Chapter Four || Apprentice

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"Breathe." Master Luke instructs. I focus on simply moving the rock to my hand nothing more. The rock slowly and unsteadily moves to my hand. "Good. Much better than last week." Master Luke praises. "Thank you, Master." I nod. I set the rock down. We've been working on my Force control since the accident a month ago. "Now, I want you to pass the rock to me." He says placing the rock in my hand. He stands a few feet away. We practice this for days until I finally manage to swiftly pass the rock to him without nearly wounding him.

"I'm very pleased with your progress." "It's all thanks to you, Master." I acknowledge. He hands me my saber. "That rock." He points out to a large rock at the edge of a cliff. "Don't break it." He instructs. I nod. I walk out of the old training room to the rock. Master Luke stands under the entrance watching closely. I maneuver myself around only slipping up a bit here and there taking small chunks of the rock out. "Enough." Master Luke calls to me. I re-clip my saber to my side turning to face him. "We're done for the day." He turns and heads back to the village.


I sit up in my bed feeling like I can't breathe. I gasp out for air and finally catch my breath. I freeze. I slowly turn my head to the strong feeling of a dark presence. I place my bare feet on the ground and call my saber to my hand. I walk down the hills towards the call in the soft drizzle of rain. I stand to overlook the place I am forbidden to go. The dark place on the island.

The ominous hold drawing me in. I grip my saber tighter in my hand. The darkness, I feel the need to go to it. I want to go to it. Not to submit to it but to overcome it. I desire to defeat it and prove to Master Luke I am a worthy Jedi. I shift to move forward only to have a firm grasp on my arm stop me. I am swung around to face Master Luke. "What are you doing?" The concern in his eyes matching his voice. "I don't know," I admit turning to look back at the hole. The pull is gone. I turn back to Luke. "The dark, it was calling me." "Calling you to submit?" He asks frantically searching my eyes. "No." I object. "Calling me to defeat it. I want to conquer it." I explain. He releases my arm. "You feel the call to the path of the Jedi." I nod. "Suppress it." He orders turning on his heels.

I quickly follow after him. "But why Master Luke?" I press. "That life will only leave you with defeat and misery." "Master Luke." He stops and turns to me. "I know that after Ben you-." "I told you to not bring that up." He snaps. "Why?" I press stepping closer to him. What was once a gentle rain now beginning to pour down on us. "What happened that night?" I ask. "No." I draw my saber. He steps back. "Tell me!" I command. He takes a deep breath. "Just, put that away." He gestures nervously to my saber. I comply and it retracts into its hilt. "That night. Where do I start? I felt the immense power in Ben. As I do in you. But I felt something different in him. I felt darkness in his heart. Slowly corrupting his mind. I could feel the dark side calling for him. I feared his power and what might happen once he finally gave in and turned. So, I did something unspeakable." He looks down shamefully.

"Master, what did you do?" I ask. "By the time I realized how much the darkness had begun to persuade him, it was too late." "What did you do?!" I shout. "I visited him that night with the intention of confronting him, but he turned on me. I didn't even have my saber. He attacked me, crushing his hut over my head." He remembers. "He must have thought I was dead. When I came too, I found you barely clinging to the last bit of life in you, and the temple was burning. He had vanished along with a small handful of my students and slaughtered everyone else. Including you." He explains.

I shake my head. "I don't think he intended to kill me. I think he had planned to either let me live or take me with him. He wouldn't hurt me." "But he did." "But you didn't see how he reacted. I came at him fast he didn't even turn to look at me until after he stabbed me. The small bit of light that was left in his eyes faded the moment he recognized me and what he had just done. He told me he was sorry, and I wasn't supposed to be a part of this." I explain. Master Luke nods. "It may be that you were the only thing holding him back, and once he had unintentionally killed you it may have been what pushed him completely over the edge." Master Luke theorizes. I nod. "But Master, why did you never tell me what happened that night?" "I didn't want to resurface old wounds, for the both of us. I also didn't want to trigger any ideas in that mischievous head of yours." He jokes. I nod. "I understand, Master." "And maybe a part of me doesn't want to admit that I failed Ben." He turns away slowly walking back. I catch up quickly. "Master, for what it's worth, I don't think you failed Ben. Ben failed you." He nods with guilt in his eyes.


I sit back in my bed. I stare at the fire, lost in thought. My mind wandering back to the image of Ben standing over Luke crushed in the rubble. To attack Master Luke. Unprovoked like that. He didn't even have his saber. His saber? I sit up. I think harder closing my eyes. My eyes open and I'm back at that place. The night quiet and still. Ben standing there.

My eyes scan the whole image. What is the Force trying to show me? What do I need to see? My eyes wandering to Master Luke. He lays helpless under the rubble. His saber next to his hand. Why? Master Luke just told me he didn't have his saber? So why is it here in my memory? Is this the truth? Did Master lie to me? I'm back sitting in my hut signaling that I've seen what I was supposed to. I look to my stuff. Master Luke, you've made your decision, to hide from what you've done, and I've made mine.

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