Chapter 14

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~ Y/n's POV ~

I looked at her, she was as beautiful as when she was a baby, but I couldn't see her grow up.

While tears ran down her face, she whispered, "Is it really you big sister...are you really here?".

With a smile, I said, "it's me, Elaine, I'd never lie to you".

After looking at me, she whispered, "Can I see your wings, Aaliyah always said your wings were the most beautiful...".

Then I smiled at her and showed her my wings.

When she saw all the colors dancing across my wings, she gave a surprised gasp. As she was awestruck, I asked, "Are they as beautiful as you thought they were?".

As she looked at me, she said, "They're as stunning as I thought, I hope my wings will be just as nice."

As I smiled at her, I said, "I think your wings will be the most beautiful of our kind".

Her ghostly form floated towards me and gave me a gentle hug, which I returned as best I could.

Putting her head on my shoulder, she whispered, "Why can I remember, Aaliyah said that you erased everyone's memories, but I remember.".

As I looked up into the sky, I said, "I think it's because you were a baby, which is why the spell did not work on you, and Aaliyah wanted you to carry on the memories I left behind".

As she lifted her head off my shoulder, she asked, "You would trust me with all those memories and secrets?".

I looked at Elaine with a proud smile on my face "Elaine, I trust you with my own life, and I'm happy for you and Ban, you look beautiful together".

Seeing her face turn bright pink, she tried to come up with an excuse about what she and Ban were but I knew they were in love, so I was happy for them.

Elaine then said, "we don't have much time sister, you have to return to the others.". Soon after, we heard another explosion and looked in the direction it came from.

Taking a step back, I turned to her and said, "Will go together." I reached out my hand, and she gently placed hers in mine, and we began walking in the direction where the explosion was last heard.

| back towards the fight |

~ Third person POV ~

Ban spit out blood before looking back to see King standing on his spear, Ban looked at King pissed saying "  come on, what's the big idea, king?".

King looked at Ban with an emotionless face saying " well is it obvious, I'm here to save you" Ban look back at him with a sarcastic smile saying "I'm that special, thanks to a lot pal".

King looked at him with a cold stare saying " oh think nothing of it, anything for the captain, Y/n and Diana".

Ban looked at him saying " oh but not for me huh?" King looked around to see your smiling Meliodas and asleep in Diane but soon continue to speak " no not really, but my sister cares about you a lot".

A little ways from where everybody is there stood Elaine and Y/n looking over everybody, Elaine whispered out " please......please keep Ban safe"

( intro and imagine Elizabeth is you )

| Back to the Show |

Soon, a group of crystals exploded and Guilas rapier and herself emerged from beneath it. Ban looked at her and gave a sarcastic wow, but everyone else just stared, not really phased.

The HIDER ( Meliodas x Y/N )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें