Chapter One || Ben

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 "Hey!" My arms catching me as I fall back to the ground. I can feel the scrape on my elbow start to sting. The smallest pebbles and rocks under me pressing painfully against my exposed bits of skin. A few kids from the temple standing over me. The boy holding my small red metal doll, the only thing I have left of my birth parents. "That's mine! Give it back!" I demand, rising to my feet. He and his small group of friends all look at me with a sense of amusement in their eyes. "Freaks don't deserve nice things." He snips at me.

A few days ago, in training, I may have had a bit of a moment where I lost control. I accidentally sent my sparring partner flying back almost through one of the temple walls. I didn't try to do it, it just happened. Master Luke seemed very concerned at the sudden peak in my Force abilities. This particular group of kids have teased me since. "Just give it back." I huff approaching him. Two of his friends stepping closer to us as a warning. I reach out to take it back and then he raises his training saber to get me to back off. We're 13 but Master Luke doesn't think we're ready for real sabers quite yet.

He swings it and smacks my hand away from him. "I'm surprised Master Luke hasn't sent you away yet for being such a freak. It's unfair to us other kids having to be around you." I furrow my brows probably as deep as I can and storm closer. My anger bringing a spark of challenge in his eyes. Before I can do anything, he brings the wooden saber down hard across my face. I stumble back and another kid trips me with his. Back on the ground where I started. The kids snickering around me mumbling things about me being a freak and a disgrace. "Wait, I think the freak is trying to speak." Hot tears burning in my eyes. "Please," I mumble. "I'm sorry what was that?" He mocks. "P-Please, give it back. I won't tell." I speak louder. "P-p-p-please, give it back." He mocks.

"Hey!" A new voice calls from the right of us. All our heads turn. Its Master Luke's nephew. His eyes meet mine. He never really spoke to any of us, he simply stayed out of the way and did as told. His eyes scan the situation. Me on the floor, bleeding and crying. The boy with his sword drawn and my metal doll in his hand. The rest of the snickering kids around us. The kids growing more worried by the second. He silently approaches us. His back to me defensively. He reaches his hand out. "Give it back." His voice is stern. The boy takes a moment to consider his options. "Why don't you come get it?" He teases taking a step back. This won't end well. Masters' nephew draws his training saber as well. Before I can bat an eyelash, the boy is holding his bloody nose scurrying off with his friends.

Master Luke's nephew turns to me. With a bloody fist and my doll in hand. He reaches his hand out to me. I reach up and take his hand. He pulls me effortlessly to my feet. Awkwardly close to him now I take a step back. "Thank you." I smile awkwardly brushing myself off. "Y/n." I don't know why I just told him my name he didn't ask. "Ben." He smiles slightly but it quickly fades. "I believe this is yours." He notes handing me the doll. "Yes, thanks, again." I softly take the doll from his hand. I return it to its place at my side. "I'm sorry. It's not fair of them to treat you that way." He speaks on their behalf.

"I don't blame them after what I did." We've somehow ended up walking together. "I almost killed my partner. I still seem to have no control over myself after all these years." I confess. "I understand. It was hard for me too, but Master Luke has helped me through a lot of it." He admits. "I wish I had an uncle like yours to help me." I joke. "I'm sure if I explained your concerns to him, he wouldn't mind assisting a bit more." He offers. "Really? Would you mind? I don't want to be weird." "I'm offering it to you that's not weird." He reassures. He seems so put together. "Ben!" Master Luke calls out to him in the distance. He stops and turns to me. "I have to go." His hand ever so slightly brushes my shoulder. "It was nice meeting you, Y/n." Before I can speak, he's gone. Ben Solo, you certainly are something.


After that day our friendship blossomed. We grew closer as time passed. Both he and Luke had done a lot for me training-wise. Learning to control myself better. A couple of years later I stand with Ben just outside his hut. We watch the older class training off in the distance. "Y/n." His deeper voice speaks up next to me. I turn my head to look into his eyes. I feel my heart flutter. As we've grown closer, I've found myself having some feelings for him. He's so gentle and kind. His eyes wander down as his hand softly and timidly moves to touch mine. "I know that we're good friends, in fact, you're my only friend," He starts. "But I think-." He meets my gaze. "I want more than that." He turns to face me completely bringing himself closer to me.

Am I dreaming? Is this real. "What are you trying to say?" My voice was weak. He stands in front of me. Ever so slowly moving closer to me. "I...I just..." He trails on as his face moves closer to mine. Being the impatient teenager I am, I close the gap for him. His plush lips softly covering mine. His hand gently holding the back of my head. I don't know if it was me or him that pulled back, but someone did. His forehead resting on mine. "Ben." "Hmm?" His breath lightly hitting my face.

"I feel the same."

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