Chapter 8.5 ( Memory )

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| 300 years in the future|

~ Y/n's POV ~

Over 300 years have passed since my small meltdown. Seeing as how everything was behind me now, I don't cry so much anymore.

I was having my hair done while Aaliyah and I were preparing to attend the ball for the birth of my sister. Both Aaliyah and I were getting ready when she asked me, "How are you?".

"Whatever do you mean dear friend?" I asked her as I stared in the mirror. A sigh was let out before she said, "Y/N, you can't hide anything from me, I can tell you've been holding back your emotions".

I smiled at her and said, "Now come on Aaliyah, there is no point in me getting upset now that everything is going well!". As she continued to style my hair, she simply shook her head.

I was left with only a small sigh, and she didn't understand why I had dismissed my feelings so openly and, more importantly, not cared about them at all.

When you have suffered all that I have, how does this serve any purpose but to break you down?

Suddenly, an outside knock was heard. Having turned around, I called out to the person on the other side, "you may come in.'' Soon a blonde mop of hair was walked inside.

Through the mirror, he could be seen with his goofy grin as he stood by my side. As he laid his head on top of my shoulder, he smiled at me and said, "don't you look beautiful tonight?".

Seeing how we were both sitting comfortably in silence at that moment, Aaliyah stepped out of the room and left Meliodas and me to ourselves.

A little while later, I decided to speak "I think it's about time for us to go out there, don't you think?". He only gave me a dramatic sigh as he said "do we really need to go out there? I'm pretty sure Aaliyah will take care of everything." and quickly gave me the puppy dog eyes.

After giving him a string of giggles, I said, "That look doesn't work for you, My Love~, now let's go, we have a ball to attend!". Then, I grabbed hold of his hand and started pulling him out of the door, and he did nothing but groan as we walked towards the large doors leading into the ball.

As a result of having my family here and my beloved partner, this will be one of the happiest days of my life.

Oh, but how wrong I was...

The HIDER ( Meliodas x Y/N )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora