Skywalkers Apprentice || Kylo...

By xCornDogx

1.8K 19 2

Please read this! Sent off to train with Master Luke Skywalker by your orphanage once your powers first awoke... More

Chapter One || Ben
Chapter Two || Love
Chapter Three || Luke
Chapter Four || Apprentice
Chapter Five || Jakku
Chapter Six || Finn
Chapter Seven || Han
Chapter Eight|| Maz
Chapter Ten|| Monster
Chapter Eleven|| Master
Chapter Twelve|| Connection
Chapter Thirteen|| Snoke
Chapter Fourteen|| Rocks

Chapter Nine|| Kylo

113 1 0
By xCornDogx

I stop. My eyes burn with hot tears. This feeling. I turn my eyes to the sky. I watch the red beam in the distance. I hold my hand over my heart. I can feel it. The death. The destruction. The horror. A tear slipping down my cheek. No. I close my eyes and snap my head down. I shake my head. "No." I open my eyes and run further into the forest. All those lives lost. I stop and catch my breath against a tree. I jump at the beeping. "What are you doing here little buddy?" I ask approaching BB-8. He beeps at me. "We have to go back. Something bad is happening." I squat down. "BB-8, I felt it all those people." I stop at the sounds from above. Shit. Various First Order ships flying overhead. I run as fast as I can back to the building. I stop at the tree line. The ship's blast at the old structure. No. I watch in horror as part of the building crumbles off. I watch a different looking ship land not too far off. "FN-417 hold position." The sound of a stormtrooper catches my attention. I quickly draw my blaster. I pull the trigger and it clicks. "Fuck," I mumble flipping the safety off. A shot flies right past my head and I take my shot. BB-8 beeps at me. "I guess it's hard to miss with the force." I brush the credit off. I turn firing on other troopers in the distance. I turn on my heels and book it. I turn around a tree and land a shot on the trooper following me. "Fuck yeah!" I pump my fist. I squat next to BB-8 as I fetch my saber. "You have to keep going. Stay out of sight little buddy." I order. "I'll try to fight them off." I sacrifice. BB-8 beeps at me nervously. "I hope so, too. Be safe, little buddy." I usher him.

I grip my saber tight in my hand. I quickly close my eyes for a second while I jog. "Be with me." I breath snapping my eyes open. I clench my jaw and try to keep my mind clear. I look around. My heart racing. Leaves rustling. A soft whirring. Someone is here. I can feel it. Soft lightsaber hums in the distance. I make my way down into a small canyon. My senses at max as I look all around me. My palms sweaty. My air gets caught in my throat as he the man from my vision with the red saber rounds a corner. I quickly turn and run. He follows swiftly behind me. I quickly stop as a tree drops in front of me. My jaw clenched tight as I turn to face him. He approaches me. "The Jedi girl I've heard so much about." His voice is ominous and distorted by his mask. He steps closer. I tens up as he circles around me. "Luke Skywalker." My eyes widen. He knows. I gasp as his saber comes close to my head meeting mine. "Where is he?" He asks grossing to stand in front of me. "Y/n." My eyes widen. "How do you-." I'm cut off by something suddenly hitting the back of my head and my vision goes black as I fall into his arms.

I jolt awake. Immediately finding myself constrained. "What the hell?" I grumble leaning my head back. I look down ant the weird chair restraining me. My eyes meeting the dark masked man in front of me. "Where am I?" I ask looking around. "You're my guest." He teases. "Oh, a sense of humor in this one." I scoff under my breath. I look up at him determined. "What did you do with my friends?" I ask. "Do you mean the murderers? Traitors, and thieves you call friends?" He insults. I roll my eyes. "You'll be relieved to hear I have no idea. You still want to kill me." He observes. I can feel him trying to pick around in my brain. "That happens when you're being haunted by a creature in a mask." I huff staring him down. He reaches up and there's a loud click followed by a sharp hissing. He stands ripping his helmet off. I choke on my words. My eyes burning. "Ben?" I ask trying to choke back emotion. His hair has grown so much fluffier. My instincts failing me with the want to run my fingers through it. He slams his helmet down. He comes close to me and I close my eyes. Everything flooding back to me. I shake my head as a hot tear slips from my eye. How could he do this? "It still haunts you doesn't it?" His voice deeper than ever. Sending chills down my spine. I turn my head away from him. "Tell me about the droid." He asks. I shift my jaw. "He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan vindicator." So my malicious compliance begins. "it's carrying a section of a navigation chart." He interrupts. "And we have the rest." He looks off and my eyes snap to admire him. "Recovered from the archives of the Empire." I quickly look away when he looks at me. "But we need the last piece. And you've seen it." I bite my lips. "And I know that Luke took you with him." He looks up thinking. "How did you survive?" He asks. He feels so void of all emotion. "What I did should have killed you." He notes. "Master has his ways. He found me after you left me to die." I snip. "Y/n." He whispers coming closer. My body betrays me with its want for him. "You know I can take whatever I want." I snap my head to him. "I'd like to see you try." I hiss. He leans closer to my face. My body feels hot. My heart fluttering. No. Don't give in. This isn't Ben. Ben's gone. His hand hovers close to my head. It's painful. His attempt to rummage through my mind. I won't let him. I close my eyes in an attempt to focus. "You're so lonely." He speaks low next o my ear. I clench my jaw. "So afraid to leave." More hot tears rolling down my cheek. I can't imagine the hurt Master felt when he saw I was gone. "At night, desperate to sleep. You recall your memories of Ben." I let out a sob and quickly restrain myself. "I feel it. The warmth you felt when I was with you. The completeness. Now empty." I sniffle. "And Han Solo. You feel like he's the father you never had. He would have disappointed you." "Get out of my head," I growl. He backs away keeping his hand up still trying. "I know you've seen the map. It's in there. And now you'll give it to me." He instructs. I let out a struggled gasp as he pushes his way in my head harder. "Don't be afraid. I feel it, too." "I'm not giving you anything." I hiss. "We'll see." He's determined like Ben. But the light in his eyes, it's faded and broke. I hold eye contact as he pushes harder and harder. I can't let him. I slowly sit up closer to his hand. He wavers at the feeling of me pushing into his head. "You," I grunt. "You're afraid. That you will never be as strong as Darth Vader!" I exclaim. He rips his hand back. The relief washing over my mind as the strain leaves.



"The little girl resisted you?" Snoke grumbles. "She is strong with the Force. You know she trained with Luke. She's stronger than she knows." I explain. "And the droid?" Snoke questions. I gulp. "Ren believed it was no longer valuable to us. That his little ex-girlfriend was all we needed." I straighten myself out at the sound of Hux's voice. I can't appear disheveled in front of him. Not Hux. "As a result, the droid has most likely been returned to the hands of the enemy," Hux informs. "They may have the map already." Hux scoffs. "Then the Resistance must be destroyed before they get to Skywalker." Snoke orders. "We have their location. We tracked their reconnaissance ship to the Ileenium system." How did Y/n survive? I still can't wrap my head around it. "Good. Then we will crush them once and for all. Prepare the weapon." He orders Hux. I can't let him one up me. "Supreme Leader, I can get the map from the girl. I just need your guidance." I request as Hux makes his leave. "If what you say about this girl is true. Bring her to me." He orders. 

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