The HIDER ( Meliodas x Y/N )

By PandaPandaStar

377K 8.1K 3.1K

This is a story about Meliodas and a girl they call Y/n or other known as the Dove Sin of LOVEโค๏ธ But nobody... More

Y/N Info
Chapter 1
Y/n's magic
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5 (Flashback)
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.5 (Flashback)
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5 (Flashback)
Chapter 5
Chapter 5.5 ( Memory )
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5 ( Memory )
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5 ( Memory )
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5 ( Memory )
Chapter 9
chapter 9.5 ( Memory )
Teasers to new story's!
Chapter 10.5 ( Memory )
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5 ( Memory )
Chapter 12
Chapter 12.5 ( Memory )
Chapter 13
Chapter 13.5 ( Memory )
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5 ( Back to flashbacks )
Chapter 15
Chapter 15.5
Chapter 16
Chapter 16.5
Chapter 17
Chapter 17.5

Chapter 10

10.7K 211 80
By PandaPandaStar

Warning: this chapter is going to be very long⚠️

~ Y/n's POV ~

Every time I sleep I have a memory instead of a dream because when I sleep I'm in a black void waiting for the memories to play out like a puppet show.

Suddenly, someone's memory popped into my head and the minute I saw who it was, tears started rolling down my face.

I knew exactly whose memory it was and of whom......

"Elaine", I whispered silently.

~ memory~

Ban was climbing up to the trees and he gave off a smirk before saying " now we're talking" before jumping towards it.

The memory skipped ahead to where he was climbing up the tree singing something like this " ~just one drop adds 10 years to your life, and a good swallow gives you 100 more, drink it all and you'll live forever~" he then threw his bag up onto the landing of the tree and pulled himself over.

He gave off a humourous laugh with a big smile on his face before saying " A miracle treasure guarded by a holy woman.....The fountain of youth!"

"and anybody who drinks the water out of that cup is in for a nice dose of immortality" he then licked his lips excited to drink the water but before he did he said " well man, talk about blowing things out of proportion, I don't see an old hag guarding any miracles around here" and when he said that he looked around until his eyes landed upon a small figure below him.

He gave a small grunt after seeing the small blonde-haired fairy. I gave off a small chuckle at how confused he looked and what he said made it even funnier "what's up little girl you lost or something" that was something I knew Ban would have said to Elaine.

I could tell this was the beginning of where their relationship started and I was more than happy to accept that fact, they were perfect for each other.

He could take better care of her than I ever could. I abandoned her and King.

After getting out of my thoughts I had seen that
Elaine was floating up to the air saying " I am the guardian of this spring, and I protect it from bandits like you" he gave off an even more confused look until Elaine used fairy wind on him and sent him flying across the forest.

And the last thing I heard was.....

" Ohh shit!!!".

~ memory ended ~

Hearing a loud thud sound on the floor, I knew it was Ban. It always upsets him when he remembers those kinds of things, and it makes me uncomfortable too since no one knows that I'm related to King or Elaine.

The next thing I heard hawk yelling, "get up you lazy bums and go get your breakfast". As the bright light reflected on my face, I slowly started opening my eyes.

When I turned to look on the other side of the bed, I saw a pair of vibrant green eyes staring directly at me.

"Well, good morning Y/n!" Meliodas said, giving me a big goofy smile.

In addition, I returned a greeting, saying, "good morning, Meliodas, how are the ropes?" I asked smugly as I slowly got out of bed.

I giggled softly at him while he smiled at me. I finally said "how about I help you?".

In a perverted way, he said, "just be gentle".

" Meliodas, can you not be perverted for one second" giving him an annoyed grimace. He just smiled at me. For some surprising reason, I was finally able to untie the rope that was very tight.

As soon as we got out of bed, I went to the closet and began choosing my outfit.

I was about to go to the bathroom and change, but Meliodas stopped me, saying "you know, you could just change here instead of in the bathroom." I could see the lust in his eyes.

As I stared at him saying, "and why do you want me to dress here?".

Before speaking, he smiled at me and said, "What's the point of going all the way down to the bathroom when you already have a great changing room right here?".

So I just decided to get changed here because I knew he had a point there.

Suddenly, I looked at him and asked, "Are you going to leave?".

"I don't see any problem if I stay", he replied, smiling at me again.

I glared at him and said, "Will I do! now out!" I kicked him out of the room.

From the other side, he gave a whine, but he still started to walk toward the stairs.

| small time skip |

Meliodas and Elizabeth were now downstairs eating breakfast.

While Meliodas was enjoying his breakfast with Elizabeth, I had to speak to Hawk about the sleeping arrangements.

" Hey Hawk, perhaps we should let Meliodas go untied, I don't mind," I told him.

He then yelled back saying " it defeats the whole purpose if he's able to move Y/N. Him being in the same bed with you he's going to have more hands than an octopus and I've been with you guys for a very long time Y/n, you know he's so touchy grab when it comes to you".

Although I rolled my eyes, I've come to accept that he was correct.

Hawk continued by saying, "Precautions must be taken!".

"Well, Hawk, whatever you say, I've had this experience before," I whispered.

Nevertheless, Meliodas looked at me for a second before saying, "If we look at it as foreplay, it's not bad at all.".

Seeing my face turn red, Elizabeth just replied, "What does that mean?".

Squawking, I waved my hand in front of her and told her it was nothing. However, Meliodas had to continue "Who knows, maybe you can tie me up instead of Hawk".

Meliodas was to blame for my embarrassment at this point, and I wanted to slap him.

" You sleazebag!" Hawk snarled.

As Diane appeared in the window, she exclaimed, "Hey, I heard someone is going to tie up Hawk!" Hawk then shrieked, "Who is going to cook my roast?".

Suddenly, Ban had come down the stairs and was walking lazily towards the bar. With a scowl on his face, he sat down on the chair and said, "I could really use a drink."

Of course, Diane had to comment something " don't you think it's a little early for that". But before she could say anything else I raised my hand at her telling her to be quiet and that it wasn't her place to say anything.

She simply nodded her head not continuing to speak and Ban gave me a thankful look.

Elizabeth said " would you like to have some breakfast with us" Ban just put on a sarcastic smile saying " you don't expect me to eat the captain's awful cooking do you".

I heard Meliodas give a tsk sound before throwing the alcohol towards Ban saying " if you don't like it then make it yourself".

Ban then went to open up the beer saying " don't mind if I do". And when he opened it, it sprayed in his face and I burst out in laughter until my stomach hurt.

| Time skip |

~ Ban's POV ~

I looked down at the table seeing Captain pointing out a map saying " all right, it's time to head to the Necropolis. will start looking for King there".

I gave them a confused look before saying " hold on didn't people say fatty was 6 feet under these days?" Mama bear gave us a harsh look that said "to shut up".

Captain then said while putting his arm around Mama Bear's waist " it's the only lead we have so we might as well check it out".

The princess then said "The city of the dead kind of sounds scary, what kind of place is it?" I could see mama bear give off a slight shiver at this thought but why?

I also remember that I had to tell Meliodas what that holy knight told me about Mama bear. I'm gonna have to find time to say it to him.

The captain said, " no idea the only thing I know is that the place exists". That's when the pig started speaking " look if you ask me it's probably filled up with a spooky thing like a ghost, it's probably gloomy and dark with rows and rows of creepy graves".

At this point, Mama Bear had her elbow on Captain's shoulder looking at Hawk intrigued. Diane then said, " there won't be any bugs right?"

But at this point, I was already passed out and I could feel myself fading into another memory.

~ memory third POV~

" talk about a close call, so that's the holy woman who guards the pond huh?" said the bandit before he gave a slight chuckle then turned back towards the tree getting ready to climb it up again.

The young blonde fairy then said at the top of the tree " you're safe now I've taken care of the bandit big sister".

But then all of a sudden she heard someone start singing " ~just one drop adds 10 years to your life, and a good swallow gives you 100 more, drink it all and you'll live forever~".

The bandit finally made it to the top and jumped on the landing in front of the holy woman again, only for her to push him back with that wind spell.

The bandit went flying through the sky but all of a sudden when he was about to hit the ground, he landed on a giant mushroom. He gave a slight chuckle smirking at the challenge that's ahead of him.

He started climbing up the tree again singing half the song until he was blown off the landing again straight into the forest.

This time the young man started sprinting up the side of the tree at a fast speed and when he finally made it the holy woman used the wind spell and pushed him back off again.

The young bandit was spotting a few bruises around the face and lower back and was climbing back up the tree again. Once he made it to the top again he was pushed right back off by the holy woman.

He gave it one more attempt and by the holy woman's face she was getting fed up with this but when he finally made it to the top he said: " dammit will you just stop!".

The young fairy then yelled, " you're the one that needs to stop around here how are you alive human can't survive such a fall".

The bandit then said, " well I did get caught by a branch and yeah I fell into a clump of trees".

The holy woman gave off a confused look " is that true? why would the forest and big sister save a human like you?"

The bandit then gave off a laugh before saying " please like I care but I still can't believe a little thing like you were the guardian of the sacred treasure, but now it's my turn to get serious".

The band then pulled out a pair of long nunchucks and started spinning around warming up to get ready for the fight.

The young fairy with the sad look said " all you do is want to do is kill and steal, you all think the same you want something that you haven't earned".

All of a sudden the bandit's nunchuck started glowing with a purple hue and the holy woman thought ' is that's magic?!'.

She was about to swipe her hand to let another gust of wind push the bandit back but the nunchucks grew and slid past her straight to the fountain of youth.

The nunchucks then pulled back and the cup laid in his hand. He then brought the cup up to his nose and sniffed it saying "not bad but it doesn't smell like booze though".

The young fairy was terrified. The bandit had taken something that was the last thing her queen protected or more so her sister.

( The reason why Elaine can remember will be explained soon )

The bandit gave off a smile before saying " well, bottoms up" The young fairy girl screamed " no...YOU CAN'T!!!!"

All of a sudden vines came out of nowhere but the young bandit didn't see them. He said, " well when I say here's to my health and I mean it".

But before he could take a sip the vines were wrapped around his body entirely preventing him from drinking the cup.

The young bandit yelled, " what the Hell is going on here?!" The young fairy girl gave off a sigh of relief and slowly put the cup back into the Ponds holder.

She then slowly started going up to the bandit while he yelled " you better get these things off of me!".

But she didn't listen. She went right up to his face and said "I'm finished trying to make you humans understand if the fountain of youth disappears everything in this forest with shrivel up and die".

She took another deep breath finishing "I'm not going to let you take what my sister gave up her life for! give up your quest and leave this place".

The bandit looked at her with a questioning look before saying " all right fine".

The young fairy girl was generally confused about the human and how he had given up so quickly. She said, " how dare you lie to me like that? What do you mean all 'right fine' ".

The man just gave off a laugh before saying " honest " then gave the young girl a very goofy smile.

The young fairy thought in her head 'he doesn't know I can read the minds of humans'. Her eyes started to glow and she could hear the thoughts of the human "Man I feel bad for this girl, I almost drink the fountain not even knowing her sister died protecting it and the ale made from the berries here are some pretty good stuff".

The young fairy was surprised that the bandit truly didn't want to take the cup from the Fountain anymore and even had sympathy for her lost older sister.

The vines that were wrapped around the young bandits' bodies start releasing themselves and going back into the trees.

" unbelievable, who in the world are you?" The young fairy said were flying around the bandit.

As for the bandit, he was stretching out his muscles from being restrained by those vines.

"I'm a bandit if you really couldn't tell and bandit Ban is my name around here kid," said Ban.

The young fairy then said, " Oh no, I'm not a child my name is Elaine".

~ end of memory~

~ Y/n's POV ~

I look back to see that Ban was waking up and he started sliding off the steps to where he was relaxing.

I looked back to make sure he was OK and he saw me looking. He put his hand in the air signaling a thumbs up and I nodded at him before turning away.

Meliodas then shouted, " we're here!!". Diane looked around with her hand above her eyes to get a better view saying " so this is the necropolis?, it's not what I expected".

Hawk then decides to speak up " how did a run-down village like this get a name like that anyway?".

Meliodas said, "rumor has it that this is the place closest to it".

| small time skip |

We were all now on the ground when Meliodas said " let's see if we can get some Intel on King and will find a way to go from there, and we're all gonna need to make a little food money so let's get the tavern up and running!" finishing with his signature smile.

Ban said, "I guess the captain and Y/N really do sell the drinks".

Diane started jumping up and down saying " when the Captain is working he's so cute O.M.G!!". I chuckled lightly at her use of phrases thing like that.

Meliodas then started pointing saying " and I'm gonna put you all to work" he then pointed at Diane saying " Bring in some customers jumbo billboard girl".

Diane had stars in her eyes saying " for real!!" He then pointed over the Ban saying " you start grilling up some tasty grub jailbird" Ban then gave off a smug look saying " oh who me?".

I giggled at how his face looked so funny. Hawk said, " are you sure you want this guy handling our food?".

Meliodas put his finger up to the sky saying " trust me I know it's hard to believe but this guy is a real wiz in the kitchen".

Ban gave off a look before saying " Oh, I don't know about that".

I want to tease Ban because of his choice of nickname for me. I turned a Hawk getting down to his level saying " Ban cooking can make the heavens cry and the demons bend to their knees. His food makes all humans drool in agony and when eaten all will sing with joy~" I then finish off with a smug smile.

I could hear hawk squawking in the background and wanted to try Ban's food now but then all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder and a very red-faced Fox sin.

I gave off a snort before he said " Mom stop you're embarrassing me" that only made me laugh at his expression.

Meliodas had seen the interaction and was smiling saying " all right let's get to work, put your backs into guys!".

Elizabeth went up to Meliodas saying " Sir Meliodas may I please have a job" he looked at her for a second before saying " Yeah you can take over Y/N spot".

I then got off the ground and came up towards him with my hands on my hips looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

I said annoyed" Um? then what am I supposed to do?" and I gave out a huff and tapped my foot on the ground.

Diane, Ban, Hawk, and Elizabeth all started giggling and chuckling at the interaction between me and Meliodas.

The two of us held intense staring competition until he finally yielded, saying that I could work but I have to stick by his side just in case.

I guess that was good enough for me. But then all of a sudden he was picked up by Diane who said " Oh Captain~, you made me the billboard girl!! I'm so happy you chose me, and don't worry I won't let you down, I won't!" she then begin rubbing her cheek against his head.

Elizabeth and Hawk had sweat dripping down their foreheads where I was just staring at the scene. Then Meliodas looked down to the ground saying " Oh yeah Ban the pantries in the back" but when he looked Ban was nowhere to be seen.

Hawk said " Man what a jerk" Meliodas wasn't pleased Ban took off all of a sudden but what could we do about it, he's a wandering soul.

|Small cut scene to Ban|

Ban was walking down the dirt road saying " I think the old captain is losing his mind. What kind of info does he expect us to pick up in a gloomy dump like this".

| back to the Tavern|

Diane yelled, " we've got amazing drinks, and there is a super cute billboard girl who will welcome you in, step up to the hot boar tavern".

Hawk looked at her saying " it's the boar hat but whatever" she then continues yelling " we've got plenty of free goodies just for coming inside".

But the town was dead silent no movement or anything. It's like no one lived here.

| another small cut scene to Ban |

After walking a little more around town Ban finally said " This joint is seriously run down". When Ban looked across the path there was a little girl leaning against a stone fence.

When Ban sees a little girl his red eyes dilute a bit and he starts going straight to ' Elaine!?".

But when a little girl turns to Ban she looks nothing like Elaine, Ban gives off a slight huff before saying " sorry little girl it couldn't possibly be her".

But then all of a sudden he thud hit the ground and a little girl was knocked out cold. Ban had said, " well uh oh".

| back to the tavern |

I was now sitting on one of the stools in the tavern. I was reading some documents about my past life to see what was left in the books.

Meliodas was looking at the book I was reading but I turned the book over so the title wasn't showing.

Elizabeth was already cleaning off the countertop but then she said " um Sir Meliodas and Lady Y/N, what kind of person is king".

I gave off a slight chuckle before saying " King is a very sweet person, you wound like him a lot!". Elizabeth gave me a kind smile before turning back to Meliodas to hear what he had to say.

Meliodas lean back on the countertop in front of me letting me play with his hair while he spoke: " well let's see now, I think he's kinda like the eight deadly sins mascot or pet I guess".

I laughed knowing that it was a joke but Hawk then said: " you know perfectly well there are no pets allowed in here, having them in a dining establishment is disgusting".

We all looked at him like he was hit upside the head with a frying pan. Meliodas said with a blank look " ever heard of the word irony?".

But he looked back at Elizabeth saying " oh about King there was this one time Ban was totally into collecting stuffy's".

Elizabeth gave a small chuckle and I let snort remembering that funny time " seriously" Elizabeth said.

Hawk then said, " that's just adorable".

| Flashback |

King was standing in front of Ban while holding a couple of stuffy's in his hand and saying " this is absolutely heartbreaking!".

Ban who was clearly drunk at this point said: " Give it a rest" then took another swig of his beer.

But King wasn't done. He said, " how could you steal these wonderful things!, each one is an emotional piggy bank, all of these stuffy's hold their owner's memories feelings, and desires, your just...just... just a nasty man that feels nothing!!".

Ban then picked up all of the stuffy's that was a bit broken and said " all their full of is rags and stuffing".

King then jumped up running towards Ban grabbing the stuff that he held and bringing it to his chest saying " don't you dare?!".

Meliodas' voice came into the flashback with him saying " King sobbed and sobbed all night until Y/N gave him an idea".

I walked up to king patting him on the back lately before saying " King why don't you bring them back when Ban falls asleep and fix the ones that are broken".

She then handed him a small sewing kit saying "I know you're really good at sewing so I trust you can do the right thing".

King looked at me and then gave me a big smile before waiting patiently for Ban to fall asleep.

Meliodas then said, " then when Ban was passed out the next morning King took every stuffy back to its original owner and fixed the broken ones just like Y/N said".

| end of flashback |

Elizabeth had her hands pressed up to each other before saying " Sir King seems a little strange but is a man with a very warm heart and I admire that".

Hawk then stuck up one of his trotters saying " that means Ban is an even bigger jerk than I thought he was and I bet they fight all the time".

Meliodas just gave hawk a smile before saying " what would make you say that? King and Ban were practically joined at the hip but now that I think about it, I think that was to clean up Bans messes".

I started giggling again from where I sat on the stool with my now forgotten book. Remember all the time King and Ban got into arguments and I was the only one that could stop them.

Meliodas looked at me with a smile before turning back to Elizabeth and saying to her " but when all was said and done they did make an excellent team". She gave out a small giggle.

Outside the tavern, I could hear Diane saying " we haven't gotten any customers I haven't gotten anyone to show up?".

| Cut scene to Ban |

Ban started lightly tapping the side of the little girl's face saying " "hey, come on". The little girls are slowly starting to open up again and she came face-to-face with Ban.

But then all of a sudden a little boy yelled: "hey get your filthy hands off Ellen".

Ban looked over with a questioning gaze to see a little boy with a pitchfork in his hand. " Just what do you think you're doing to my sister".

Ban looked at the little boy for a second before saying " Look kid if this is your little sister shouldn't you make sure she's getting enough food?"

The little boy yelled again " shut up go away leave her alone".

Ban looked at the boy with a more stern look and said " now I'm going to ask you again are you making sure she gets enough food or should I take her away".

The little boy had tears in his eyes but then he started sprinting towards Ban with the pitchfork and stabbed him straight in the chest.

The little boy looked terrified of what had just happened and a little girl had run up to him saying " no brother this nice man only tried to help me he wasn't doing anything wrong".

The little boy couldn't find any words and was just looking at Ban when he pulled the pitchfork out of his chest and dropped it on the ground.

" I'm sorry what can I do to atone for my sin sir," The little boy said, Ban then got off the ground saying " you wanna atone you said what is there to make amends for kid".

The little boy brought a fist up to his face saying " but I just wait for your wound?!".

Ban looked at him with a slight smirk before saying " there's something you should know, Real genuine sins there's no repenting that could repay that".
But then all of a sudden something got stabbed into Ban's chest.

He heard a young male's voice say " glad you finally realize that~" the young male had said then blood had spilled out of Bans mouth like a geyser.

Both of the kids were completely terrified and what they were seeing was a giant spear stabbed Ban's chest.

The young man said, " Hi Ban how is it going~ awesome it's so great to see you after all these years.......what's up? It's not like you to be so quiet~".

Ban looked at him with a questioning gaze before saying " hold up, who are you?".

To be continued......

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