Chapter Ten|| Monster

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I let out a harsh grunt as I force unlock my restraints. I stumble to my feet and raise my hand before the trooper can fire. "It's okay I escaped." He relaxes. "It's cool you got out." "You didn't see me," I order. "I didn't see you." He complies. Then I wave my hand down and he falls to the ground asleep. I take his blaster and I force open the door, swiftly making my way out. Ducking behind walls to stay hidden. I round a corner and come face to face with a general. I wave my hand. "It's okay I'm here." "It's okay you're here." "I'm looking for my lightsaber, where is it?" I ask. The general directs me to it and I lay her gently on the ground after putting her to sleep. I always feel bad doing that to them. But I have to escape. I have to protect Master Luke. I rush down the hall but it's heavily guarded. Shit. I can't get it. I lean my head against the wall. I don't have time for this. I frantically search for a way out. This ship is elaborate and confusing. I squat down and close my eyes. "Be with me." I furrow my brows focusing. I open my eyes and my feet guide me to a ship hangar. I look around. There are troopers everywhere. I have to move quickly. I ling the blaster over my shoulder and climb down the side. The force guiding me to pull a lever and climb inside. I'm trusting you.

I exit another one and continue my climb. This shit is crazy man. I pull myself up and make my way down the walkway searching cautiously around me. I turn a corner and run right into someone. The strong hands stabilizing me. "Hey, hey." It's Finn. Peering over his shoulder it's Han and Chewie as well. "Guys." I smile. "You alright?" Han asks as Finn lets me go. "Yeah." I nod. "Good." Han smiles. "What happened to you? Did he hurt you?" Finn asks searching my eyes. "Finn, what are you doing here?" I ask. He left. He gave up. "We came back for you." Chewie chimes in. "What did he say?" Finn asks. "That it was your idea." I smile. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. His arm hooks around my back and holds my neck. "Thank you. I'm so glad you didn't give up." "Me too." He chuckles. "What happened?" "I can't explain all of it but I'm okay now," I reassure. "Escape now, hug later." Han interrupts. I release Finn and follow after Han quickly. "Han." "What?" "It's Ben I saw him," I whisper. "I figured you might." "You knew where he was?" I ask. "He goes by Kylo Ren now." I just bite my tongue and follow Han. We make our way into the cold outside. X-wings and TIE fighters battling above us. "They're in trouble. We can't leave." I protest. Han turns to us. "My friends got a bag full of explosives. Let's use them." I smile. "Let's do this."

We split up and I run back into the base with Finn. "There!" Finn whisper yells spotting the control panel Han told us to find. I rush over and pry it open. I search around for the part he described. "Ah!" I reach my hand in and rip it out. I turn to Finn for a high five. We make our way back outside. "Here." Finn nudges me with his jacket in hand. "It's cold." I take the jacket. "Thank you." I pull it on and look up at the fleeting light. "We have to hurry." I rush him up the ladder. I force open the door and step in returning Finn's jacket. I peer down at the scene below us. Han stands in front of Ben. I mean, Kylo Ren. I can't quite hear them all we can do is watch. Finn places his hand on my lower back. I watch as Kylo removes his mask. I step forward and grip the railing. "Finn, I have to tell you something," I mumble. "What?" "I know him." I gulp. "Kylo Ren, I knew him when he was still Ben. I trained with him under Master Luke." I turn to Finn. "That's how I knew what happened. I was there. And I've known where Master Luke was this whole time. He brought me with him when he retired." Finn furrows his brows. "You're saying its real? The map, all of it?" I nod. "And Ben." I turn back to them. "Ben was my only friend." I fight back tears. "And I loved him. A long time ago I loved him, and he loved me. But something happened and it changed him." I close my eyes. "I just felt like you should know everything. The full story." His hand returns to my lower back. "Y/n. It's okay. I'm here. I understand." I shake my head watching Han approaching him. "This is dangerous. He tried to kill me when he was still conflicted. Now that he's completely gone why wouldn't he try to kill Han?" "Because he's his father. Han will get through to him." He reassures. "I hope so." I huff. I clench my jaw as Han stands so close to Kylo. I jump slightly at the clank of him dropping his helmet. Suddenly the sky is growing darker. Finn and I turn back. I look back and it feels like I'm having an out of body experience. Kylo plunges his saber right through Han. "NO!" The blood-curdling scream crawling out from my throat. Finn steps back in shock. I can't look away as Han falls off the platform. "No!" I sob. How could he do this? Why?! I'm broken from my trance when Chewie fires a shot scraping Kylo. I grip the railing hard my death glare boring into Kylo as Finn shoots next to me. The explosive detonates and Kylo looks up at me. Finn wraps his arm around my waist and drags me with him. "The Falcon's this way." He informs me as he pulls me up the rock. I sling my blaster back over my shoulder and follow after him. We race through the trees. The sound of a lightsaber activating ahead of us draws our attention. My eyes wandering up to meet the eyes of my lost love. Finn grabs my shaking hand. Kylo's eyes wandering to it. His eyes snap back up. "We're not done yet," Kylo speaks up. "You're a monster." I spit. I can't believe him. "It's just us now. Han Solo can't save you." He mocks. How can he be so cruel? He pounds his fist against the wound on his side. Blood sprinkling in the white snow. I raise my blaster and he force shoves me back into the air against a tree. The air leaves my body and my vision goes black once more.



The traitor flocks to her side. "She's mine you know." I bark at him. It angers me watching him cradle her head in his hands. "Traitor!" I shout. He ignites Luke's lightsaber. "That lightsaber and Y/n belong to me!" I snap. "Come get 'em." He's stubborn.


Purple light wavering and screams of pain ringing in my head. I open my eyes for them to adjust to the scene of Finn fighting against Kylo. I sit up as Kylo swings Luke's saber away from Finn. I quickly scramble to my feet. Finn drops to the ground and Kylo reaches for the saber. "Oh no, you don't," I mutter quietly. I raise my hand closing my eyes. "Be with me." I open my eyes as it makes contact with my hand. Kylo looks to me as I glare and ignite the saber. He draws his as well. "Angel." He speaks softly to me. I tens up and storm towards him. "Don't you dare call me that!" I shout slashing down at him meeting his saber every time. His fighting has always been more reserved than my aggressive and reckless way of moving. "Angel, please!" He pleads fending me off. "I don't want to hurt you." He exclaims. "I told you not to call me that!" He lets out a loud grunt. "Fine!" He pushes on the offense coming at me hard. He pushes me back closer to an opening ravine behind me. "Y/n please!" He shouts as he holds his saber against mine as I lean back over certain death. "Don't make me do this. Come with me." His voice is calm and gentle. He sounds like Ben. I close my eyes and breathe. "I'm sorry Ben," I respond letting a hot tear slip from my eyes. I kick him back with my foot and fight harder than I ever have. My sudden burst of strength seems to have thrown him off because I manage to slash his leg. He grunts and drops to his knee. I take a step back as he swings forward at me. I step forward and burn his shoulder. He may not be Ben, but he still looks and sounds like him. He stumbles back away from me but doesn't fall. He finds his footing and I force shove him over. He comes at me and I grab his wrist as he grabs mine. His face close to mine as we both hold each other's sabers away. His face closer to mine as I drive his saber into the snow. His breath hitting my face. The flood gates of memories and emotions overtaking me. I find myself lost in his eyes. "Angel." He whispers tenderly. I clench my jaw. "I can feel your conflict, you still love me." He almost pleads. I don't break eye contact. "I do love you." He almost smiles. "And I'm so sorry." I sob. His eyes widen and I rip away from him spinning and slashing up at his face. He yelps and falls back into the snow. He sits up slightly in the snow looking at me. A horrible gash down his face and shoulder. "What have I done?" I ask looking down at the saber in my hand. Before I can consider going to him the ground between us begins to rip open. I retract my saber and bite my lip turning to run away. My tears drying and my feet thudding hard against the ground until Finn finally comes to view. "Finn!" I shout dropping to my knees next to him. I stand and start trying to drag him. A bright light appearing next to us. I smile its Chewie in the Falcon. He rushes out and carries Finn for me. 

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