Chapter Eleven|| Master

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I walk down the ramp a few minutes after Chewie took Finn. I look over to an older woman approaching me slowly. I walk to her as well. She pulls me down into a hug. Ben's mom, Princess Leia. Her hug is warm and refreshing. I feel comforted, she has the same warmth to her as Ben did.


I stand with her in the base. "I know where he is just don't know how to get there," I explain to Leia. "General. R2 may contain some much-needed good news." Threepio interrupts. The maps! I watch as R2 projects the main part of the map and BB-8 fits in the last piece. Master, I'm coming home.


I say my farewell to an unconscious Finn and head out with R2 and Chewie in my new clothes. Tough boots with my black pants tucked into them, resting at my hips. A small bit of my skin peeking through between them and my off-white shirt layered under a leather jacket similar to Hans. I clip Luke's saber to my belt and take my seat in the ship. The ride is much smoother with Chewie directing me. We jump through light speed and make it there in no time. I smile at the sight of home. Chewie and R2 Hang behind as I journey up.

I find Master looking out at the sea in his cloak. "Master," I call to him. He quickly turns to face me and lowers his hood. "Y/n?" He questions as I approach. I unclip his saber and hold it out to him. He slowly approaches me. He gently takes it from my hand and looks up at me. He suddenly chucks it over his shoulder. "Master?!" I exclaim as he walks past me. I force grab the saber and clip it back to my side. He raises his hand hushing me. I follow him back down to our village. How I've missed home. He closes his hut door behind him. "Master Luke?" I call for him. He's acting like a child. "I found the Resistance, we need you," I explain. "Leia sent me. We really need your help." I plead but he just ignores me. I huff and walk off. I make my way back to the ship to get Chewie and R2.

Chewie bangs on Master Luke's door. "Go away." Master Luke calls out. Chewie resorts to breaking the door down. Chewie rushes in yelling at Master Luke. I follow behind him. "Chewie, what are you doing here?" Master questions. "He said you're coming back with us." I translate. "Why did you come back here?" "Long story. We'll tell you on the Falcon." I rush. "Falcon?" He recalls. "Wait. Where's Han?" I clench my jaw.

"I'm almost positive there's no light left in Kylo Ren," I explain to Master Luke. "He's only getting stronger, Master. The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks. We need your help. I need your help." I admit. "You don't need me." He looks up from where he sits. "Did you hear what I said, Master?" I ask. "You think what? I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order?" He mocks. He stands up. "What did you think was going to happen when you came back here? Do you think I brought us to the most unfindable place in the galaxy for no reason at all? You know I gave up the Jedi path. Now, go away." He grumbles walking away. Even my Master has lost hope. "I'm not leaving without you!" I call out to him, but he doesn't respond. Judging by the suns it's time to go prepare for supper. It's like I never left getting back into the swing of things.

The next morning I wait out front of Master Luke's hut. He huffs and walks past me. "You're wasting your time." He's so stubborn. But so am I. He basically raised me after all. I follow loosely behind Master Luke as he makes his way up the hill. I stop. I feel the pull of the force again. I make my way to the source, it's the place where Master keeps the sacred Jedi texts. Master never let me read them. "What are you doing?" Master asks in the doorway behind me. "This place. It was calling me." I admit. He moves passed me to the books. "Just like you, these books are the last of the Jedi religion." He turns to me. "This place, it calls you." He pauses. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "The Resistance sent me," I repeat. "The Resistance sent me." He mumbles under his breath mockingly. "No, why are you here. Why did you come back? You." He presses. "Like I've said the Resistance sent me. We need your help, Master." I repeat for the third time. "Y/n. We both know you came here for something else. So what is it?" He knows me too well. I bite my lip thinking. "I want answers." "Answers to what?" He knows exactly what I'm going to say. "The night the temple fell," I admit looking down as he brushes past me leaving the tree. I nod. That's what I expected. I shake my head and leave the sacred place.

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