chapter 19-family reunion

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                                            CHAPTER 19 FAMILY REUNION

   I had arrived after a week and a half worth of traveling, a few coins stuffed into my pocket. I rode on Sky, looking around as I had reached the village. A few people eyed me, which worried me. I felt like they could see through my cloak, see I was female. See I was Echo.

   But I knew they couldn't, I was certain. I tightened my legs around Sky's barrel like chest and he increased the speed. [an I know u guys r prob confused sky is a boy i keep calling him a girl heh] I felt my cowl flutter, then quickly held my cowl over my head. My hair had grown back, and it was in a rather short braid.

   I neared Halt's cabin, hoping he was inside I urged Sky to go faster. I saw the cabin come into view and jumped off of him while he was still trotting towards the small cabin, then led him towards the stable. Tug neighed a greeting, I nodded to him and left Sky in front of Tug. Abelard wasn't in the stables, that meant dad could be in his room in the castle. A little visit to see Will would only do good though.

   I was excited, to see Will, to see my father again, see mother, see my sister! I forgot to unsaddle Sky and jogged over to my fathers cabin. I had stepped lightly on the steps, making only the slightest creak at the last step. I walked over to the door, hesitated before knocking, but didn't have to. Will opened the door, his cheeky grin glued on his face.

   After Will had received Maddie as an apprentice, he was his old happy self. Plus he needed to be, for his daughter. That was probably one of the reasons why his friends were working so hard to cheer him up, he needed to take care of his daughter.

I grinned at him, "Hi! Is... um... is Holly here?" He smiled, a crooked smile that was actually real. "No, she is actually with her mother, Pauline is trying to get her in a dress. Ha! That kid would not wear a dress if her life was on the line." I smiled, she sounded like me. I think we might get along quite well. To bad, she was supposed to be mothers little girl. Then, an idea went into my mind. "Oh, damn." I said quietly, as I realized why Will was smiling so much.

"Er... You knew I was coming, didn't ya?" He smiled and nodded. "Idiot..." I muttered, then sighed. "Will, I'll make you a deal." He raised an eyebrow, so I continued. "If you walk me to my fathers room and tell me about my sister on the walk, then I will not only try to befriend Holly, I'll befriend your daughter to."

He beamed at me, "Well, let's get going then."

Will had told me plenty facts about Holly, but one that I found odd was her obsession with fire. I could use it though, I do have a slight liking to fire.

I hesitated before knocking on my fathers door. I silently pleaded to god not to let my sister open the door, but the world was against me now. An unfamiliar face greeted me as the door swung open. I mentally thanked myself for not pulling down my cowl.

I fought away a sigh of  relief once I saw dad walk behind her and whisper something in her ear. She groaned and stomped back inside. Halt closed the door and stepped out.

"Echo, I see you have came." I nodded, "I expect you will be telling her... You know." I chuckled and nodded, keeping my Jerry voice. "Yes, yes. I have a plan of how to break the news to her. First, just step a little into the friend side and then tell her who I really am. Second, I show her how much we are alike. We become friends and boom, I break the news."

Dad raised an eyebrow, "And how long will that take, Mr. I-know-what-I'm-doing." He took note of me using my Jerry voice, but I sighed. "Wow, I really do know what I'm doing! Halt even approved!"

Will nudged me, a smirk on his face. "Well, you should go show off somewhere else. I'll tell Pauline you arrived, in the meantime you better tell Arald." I nodded and hugged dad before walking in the direction of Arald's study.

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