chapter 15-why do you keep secrets Halt

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                                 CHAPTER 15 WHY DO YOU KEEP SECRETS HALT

   We woke up and had breakfast, rushing so we could find Seth as soon as possible and go home. Adela asked plenty of questions, it's good to know she hadn't changed while I was captured. She asked about not just Seth, but about Halt. I tried to answer as much of the questions as I could but eventually started feeling a bit personal and old her I was done with answering her endless questions.

   We passed village through village, staying at the inn and asking people if they had seen Seth, explaining how he looked to them. We passed through plenty of villages until we had reached Clonmel. "If he isn't here..." I shook my head and looked at Adela, she was exhausted and just wanted to go home. We had been gone for about a month and all I could think about was Adela's safety, Seth, Halt and which ranger took control of our fief.

   Plenty of people zoomed about, talking in Hibernian. "Maybe we could talk to the baron, find all the crimes that could have been caused by him. Or at least make sure he's somewhere here." Adela nodded then we trotted to the castle. I couldn't help but wonder if he was anything like Harold, or a complete moron.

   Adela asked her endless questions, I of course answered about half of them. The guards stopped us and I stared at them. "We are working for king Horace of Aruelen." I said in Hibernian, they held their hands out for paperwork and my eyes widened, I didn't get any. "We are working undercover, if we need to pretend to be sleeping while someone searches our stuff for valuables they might find the paperwork. We are rangers, working to find a runaway criminal." They didn't seem convinced, but they let us in anyways.

   "And what were you saying?" I shrugged and smiled at Adela, she noticed it and beamed, I hadn't smiled for a while or been myself for awhile. We left our horses at the stables then walked away talking about Seth, my father and how the kind would be.

   While we were walking I literally bumped into someone who looked a little older than me. Luckily I was wearing my hood, or he would have seen . "Oh, I am so sorry." I said this in my 'Jerry' voice, he just smiled at me and said, "It's my fault sir." Adela giggled beside me and I gave her a look, "Oh, by any chance do you know the... baron?" He gave me a funny look and hesitantly asked, "Why would you need him?" I chuckled, "Just a bit of business."

"For Halt?"

"How do you know of him?"

"He's my uncle."

   I stared at him, mouth wide opened. Adela elbowed my in my ribs, "I thought you said you weren't keeping secrets." She whispered, I shrugged then she realized I didn't know either. "You're lying!" He shook his head at me and put his hands up, "I'm the baron, by the way, and why would I lie to one of his followers?" I yanked my hood of and yelled at him, "I'm his daughter you bloody idiot!" He stared at me wide eyed, and shook his head. "Now your lying."

   "Your lying, I bet Seth sent you here to take me off my guard. But... he doesn't know Halt's my dad... I only learned like, a month ago..." I stared at the ground, fighting not to cry. I felt Adela shaking my shoulder but I ignored her. "Great, just great! She's broken again!" I snapped out of my trance and clenched my fists, "I am going back to Aruelen, and I'm going to kill dad myself."

"You can't!"

"Don't push it, boy."

"Don't call me that."

   I turned and glared at him, with an eyebrow raised. "Proof." He stared at me with a confused face, "You have to have proof he's your uncle, right?" He sighed and shook his head, "I used to."

"Excuse me?"

"He used to have a twin."

   I groaned and walked away, back to the stables. "I swear, I should have just been a farmer!" Adela called behind me and tried to get my attention, then succeeded my slapping me. I noticed my cousin beside her and just stared at them both, "What?" The boy sighed and said, "My name is Sean, Sean O'carrick." I felt like hurling, that was my last name! "OK, so... my dad's twin... had a kid?" He shook his head, "He had two siblings." My eyes widened and I forced myself not to slap him.

   "Ha, it's funny how about a month or two ago I thought my family was dead, now I find out I had an even bigger family than I thought I did." I said it with a straight face, I silently swore to myself that I would never go on another mission again and hope that Seth would kill me.

   "Here listen, have you seen a criminal with white hair, pale skin? Goes my the name of Seth?" He nodded and smiled awkwardly, "Yeah, we actually captured him." I returned the awkward smile, "You realize that he escaped a place that was almost impassable, right?" His eyes widened and he led me to where he was keeping him, in a small cellar behind bars. Fortunately he was still there, and sleeping. "Oh oh oh, can we shove him in a bag and take him like that!?" Me and Sean shushed her then nodded.

   "I'll go grab the bag, make sure he doesn't wake up." We nodded and watched Seth sleep peacefully. It was about five minutes until he came back, he unlocked his cell and we slowly and stealthily got him in the bag. He gained consciousness as I heaved him over my shoulder. I heard muffled yells but ignored them, why would I care about what he had to say? He tortured me for god damned sake!

   "Listen, Sean, I'm sorry. Maybe I'll come by sometime and say hi. We got off on the wrong foot, maybe we can change that?" He nodded and smiled, "I would like that." I hugged him goodbye and he waved to us as we rode of on our horses, straight towards Aruelen. I needed to have a talk with my father.

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