The Life of Emily Dolan

De justsochelsea

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After their dad died, couple of months later. Emily was forced to be with her brothers for summer which ended... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 {part 1}
Chapter 25 {part 2}
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: Final

Chapter 11

385 9 0
De justsochelsea

Chapter 11:

Emily's POV
My brothers are driving me crazy! These new rules and punishment, I know I took it too far but this totally sucks! It's only been a month since I moved in with the boys and I'm starting to rip my hair out.

Luckily my big sister is coming to town today and I'm spending the day with her. But first I had to do my chores or I won't be able to go out.

Instead of cleaning up my room, I decided to make Tik Tok videos in my room.

In the middle of my dance, I jump surprise when I heard Grayson shout my name from the other room.

Grayson: Emily! Come here for a second!
Emily: coming Grayson!

I stopped the Tik Tok video, and climb over my messy bed and ran out of my room.

I went to see what the commotion was about but I saw my big sister. I squealed and hugged her and said.

Emily: Cameron! I miss you
Cameron: I miss you too kiddo
Emily: I can't wait to hang out this weekend, it's gonna be so much fun!
Grayson: not until all your chores are done
Emily: Grayson...
Grayson: you know our deal, chores first then you can hang out with Cameron
Cameron: did you get your chores done?
Emily: *lies* u-uh... y-yes?
Grayson: really? Your room clean?
Emily: *lies* uh... yes...
Ethan: why are you hesitating?
Emily: I'm not hesitating!
Cameron: you kind of were Emily
Grayson: Emily... did you, or did you not clean your room?
Emily: uh...
Ethan: see, she's doing it again . She only hesitates when she lies
Emily: I do not!
Grayson: I'm gonna have a look for myself than
Emily: no! Grayson!

Grayson said going towards my bedroom with the others following as I pulled on Grayson's arm.

Emily: nooo!!!!

I said as my feet are getting dragged as I tried pulling on his arm to stop him from going to my room, but it wasn't very successful.

Grayson: *looks around my room* why is your room still the same?
Emily: uh... ow!

I said rubbing my butt where Grayson swatted and I pouted at him and he glared down at me and said.

Grayson: answer me
Emily: *strutters* I-I w-was m-making T-Tik T-Tok v-videos s-sir, ow!

I blushed embarrassed, being swatted twice in front of Ethan and Cameron.

Grayson: what did I say if your chores weren't done by the time Cameron got here?
Emily: but Grayson, it's not fair!
Grayson: What. Did. I. Say?
Emily: *sighs* I wouldn't be going out...
Grayson: exactly, not until your chores are done and your room and bathroom is still the same way you left it
Emily: Grayson...
Grayson: don't Grayson me, I told you to have this room clean and not messy, and what did I say about eating food in here?

Grayson said looking at my trash can and empty water bottles laying around.

Emily: that it would leave a trail of ants in my room
Grayson: and I don't want bugs in this house, clean this up. Matter of factly, give me your phone so you're not distracted
Emily: no!
Grayson: no? Do you want a spanking too? I will give you a reminder
Emily: Grayson!

I said embarrassed and I looked over at Ethan and Cameron who were outside my room watching.

Ethan: you heard what Grayson said Emily Clarissa, give him your phone *gives me look*

I pouted at him and he went to come in, but I quickly went to get my phone and hand it over to Grayson.

Grayson: I'll give this back to you when your chores are done
Emily: this isn't fair!

I said flopping on my back on my messy bed.

Grayson: what's the matter with you Emily? This is not like you at all to act this way over a messy room.
Emily: I'm growing up Grayson
Grayson: well part of growing up is doing what you're told to do, stop being so stubborn

I glared at him at him, and he glared right back, when I didn't do anything he went to charge at me but I squealed and went to the other side of my bed.

Emily: okay-okay! I'll clean!
Grayson: that's my girl, get to cleaning

I huffed as I picked up my dirty clothes off the floor and put them into the hamper and Grayson smiled and the three of them left my room as I started cleaning.

End of POV.

In the kitchen.

Cameron: I didn't know you two spanked Emily
Ethan: I don't, but Grayson does
Cameron: *to Grayson* why?
Grayson: she doesn't listen Cameron, she thinks the rules doesn't apply to her. I have given her a curfew and she came home 2 hours late
Ethan: actually we decided not to give her a curfew, but when she came home 2 hours late we gave her a curfew
Cameron: wait a minute, you guys let a 12 year old (who is still new to California btw), out their by herself?
Ethan: she's been here for 2 summers
Cameron: that's because she's always with you two, she never been without you two before! What were you two thinking?!
Ethan: she wasn't alone she was with our neighbor Sophie
Cameron: who is also a little kid?! Did you two idiots think about the consequences of what would happened if those girls went missing? You two could have lost custody of Emily!
Grayson: I told Ethan that, but he didn't think Emily needed a curfew, she was only 11 at that time and I told her she had a 9pm curfew but somehow they manage to change my mind
Ethan: also Emily said that mom and dad never gave her a curfew
Cameron: and you believe her! Mom and dad always given us a curfew. We had to be home by 10 on school days and 11 on weekends, there's no way they didn't do that for Emily
Ethan: look I'm sorry I didn't know
Cameron: things are different now Ethan, you need to listen to Grayson, he knows more about this than you think, and don't worry when I finish college, I'll help you guys out
Grayson: she'll be in high school by the time you graduate
Cameron: yeah which is great because I can help out with all the girls stuff that you two idiots don't seem to understand
Grayson: she's not wrong
Cameron: have you took Emily bra shopping?
Ethan/Grayson: uh...
Cameron: nevermind I'll do that, how about pads in case she starts her period this year?
Ethan/Grayson: uh...
Cameron: seriously???
Grayson: I'm sorry but this is all new to us
Cameron: *sighs* I'll handle all the girls stuff, but you boys need to go do some research
Ethan: *groans* do we have to!
Cameron: it's part of being a parent, so yes you do

Cameron made the boys sat down in the editing room, to make them do research on girls development, which they weren't so proud about doing.

When Emily was done with her chores, she came out from outside and said.

Emily: Grayson, I took out the trash
Grayson: good girl, did you put your dirty clothes in the laundry?
Emily: yep!
Grayson: I'm very proud of you *kiss top of forehead* see doing your chores isn't so hard

Emily humph and sat down and lay her head on him.

Emily: what are you doing?
Grayson: uh... *x's out of his report* uh... nothing
Emily: *looks at Cameron*
Cameron: I made the boys do research on girls development
Emily: gross
Grayson/Ethan: thank you!
Cameron: *roll eyes* oh you three grow up. Your body is changing soon and the boys needs to learn anything they can to help out
Emily: why tho? It's my body
Cameron: which needs to be private to yourself I know, but it's important for the boys to understand what you're going through
Emily: I get it, we are just learning about it in health class (a/n: her school goes from 6-8) they made all the girls watch women giving birth *makes face*
Ethan: *to Cameron* we don't have to watch that do we?
Cameron: no

The boys sighs in relief and the girls giggle.

Cameron: so you know where babies come from right?
Emily: I been knew where babies come from, but now actually seeing, I never want to be pregnant
Ethan/Grayson: amen to that!
Cameron: *glares at the boys* shut up or I'm gonna make you guys watch yourself giving birth from mom
Ethan/Grayson: you wouldn't!
Cameron: oh... I would, so zip it! Emily, there's nothing wrong with giving birth, it's actually the most beautiful thing in the world. Don't you want to have kids one day?
Emily: yeah, but I don't want to go through all that pain
Cameron: I know it's isn't easy, but in the end you will love the progress
Emily: okay
Cameron: plus their are other ways to give birth and you won't even feel the pain if you get medication for it
Emily: really?
Cameron: really
Ethan: do we have to listen to this?
Cameron: yes you do, what if one day Emily comes to you and tell you she got pregnant from a boy in school
Ethan/Grayson: hell no!
Grayson: she better not or I'm gonna kill her and the boy!
Emily: I would never be stupid and get myself pregnant
Cameron: you never know Emily, there's a lot of girls that get pregnant at 16
Emily: I'm not those girls and I'm not 16, my brothers told me if a guy tries to kiss me, to kick them where it hurts
Grayson: that's my girl *high fives her*
Cameron: boys!
Ethan/Grayson: sorry...
Cameron: I'm just saying Emily, be careful
Emily: I will Cameron, you got nothing to worry about. I got amazing siblings that are raising me to be a presentable women
Grayson: that's my girl
Emily: *smiles* so can we go shopping like you promised me?
Cameron: tomorrow, it's late now, we still need to eat dinner
Grayson: crap, I forgot to prepare dinner tonight
Emily: am I gonna starve?
Ethan: relax, I will just order out to eat
Cameron: do you guys order out to eat a lot?
Ethan/Grayson/Emily: pfff.... no....
Cameron: Grayson, you know all those junk food isn't good for Emily, do you at least cook for her every once in a while?
Grayson: of course I do! Right Emily, tell her about the awesome pasta we had for dinner the other day
Emily: it was yummy in my tummy *rubs belly*
Cameron: hmm...
Ethan: I'm gonna do Uber Eats what do you guys want?
Grayson/Emily: Sushi/McDonalds
Grayson: no McDonalds
Emily: but Grayson!
Grayson: it is unhealthy, right Cameron?
Cameron: right...
Emily: *pouts* fine... Taco Bell
Cameron: I'll have sushi as well
Ethan: alright 2 votes on Sushi, 1 vote on Taco Bell. I'll go with Taco Bell as well. So we will have to order separately
Cameron: alright, but you young lady are gonna have home made food tomorrow night
Emily: *mumbles* this sucks
Cameron: what?
Emily: nothing! *smiles innocently at her big sister*
Cameron: hmph...

Chapter End Notes:
This Part 1 of Cameron's visit, Part 2 will be in chapter 12!

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