her, she nodded then thought it over, "You sure?" I tilted my head at her, "Have I ever let you down?" She nodded, "You got freaking captured!" I nodded and laughed.

   We rode on, until we got to the first village. We went into the inn and of course I paid. We shared a room, her bed across from mine. We came well past sunset and it was about six. We went out right when our faces hit the pillow and were fast asleep. Our alert self's, waking up at any noise at all, was transformed into our lazy self, dying for sleep.

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