Teasers to new story's!

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( please make sure you comment on what story you would like to have written next but if you don't like either of these stories comment one you would like me to look into! )

Welcome to Kalos! ( Ash Ketchum x Reader )

There walking off the plane to the Kalos Region was Y/n!, a young and bubbly girl waiting to start her new adventure and battles in the new Region!.

This is where the adventure begins. Let's see where it takes her.........

~ Y/n's POV ~

When I had gotten to the bottom of the plane I had heard a young trainer like myself yell " HEY!!~ KALOS REGION!!, ASH FROM PALLET TOWN IS FINALLY HERE!!" soon I heard the voice of what seemed to be his pokemon yell as well?.

When I looked to see where all the yelling was coming from I had seen a boy around my age with a Pikachu talking to some lady? ( in this story you are 15, I did the math so in Kalos Ash should be 15) He seemed to be excited to be here but so I was!

I had seen some type of pink floating Pokemon that I'd never seen before in my hometown and it seemed 'Ash' hadn't either but before I leave I decided to yell back to this 'Ash' guy saying " HEY!!, ASH FROM PALLET TOWN!!'' he turns around to see me and I yell one more time " WELCOME TO KALOS!!''.

He was so shocked by my yelling he accidentally slipped and fell down the stairs of the plane, I gave off a giggle before running into the airport to call my family.

~ Ash's POV ~

As I fell down the stairs of the plane I finally reached the bottom, my head was spinning and Pikachu then started shaking me to see if I was okay. I heard Alexa say" are you alright" I got up and said, " hehe, yeah I'm ok!, Alexa who are those Pokemon?".

Alexa then spoke " Oh!, those are Spritzee's " I looked at the Spritzee with amazement before I remembered, " Hey Alexa!, where did that girl go?" Alexa gave me her hand to pull me up off the ground before saying'' I don't know? I know she got off the plane with us but where she went I have no clue" I was a little bummed that I couldn't see that girl again and welcome her to Kalos to but I know I will see her again soon!.

~ Y/n's POV ~

That boy Ash was really funny. I can't believe he fell down the stairs of the plane! But anyway, I should call my parents now.

I got to the hologram phone and started dialing my Mom's number. Once it rang a few times my Mom answered " Hello?" I smiled when I heard her voice " Hey Mom!, Just want to call and let you know I landed in Kalos! And you won't believe what happened!."

My Mom looked worried as she spoke " Are you hurt anywhere??, you got down safely didn't you!?, No wild pokemon attacked you did they!?".

I looked at my mom with a nervous expression because everybody around me gave me  funny looks. After all, my mom was yelling through the microphone. I looked at my mom with a reassuring smile saying " NO!, I was going to tell you that I saw this boy and I welcome him to Kalos But I think I accidentally scared him so he ends up falling down the plane stairs!."

My mom gave out a breath of relief before saying " Oh thank goodness, you know how worried me and your father get when you go to a new region!" and when she finished speaking my dad showed up on the camera saying " You mean just you because I know our baby girl is strong, she will beat anyone in a battle with P/n by her side!".

( So if you want this story to be next, you have to comment on what Pokemon you think is best fitted for Y/N, and the comment that has the most agreement with them gets to have that Pokemon in the story!)

The HIDER ( Meliodas x Y/N )Where stories live. Discover now