Book Of Requests

By theputus-ba

81K 6.5K 2.5K

Collection of one shots. More

Find me
All day long
All day long 2
Marry You
Best Part
Inside the clinic
Flashbulb Memory
Baby Doll
A Wish
7 deadly sins
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
What if
The Correct Distance
Heart attack
Midnight Secret
Fill in the blanks
Password 2
You make me feel
Fuwa Fuwa Time
Love or Punishment
Prince Charming
New Year Resolution
The Whistle
A Handshake
Things i'll never say
The cycle
The Untouched Contact
Status war
Your smile
His love
The shy smile
Pink milk
Worth it
My Darling
Hey Stranger
Psycho Saiyaan

Under my Umbrella

941 98 31
By theputus-ba

Starring a mischievous Arthit.


What was about it that caught his attention.

What was about it, that he still remembers it clearly.

What was about it, that he wanted a repeat of that.

And maybe something more too?

It had started raining, as soon as it was lunch break, so most people stayed inside.

But during the end of it, it had reduced to a drizzle, and even the sun peeked out from behind the clouds.

Which resulted in a rainbow.

And Who doesn't love rainbows?

So Kongpob, rushed to the rooftop, to get a better view of it. He didn't mind getting a bit wet.

And as expected, the rainbow was beautiful.

Kongpob smiled in awe, at the tricks of nature. Seriously, some things, are just too fantastic, that you can't help but be mesmerized.

But he caught something, from the corner of his eye.

A red colour.

A red umbrella to be exact.

He turned around, to get a better view, and was struck with what he saw.

He couldn't see the full face, because of the umbrella. But he saw the smile.

Unadulterated, pure,beautiful.

And in Kongpob's view, that person looked like an angel.

Maybe, that was why, he couldn't forget it.


Ever since that day, Kongpob had developed a strange habit.

Whenever, he saw boys of a particular complexion, he would stretch his arm out, and keep his palm in a particular position, that it would cover half of that person's face and only their mouth was visible.

And he was sure that person was a boy.

Because thankfully, he had noticed that person wearing a boy's uniform.

But that hadn't made the task any easier.

He had been trying for a week already, but with no results.

Once, he had even peeked inside a red umbrella to check that person, but failed.

It was one annoyingly, but very popular senior called Bright.

And it had rained only once more after that, to spot any more red umbrellas.


He was passing by some senior's classrooms, when P'Bright and his group of friends appeared.

Come to think of it, he was in front of their classroom.

He quickly got away, as they entered the class.

But Kongpob did a double take when something caught his attention.

And before he could carry out his test, that scary senior went inside.

Was that person him?

A tiny doubt crept into his mind.

What if he was?

Could he check it? Kongpob didn't think that senior would appreciate if Kong carried out that small test with him.

Besides, that senior was always frowning.

Could he ever smile like that?


There it was.

Kongpob was just hanging around the rooftop, watching people leaving the  school, in order to find someone.

And he didn't cared that it had started drizzling.

In fact, he considered it helpful.

Helpful in finding that person.

And it did.

As he spotted a red umbrella again.

Something told Kong that this was him.

So he rushed downstairs, towards that person. And very daringly, stood in front of him.

And he saw it.

He was the same person.

Half of his face was still hidden, but the smile was there.

But not that pure one, it was a mischievous one.

Kongpob slowly peeked inside the umbrella, and was taken aback by the sight.

It was a smiling, and not frowning P'Arthit.

"You found me", Arthit said and pulled Kongpob inside his umbrella.

And just like that, Kongpob was pulled inside his charm too.


"So you knew I was searching for you?"

"Of course I did"

"But .. how, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it was fun", said Arthit ,with  his now patent mischievous smile, and twinkle in his eyes.

If Kongpob thought Arthit looked like an angel before, now he looked like a human. Very human. His human.

He smiled," you know, I thought you looked like an angel that day when it was raining, and there was a rainbow."

"Hmmm... strange"

"What's strange?"

" I thought you looked like an angel too, with sun shining behind you. And that was what made me smile"

As kongpob stood surprised, Arthit smacked his lips on Kongpob and ran away.

Leaving a now stunned Kongpob behind.


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