Chapter 17

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~ Y/n POV ~

As King looked at Elizabeth and me, I couldn't help but want to hide further in between Diane's, 'this is the most embarrassing moment of my life' I thought to myself.

King then said, "  No that really you p-princess, Y-Y-Y/n?". As King's face irrupt into a red hue as he tries to reach out towards us but as soon as his hand started getting close to Diane's breast she put her own hands covering up Elizabeth and me saying " pervert!".

King ended up getting a nosebleed after what she said because he didn't know how to handle any flirtatious or sexual thoughts.

I guess neither of us does Huh, King gave out a nervous laugh before saying "n-no!, I didn't mean to!!, anyways w-we should tell the captain!". Oh, I wasn't excited about this.....

| in the cabin |

Diane stood before Meliodas and King with a guilty look on her face, Meliodas started to speak " a giant mushroom??".

Diane nodded her head with a humming sound agreeing with Meliodas's statement, Diane then started to speak " it happened after you guys left to go to town Elizabeth, me, Aaliyah and Y/n we're grabbing ingredients for dinner in the forest but then it happened......"

| Flashback |

After we screamed, Diane came running, saying, "What's the matter?!". When Aaliyah heard this, she yelled, "Your grace, are you kidding me?!".

As soon as they saw the giant purple and red mushroom, both of them stopped midsentence.

I knew exactly what mushroom this is because it lived in the fairy forest, it was a: CHIKIN MATANGO OR If we're getting specific a: ERINGI MUSHROOM

The ERINGI MUSHROOM was making a bunch of noises to try and scare us away but Diane look at it with a smile saying " ingredient found and captured!".

Aliyah and I looked at each other before I yelled out to Diane, "WAIT DON'T HIT-".

Unfortunately, before I had the chance to finish my sentence, Diane already crushed the top of its mushroom head. In an attempt to protect itself from us, the ERINGI let out a pink gas. We all let out a scream when the gas surrounded Elizabeth, Diane, Aaliyah, and me.

As soon as the pink smoke cleared around us, everything looked completely different. I was very small, and so was Elizabeth.

Aaliyah was now the size of Diane. She had now become a giant fairy. As for Diane, it seemed like she was our original size instead of her giant size.

Diane then spoke, " what was that?!". She screamed in surprise when she realized she was naked.

Diane and Elizabeth stared at each other and cried out in shock at how much their heights had changed.

Aaliyah's voice called to me all of a sudden, " your Grace!!!, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to protect you fast enough!!!". As I stared up at Aaliyah, I felt like my neck was breaking.

 As I stared up at Aaliyah, I felt like my neck was breaking

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